Hey I disabled my D stance last arena and ya ALMOST had me
Guess inactives shouldn't get credited kills either if someone kills themselves on one trying to prevent their attacker from getting the health reward(successfully I might add for the first time)
I get the point of it.
But hey,those inactives might not of crossed your path,they sure did cross the paths of other players.
So yes,again,inactives have the greater chance of getting knocked out.
Inactives making it up the ranks is something I like about the arena.
That is random how inactives can make it up there.
Random fight list,random chance of how you get knocked out,how can anyone possibly want it more random?
If you're saying inactives show up less than actives,then next arena should be interesting as I won't get to participate in it.
Wonder how long I can escape detection.
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