at the beginning of your idea you said
hi all, since i keep joining the arena and there is no way for me to defeat high leveled people, so i just think of an idea that will help all and will make it fair for all different levels to have a big chance to win.
So I took that as your want an "advantage" over those that may have played longer and are higher, maybe advantage is not the right word, but again I feel those that have played longer should not be on equal footing in the arena, as they earned their level and everything that goes along with that hard work, the arena is meant to be a " free for all" last man standing kinda idea, if we were all equal , that would undermine everything long time players have accomplished, that being said , I still have seen mid levels do extremely well in the arena, at your level. btw the arena is not supposed to be fair, kills are stolen, people with higher health are gonna go after those with lower health, so maybe start working on your health between arenas, and develop a strategy,you already notice other's using a strategy, and that is what wins, My first mate came in the top ten and he is a level 4000 plus I came in in the 30's and I am a 3800 plus but I have seen lower levels come in higher in many arenas
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2012