arena fight list is random?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    Protecter, a change of 3 or 4 people when a list consists of what 20 or 25 people, i think its that much, is not a random change. I refreshed sometimes and only saw 1 or 2 different names.
  2. It matters not if I killed you or you took the coward's way out, dead is dead and a celebration was had by all on our team. :) And I find it HIGHLY amusing that you are already making excuses for the next arena.

    It seems that you and your mentor choose to make excuses rather than a genuine effort. So save it for someone who buys it.
  3. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    Maybe he would do better if he acutally tried, instead of complaining about stuff all the time. Ohh wait, i dont think he can stop complaining... so nvm that thing about him trying.
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey that was YOUR list.

    Mine looked fairly different with maybe 3 or 4 the same.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    the one thing that has remained constant from the very beginning is that the whole list does not refresh. I realize that with things being "random" it is entirely possible that some players can potentially keep reappearing on ones fight list, but this is not the case here. Usually its the top of the fight list that never changes and the players that dont get changed out are always in the same order.

    Secondly...for the players that do get swapped out upon refreshing...they too come up in a very non random way, they come up in groups of the same players in the same order, as if the randomizer is selecting groups of players at random rather than individual players at random
  6. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    just got to toss in my 2 cents. I dont feel like its random either. I have witnessed very little change from the way it originally was.

    Everyone starts on the same page. Its obvious. those few people on my first list.... all dead almost immediatley with the exception of the wickedly strong in defesnse.

    Names will show up repeatedly, never finding a new name, until hours later. leaving myself the question, how in the world is it, that if it was random that i seen theese 10 players on my list 500 times, and never seen any of theese other 10 players that just started showing up over and over now.

    I get some truly random names... about... 2 or 3 will be random, every 10th time i refresh my list.

    I am still seeing a lot of the old battle list habits too, of active players showing up more... as in I know somone just got a killl, because i either helped them get it, or they stole it from me. and all of the sudden they show up on my list. or i get a kill, and im suddenly getting a bunch of little pecks.

    I have also noticed, that its a more for somone to show up on your list, if they are being attacked and "going down". Giving people a chance to snipe it.

    Its also proof that the list is not random because Getting you kills sniped is THE WORST at the start of the round, with a truly random list, nobody would get a snipe until the list started dwendeling down to the 3-400.

    honestly, i was under the impression this last factor is exactly why we where not given a random list. only "told" that we where.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2012
  7. Yeah I got to agree it doesn't seem random to me, there's been times where my list of people won't refresh at all and all I see is the same people, usually the ones with high health/defense that everyone doesn't touch at the start...
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    looks as if once again u r missing the point and just trying to stir the pot. If things arent random then u can hardly blame an active player for not taking an inactive out, just as it is unfair for either an inactive or active player to show up on everyone's first fight list. If someone is not appearing on peoples fight ist because they are falling through some crack in a flawed system its pretty difficult to assess whether they are a threat is it not? With that said...Ive never seen an active player slip through the cracks until the very obviously the system is biased in some way. Inactives have the better chance of getting knocked out....what planet r u from??? Considering u very rarely do squat in the arena.....why dont u actually leave the discussion to the big boys n girls who actually have a clue what were talking about and actually want to help the game rather than just to argue for argument sake. Now go sit at the childrens table where you belong.
  9. slave

    slave Member

    nope wrong wrong wrong

    i made it to the final fitty in the last arena, and when we got down to 30, i had brand new names on my rivals list that i hadnt seen before, so before you get so smug about us not having a chance to take out inactives, maybe you should try making it to the end, unfortunately you can only attack what you see on your list and if inactives dont load out on lists till we reach the point where there isnt anyone else to put on the list, that is the problem and that is why inactives commonly rank in the top 100, they just dont show up on peoples fight list, and worse than that, when they finally do show up on peoples fight list they arent even worth taking out, their rewards are too low, xp is too low to waste the time, the stamina, and most importantly at that point in the game, your health, their needs to be a bigger health deduction for inactives, the first few arenas it was 50 percent, then it dropped to 15 percent, im not even sure at this point there is any deduction happening at all.

    I think you should give all arena players the benefit of the doubt and give them 6-10 hours what ever you choose, but once someone has not attacked after the time limit, there should be a deduction each HOUR, to insure their destruction and easy removal.

    that would end all this bs about having inactives in the top 100, what would be even better, while their health was being reduced, is to increase the reward to take them out as well, and make it worthwhile to use your stamina on inferior targets at the late stages.
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Great post....I couldnt agree more
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Those names may not of appeared on YOUR list,but they had to of appeared on other's list.
  12. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    "had to"? and u know this how?
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    It's HIGHLY UNLIKELY that some don't appear at all until near the end.

    That seems highly unlikely.

    So those names would of had to appear on other's list.

  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    u crack me up, u start with "highly unlikely" and conclude with "had to" again. Both of which is just guesswork by u. Did u learn that way of reasoning in public or private school?

    FYI....Ive seen many that did not show up until nearly the end of the arena that had not attacked anyone nor had they been attacked even once. Talk about highly unlikely....what do u think the odds are that multiple players in multiple arenas can go all the way to nearly the end without ever being hit while showing up on fight lists? Especially considering Im in contact with numerous players during the arenas and none of them had ever seen these players either, strange dont ya think

    Dont understand why your posting one of my old arena names....but I did do well with that one....but then again Ive done well with nearly all. That one particularly special for you? Thanks for the fond
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    All the same issues with the fight list were still present in yesterdays MSPC. Once again....everyone I spoke with started with the exact same players in the same order on their fight list. Obviously its a huge disadvantage for the players who start the arena on everyones fight page and it definitely screams "not random" when they show up in a predetermined order for everybody!

    Once again....the top half of the fight list rarely changed as the same players in the same order remained there through dozens and dozens of refreshes. Not Sure how its random when a large portion never changes.

    When the portion of the list that does refresh refreshes....players are showing up in groups rarely individually.

    As stated previously it seems as if groups of players are being shuffled rather than individuals being shuffled. If and when a player or two from a particular group was killed than than those position were not shuffled and were filled by players already on our fight technically things were changing but changing very slowly. This would also explain why things appear a bit more random at the beginning of an arena as it is a much busier time and many more players are being killed.

    Is there not a way to make it more random like shuffling a deck of cards? Right now it seem like Kano is opening a new deck of cards and without shuffling they deal out ten cards, they then remove 2 cards from each ten they deal and then without shuffling they do it all over again so on the second deal players get 8 of the first ten cards and 2 from the second set of ten. The only diff is that some players seem to slip into a crack somewhere due to inactivity and fall of the map until the very end.
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned


    I was shockingly still living in FB arena after i got knocked out on myspace.

    The names WERE changing.

    Maybe it's the fact on MYSPACE theres simply not enough players for it?
  17. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    I know a few of you have been saying this for a while, but it looks like this might be a bug. We're looking more into how the lists are populated, and sorry about the confusion so far.
  18. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Alrighty, so we've pushed a change that should help make the lists populate more randomly. If you're still in the arena now, you should notice the change immediately. Please let us know if you notice a change or not.
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    There's still a arena going on??
  20. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Let's just pretend I said "next arena" and can actually read letters and numbers properly. Uh, so let us know for the next arena.

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