[FB] Defending against a higher level needs tweaking

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by who me?, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. who me?

    who me? New Member

    When one obtains a bounty from a player that is 3000 levels higher than oneself, one is open to attack for the next 24 hours.

    I don't have a problem with that. I'm not gonna whine about it. The payoff was too great.

    But there's an inherent imbalance in the current system where a player can make it impossible for you to play the game and I have a real problem with that.

    I've only run into two instances where something like this happens:

    Attacks from: 653 attacks,2 axe slaps in 1 day Last attacked: 5 minutes ago
    Attacks against: 2 axe slaps,288 counter attacks in 7 hours Last attacked: 29 minutes ago

    I've got the coin and I've got the stamina but when I can only place ten counters at a time, then that is just wrong. If the guy wants to attack me all night and all day instead of kill me then he can because I can't place the counters fast enough and I don't agree with that.

    I caught that bounty. If he's listed again I'll go after it again. This guy isn't going to stop me from playing though he's giving his best shot & I don't think he should get away with that.

    If someone 3000 levels higher than myself is allowed to hit me all he wants for 24 hours then give me some tools to fight back.

    10 counters is nonsense and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of shutting me down.

    Fix it.

    Thank you.
  2. I remember, when I first started playing, counter attacks were unlimited in VC. I had a friend who would set 200 at a time on a higher level player. From what I remember, we went from unlimited to 10 without any discussion. I agree with you, ten is far too small. Even PC gets 75.

    And you're also correct, it's almost impossible to reset them as the higher level player is hitting you. You have a few steps to take to set them and they merely need to pound on the attack button and heal once in a while. Good luck in your quest to right this wrong.
  3. who me?

    who me? New Member

    It's not a quest. If they can spend umpteen hours fiddling with nonsense, then they can take an hour to fix this because it's a real headache.

    I don't care if someone wants to attack me...we're up to 684x now.

    I do care if they expect me to sit here and take it.

    I dont forget this crap. By the time I reach his level he'll be "out of stamina".

    Stock up now buddy.
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    You need to just deal with it for 24 hours, you end up on a rival list you takes your lumps , wind up on mine , and you would get the same thing, so the coin was good, not so the retaliation lol

    the reason PC has 75 is because of the caging feature, which I could do without and be fine with 10 counters in that case
  5. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    If you can't keep up stop trying or use a different method. My technique is to just leave them alone. Don't set anything. If I'm gonna finish something dealing with stamina I'll do it quickly and hide agian. When you set counters and they break them it's like attacking them and the 24 hour waiting period keeps resetting causing you to have to keep setting more counters.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Sorry but if you attacked the high level you knew the consequences.

    24hrs OR until the high level kills or bounties you.

    If you re-attack then you reset the timer.

    I have a rather backwards build on VC and would gladly welcome a lower level hitting me.

    But its not impossible to play it really isnt.

    If this was in the idea section I would give it a 1.

    Oh and attacks against 1 player in 22hrs is 5k in VC PC and LCN.

    Don't be surprised if some hit u every time you heal.

    You might want to play LCN where the "protection"feature is either in play or is about to be in play.

    But in all fairness you hit the high level you deserve what you get.
  7. who me?

    who me? New Member

    Don't have a problem with that Breakfield. Accept the consequences. Have a real problem not being able to set more than 10 counters at a time. That's the point.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If your gonna play with the big boys....than deal with the consequences. Personally I wish there was more than 10 counters....but 10 is is sufficient as its fairly easy to stay ahead of most players. If the person you messed with happens to be one of the players that cant be countered fast enough....I suggest u dont go for there bounty. What makes these games fun is that every player is diff and must be dealt with diff,,,,,i dont want no cookie cutter games. The higher level player may get to attack u for 24 hrs (rare as they will usually kill the lower level much sooner than that), but the only thing they really gain is revenge....its a trade off....u got the big bucks for killing someone outta your league....expect what u deserve or dont go for it.

    By the looks of it you have retaliated back ....thats your own fault and u deserve what u get and thats an additional 24 hrs. Take what u got coming and start playing smarter. When u get to their level exact your revenge like the rest of us did. happy gaming.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2012
  9. who me?

    who me? New Member

    Linda, I just looked at KANO guild. Only 2 people caught bounties: Tim the Red (14) set 2 counters and Slappy McScSlapersons (1) set zero counters so you're telling me you know what I am talking about here because...you set two counters?
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    your not accepting the consequences when your trying to change the game because of the reaction brought on by your own actions. did u not know u only had 10 counters before u went for the bounty? why did u retaliate and restart the 24 hr timer knowing u only had 10 counters? To get that bounty u had to kill a player that resulted in a loss of XP.....for you to ask for a way to better defend yourself against a player who is retaliating against something you started is complete chicken crap.
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I can't believe we're actually agreeing.
  12. who me?

    who me? New Member

    @polish pimp: YES! I want more than 10 counters. Why is that such a big deal? I dont see it as a cookie cutter. He can attack me all he wants. I can't attack back on a fair and level playing field. He has the advantage in terms of speed. He can get more hits in faster than I can set the counters.

    I use twice the stamina and I pay for those counters. I am not whining "it's not fair" or "he's bigger than I am" I just want to be able to fight back as fast as he's dishing it out and I don't see what is wrong with that.

    I don't mind being attacked. I don't mind being killed. I don't mind if I am setting back the timer by countering.

    I'm a fighter. Give me the tools. I'll fight until he kills me. Why should he gain one iota of experience at my expense just because the counter system is screwed up?

    If he wants to bounty me let him. If he wants to kill me then let him.

    But let me attack him back on a fair and level playing field.

    I don't see what the problem is with that. I am not calling names, I am not whining it isn't fair, I am not calling him a bully, I just want defensive tools that work. 10 counters don't work.

    YOU try it and then you tell me.
  13. who me?

    who me? New Member

    @both of you: read my original post. I have only run into two people who attacked more than 400x when I caught and/or went after their bounty. Most people just kill me, and that's fine. That is expected.

    This is different. 680 hits against me is excessive.

    If that's how they want to play that is fine with me. I have no intention of commenting on whether that is right or wrong - I don't care. I just want the tools to fight back when it does happen.

    Like I said, it's only happened twice.

    By the time I passed anyone else who tried to pull that garbage they were all out of stamina or called a truce.

    Now? I want to fight back. Not sure why you're both making that a negative in a fighting game.
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey if you wanna hit back all well and fine just don't expect mercy all the time.

    If you were on myspace I'd gladly show you what excessive is.

    Ask Pimp if ya want my build is backwards.

    So I welcome the lower levels hitting me for any reason just to pound.
  15. who me?

    who me? New Member


    I dont recall asking for mercy. I want tools that work. 10 counters dont.
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Hey I wish it were at 75.

    Let that happen.

    Then i can mess with 2 of the big accounts there and ambush them endlessly :)

    But you knew 10 was the max amount of counters.

    If you're quick enough you can reset them as they're hitting them.

    But knowing what you have is more than enough to decide whether you want to mess with the high level or not.
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Listen...im not trying to bust your balls here, im just telling ya how it is...ive played these games for years and have been #1 twice with 2 diff accounts in VC and have never had a problem with staying ahead on counters. My second time around I had most the big boys and girls trying to slow me down and they attacked relentlessly all day every day and i still managed to get back to #1 in a quarter of the time it took me the first time.....so yes...it can be done and your simply not doing something right. Same deal when i started PC...alll my enemies from vc came at me hard yet i made the top 10 in a couple months and am a force to be reckoned with. Im not trying to toot my own horn here....just telln ya like it is. Ya gotta know all the angles, have strong dependable clan and have an iron will.

    Whats the big deal with more counters??? IDK....how about the tens of thousands of players that came b4 u that had to tough it out with only 10? What kind of challenge would it be if u could sit in the hospital and set countless counters? How would it be fair that there is level restrictions that mandate that higher level cant hit u yet u can go for their bounty and kill them yet they will never get their pound of flesh because u have them countered to no end? As it stands now u can counter them ten times and u get ten wins right? how many more times can they hit u before your in the hospital and can set 10 more? a couple? I think thats a pretty damn good win ratio for some player 3000 levels lower that just got a huge payday. What your asking for is to have your cake and eat it too, you wanna be able to take that higher level off bounty , reap the rewards and then be able to stick it to him every single time they attack you for something u started.....selfish much? Like i stated earlier...in most cases someone that much higher in levels will kill ya well b4 the 24 hrs expires, if u retaliate and open that 24 hr window again....thats on you.

    Twice the stamina??? a small price to paty to be able to beat someone 3k levels ahead . Lets not forget who started this.....no one forced u to go for that bounty and u yourself said u knew the potential consequences...no? How about all the higher levels that dont retaliate relentlessly against a lower level that killed them on bounty? In my experience most dont.....you just happened to pick the wrong player....CONSEQUENCES!

    you say u dont mind being attacked, killed or resetting the timer....huh??? I wouldnt have a problem with that either if i had endless counters and could win every time....lol You want the tool to fight back and make it fair??? How about the guy u took off bounty? how would it be fair to them if u took them off bounty and then u could counter them for 24hrs? I guess they could bounty you......but then ahgain at your level u need much less XP to level.....not really a FAIR trade off now is it? Your gonna fight until he kills you? Your arguement is that u want more counters so u can stay ahead of them.....how can they kill u if your always ahead on counters?

    U want me to try what....10 counters? ROFLMAO! Been there done that and presume i will be doing it till the day im done playing.....im cool with that.

    you have the advantage.....u can set counters while your in the hospital, if u cant keep up it because your slower which brings me back to the great part of these games is everybody is diff, give everyone endless counters and it becomes a cookie cutter game as everyone could fend anyone off with ease.

    You caught the bounty and payed the price.....but then u retaliated which opened the window again......thats just foolish. Its got nothing to do with the counter system.....thats entirely on you my friend.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2012
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    making it a negative in a fighting game? what your saying is that its all good if its on your terms, this is war my friend.....ya dont get to just say ok im gonna take my ball and go home. You need to realize that there are player that will mess u up.....thats why u think long and hard about the CONSEQUENCES. They get 24 hrs ....thats nothing....sign off and wait it out if u cant handle it....they have just as much right as you to play their game, and most importantly.....u started it
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    10 is plenty, you get the advantage of setting all 10 b4 your even out of the hospital, if u cant keep up thats because your slow or your healing when u should be setting....lol
  20. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i have a solution for you ...who me.... when they attack you hit one of your bosses then hope they kill you when that happens they have to stop. thats what i do and trust me it will upset them but all they can do is slap or bounty you :)

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