Question to content

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The Thieving Gypsies, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Is there going to be any new content/ update on zombieslayer ?

    Im getting a bit/very bored !
    The new outbreaks are either to rare or way to easy ..the same goes for the bosses that follow them.

    I don’t remember when I finished Anchorage outbreaks, but I finished Vancouver 8 May and Seattle In March.
    Beside that we got the Arena…but the arena is only for the players who built their Character for fighting.

    Now there are plenty of good Ideas out there on the forum, but it is extremely rare that any of them goes into the game.
    What does it take to get an idea into the game ? and could anyone from kano say what they plan to make of new content ? I read the newsletter every week and hope to see something new, but no nothing and nothing and nothing … get the picture LMAO

    I just went through the last month of ideas and there was/are 8 treads with a score of 9.4 or more (5 of them has a 10)
    Now I don’t say that they should be implemented in the game all Im asking is if we could at least get a NO or a hint on something else.
    slave likes this.
  2. TGIF... This week in Dev 17/08/2012

    This week was much busier on our end, so let's take a look:

    New Limited Items
    New Limited Quantity Items
    Change of Group Chat feature in Facebook Groups
    Small tweak to how your Battle list is populated in the Battle Arena.

    That was Kano's week much busier than usual ... exactly my point
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Kano is a small company not as big as other ones out there that can pump out new material every 2 seconds because they want the cash only usually ruining games. Kano is doing it right by pushing out material at a certain pace on there own time. Yes some players may not like this but it's not kano's fault that a majority of the players complaining about wanting new material are the ones who used leveling partners or got so far up in the game that they have to sit there and wait. Your only maybe 2 percent of the entire kano community playing the game. Take the time enjoy the game there are plenty of things to do in the games.
  4. First of all this is YOUR opinion...I asked for a reply from KANO !

    Second..WTF are you talking about ??? Zombieslayer did never have leveling partners. After 20 attacks you get 0 xp and there is a max of 40 attacks a day.

    Next time, if you fell you have to give your opinion at least get your facts right.

    But your right it is a small company and they cant do everything in a week, but they more or less put everything on a hold to get the Arena out.. Now it has been out for a long time and still no plan for what is coming next. Its quit frustrating for all the players who did not build their character for the Arena or cant join in because of the timezone differences.

    And if you read the ZS forum its not only the top 2% who ask for something new.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    If u wanted a reply only from Kano and Kano only perhaps u should have written into support or sent a pm to one of the admin/devs here in the forums.

    ZS is Kanos least popular game of the big 4...they'll get around to ya eventually....just be patient and enjoy the arena which was for all the games and has diff start times that should suit all.
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If it is the least popular (Facts on this?) it at least has the most active players, going by Forum sections.

    It would be nice if we could hear some kind of update on if/when any of the Ideas are going to be accepted and put into the game.

    Patience is no friend to a gamer!
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I like it when i touch a nerve on players who whine about constantly needing updates to stay ahead in a game and not have players come behind and beat them. Glad i could touch that nerve for you theiving. And this is me as a regular person not a moderator since you do not see green. And if you don't like that opinion either well i guess you will probably make another assumption on how a game should be played and it needs to be updated constantly so you can stay on top.
  8. slave

    slave Member

    hmmm i dont know, there seems to be upper level slayers quitting almost on a daily basis in zombie slayer, maybe some are tired of "grinding" their gps. Or maybe theres nothing to keep them content once they finish thier 12 new outbreaks that come out every 2-3 months.....that even non energy players can finish in a ridicousouly short time (sure i spelled ridicoulous wrong - we need a spell checker here). Maybe thay have run out of achievements, since the only veteran achievements issued are for fight wins and bounties....
    maybe they are tired of doing their level 205 clown boss, when the last acheivement was for level 10.....

    can you hear me now? all of these are issues, but maybe there are so many new players coming into the game that they dont feel the need to keep experienced players around.

    hmm wonder how many active players were in zombie arena this past time out of 1500....more than the 80 from last time?

    hey at least they are spending alot of programming time on fixing their chat that no one will use or trust lest we say something and the "banhammer" comes down from using a word that is on some list someplace that we dont know about....
    can you hear me now?

    i hope with a busier week than usual, they can accomplish something a little more than some limited items, cuz in my mind that is not new content.....

    maybe you can hear me now

    i hope so.....

  9. Polishpimp your right. Everybody are allowed to commit the tread. I was just a bit pissed of Jon's ignorance.

    Anyway that you, who almost write books on the forum should say. I just need to be patience and enjoy the game is a bit weird :confused:
    Why do you keep making new treads on almost anything between here and the sun ? why not sit back say nothing and be patience.. LOL

    And Jon Ward..(how can you even be a moderator?) You just proved you don't know what your talking about two out of two times.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  10. clubber

    clubber Member

    Wrong there mate.
  11. slave

    slave Member

    didnt you see the wallpaper after the mini game for the olympics? Zombie slayer was gold medal winner.....
  12. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    How can i be a moderator easy i applied. Any other questions i can help answer for you today. One you assumption on leveling partners in slayer is possible you just cannot comprehend on how to do it like other slayers have done or did do because they didnt get caught on doing it. Whether it be the honest way or the cheating way. And two making huge energy accounts and climbing your way to the top of the game that is another way. Think outside of the box and maybe you will be able to grasp the golden ring and figure it out.
  13. slave

    slave Member

    As long as a person plays within the parameters of the game, how can you call it cheating? is there an unwritten rule that says you have to squad faction? is it bad to attack faction for fight wins? how is that wrong, where would the difference be? certainly not cheating.
    is it cheating to set your alarm to wake for the world boss at 0200? yeah i guess since i wasnt awake..i cheated and used an automated that botting to hit the world boss? because i used a mechanical reminder?
    gee im not as fast as so and so, so they must be using this mythical "script"....please
    accept that there will always be someone faster than you unless you are the gold medal winner at the olympics....

    maybe you dont have the latest in equipment.....maybe there is a more expensive mouse that has infitesimally quicker connections, maybe you should upgrade to fios....
  14. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    Even with only 1k energy I finish each new area within like 2 weeks in zs. It takes about 2 weeks to get a new boss to 10 too. So count me in the group wishing we had harder to get achievements. Only achievements I have left that I plan to try and get is a few level, higher stat and challenge achievements.
  15. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    We are definitely interested in keeping things fun and interesting for all levels of players. It has been mentioned that we are a small company, and this is certainly true. What's also important to note is that we also have four games that we update regularly, and we do our best to keep all the games updated and cool. Players running out of things to do in the game is definitely something we keep an eye on, and we've developed multiple features to help with this (Battle Arena, Factions, Gamer Points, etc.)
    We like our players, and we like making awesome stuff for you to have fun with. There's a lot that goes in to new content that isn't immediately apparent, and it takes much longer than you might think to produce. We're also always interested in improving our games through player-generated ideas, which is something that takes quite a bit of time as well.
    Honestly, we don't mind players telling us they want new stuff. The fact that you want more stuff in the game means you want to play more of the game, which is great. We just need you to be patient sometime while we make all this cool stuff for you.
    Moral of the story: we are a small (but incredible) team, and we're always working on something to make one or all of our games more awesome. Because there are only so many hours in the day, that means that it can take some time before new areas get added, and we really appreciate your patience in the interim.
  16. Thank you for a reply Wonder Bread :D
    When you stop working for Kano you should consider a career in POLITICS. Surely none can accuse you for not keeping what you promised.

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