Hi everyone.I'm gonna ask something about the ARENA.I made this post just cos i'd like to know how ARENA works...cos still now there's something i still don't understand and here i could find a help. I'll post stats of a friend of me (Nevergettoplay-zs arena nick) and mines (Jethro Tull-zs arena nick). nevergettoplay Health 498,461,966 Health Perk 9250 Attack Perk 110 Defense Perk 7 (Lower is better) For information on Perks Click Here ATTACK STRENGTH DEFENSE STRENGTH Personal 4396 4396 Armed 706 698 Weapon 4302 4314 Armor 4593 5811 Vehicle 4732 5714 Squad 145068 145068 Total 163797 166001 Your strengths help determine how much damage you deal and receive during attacks Attacks 32,690 Kills 16 Wins 30,153 Losses 3,138 Biggest Attack 355,293 damage Jethro Tull Health 0 Health Perk 10000 Attack Perk 85 Defense Perk 4.5 (Lower is better) For information on Perks Click Here ATTACK STRENGTH DEFENSE STRENGTH Personal 2842 6168 Armed 486 832 Weapon 4771 4751 Armor 3133 4140 Vehicle 4190 5670 Squad 96628 209712 Total 112050 231273 Your strengths help determine how much damage you deal and receive during attacks Attacks 1,209 Kills 3 Wins 1,558 Losses 3,083 Biggest Attack 287,348 damage nevergettoplay attacked Jethro Tull and won 1 hour ago 2572 wins against since arena start nevergettoplay attacked Jethro Tull and lost 1 hour ago 417 losses against since arena start Nevergettoplay is a friend and it's ok....but i'd like to know from KANO how is it possible that a player with 163797 -TOTAL ATTACK- is ABLE to give to a player with 231273 -TOTAL DEFENSE- almost 2600 FIGHT LOST.... I could understand if fights goes 2 WINS -3 LOST if he attacks me...(my defense is 1/3 bigger than his attack) but seen that fight goes 6 WINS-1 LOST if he attacks me ....well i find this a TOTAL NO SENSE. This is a game and it's fair,but as every good game it must have "safe" rules(i know that between ATTACK and DEFENSE should win the one bigger, including boost, weapons gear and so on);i can have friends and enemies in the game and surely several here in the forum will write me shut up and play, Kano makes the rules and so on; i'll continue to play the same-i don't use money in it and surely KANO needs to incentivate people buying UNS-... but please......how could you explain it?Would like just to receive a good answer about it.If you were at my place i have no doubts you'd also like to know why fights goes in this way. And one more question: as it happened that a lower attack easily won on a higher defense, could also happens that a bigger attack LOSE on a lower defense? Thanks in advance.Luca.
Observing the wins/losses in arena. I have noticed that anyone, can win anyone. But the attack and defense is not totally neglected. In this instance... Your attacker lost 1 out of 6 attacks.... and, I would guess that means he lost heaps of health on a lot of his wins too. Wins/losses do not account for much in arena, The main factors there are Health loss from attacking, and XP gained from attacking. That is how you determine, who exactly it is that you're willing to put 1000- in this case 3,000 stamina into. You should ask him how he turned out... Im willing to bet that the kill that he got, just barley payed over the health that he lost taking you down, if not less. and hardly worth the risk of somone comming in and swiping it. Your defense is doing you good in arena. it will resist people from attacking you, BUT, just the same as people will attack you and loose loose loose in the main game, they will attack you in arena for poor results. health loss and XP wise. Personally I like the way You can seemingly win anybody in arena. nobody is "untouchable", yet having more strength gives you a supreme advantage.
well i dont have access to someone elses account to be able to give comparison numbers but i have this my major attacker in the arena Paul Mooney attacked Phil Shiffley and lost 1 hour ago 1736 losses against since arena start Paul Mooney attacked Phil Shiffley and won 1 hour ago 1246 wins against since arena start his attack is a few hundred pts lower than my defense. so the won lost ratio appears solid from whati can see, i also dont have the numbers from his side of the fence, so i cant tell you what my won lost ratio is. also another player K1LROY attacked Phil Shiffley and won 6 hours ago 97 wins against since arena start K1LROY attacked Phil Shiffley and lost 7 hours ago 24 losses against since arena start his attack and my defense very close , but he has significantly more hired squad
from what i saw in an earlier thread its not just his attack against your defence, its also your attack against his defence and damages are decided and then based on damages is whether the fight is won or lost, so while your defence is much larger than his attack, his attack to your defence is even greater, thus making it more probable he did more damage and thus won more fights.....you are still thinking inside the game and they made different parameters in the arena. again not sure if this helps you out but that is what i remember from an earlier post, doubtful you are ever going to see the formula they use....
Denton....i understand that paramethers are different....but in a fight....the thing important is that ONE attack...and ONE defend... i can understand if I attack HIM....and i lose.....it's normal....but can't understand why if HE attacks ME...i SHOULD LOSE.... As i am reading you and also Skywalker doesn't know how a fight really goes...that's why i asked to KANO STAFF for a reply cos they are the only knows (i hope) how a fight is going. --->"its not just his attack against your defence, its also your attack against his defence and damages are decided and then based on damages is whether the fight is won or lost, so while your defence is much larger than his attack, his attack to your defence is even greater, thus making it more probable he did more damage and thus won more fights.." I can understand about DAMAGEdone and received while someone attacks: if his attack is CLOSE to my defense he can do me a damage bigger or lower (it's based also on healt..in normal fight in zs).... surely he receive from me a lower damage -as my attack is lower compared to his defense- BUT I WIN THE FIGHT .....not LOSE THE FIGHT as it happened.... One more thing....between you and "paul" (i know his stats more or less and also yours) you should have around 190000-200000 defense (need to add 15 hired members), -then the weapon, gear and other stuff so around 25000 more)....and your defense total should be around 220000-225000; his attack is around a 10% lower than your defense...and he has 13 hired --->so around 165000 -170000 attack (incluiding hired members) then weapons and gear for 20000-23000 more)...and his total attack is around 185000-190000. The difference between you and him -his attack, your defense- was way shorter(.....around 30000-40000,your defense around a 1/5 higher than his attack ....)than mine and nevergettoplay (around 64000, my defense 1/3-1/4 higher than his attack) and also your ratio fights won/lost when he attacked you was different from mine... i've been expecting fights 4 WIN-5 LOST when he attacked you while fights gone 2 WIN-3 LOST when he attacked you... He should have lost a "bit" more attacking you for sure, but that difference wasn't so big as it happened for me and nevergettoplay(from a 2 wins-3 lost -->to a 6 wins-1 lost). So it shows once again how fights are going "RANDOM" and that "RANDOM".... i'd like to know better... That's why i'll wait an answer from kano staff. But thank you for repling me(also skywalker). Really .
and dilligaf buried me winning 9 fights to my 2, and his stats not so different than mine, but he has 5 more hireds....
time for the feedback portion of the arena, this was bothering me in the other four arenas but seemed to come to a head in this one. what determines who we see on our fight list and why does everyone see the same people ? at 5 pm or so, i messaged someone and ran down who was on my fight list, and he had 11 of the 15 names i had..... there were 900 people (plus or minus) still in arena, what are the odds that we would have almost identical lists? i cant even calculate that high i know at the beginning, i was sniped on my first four attempts and it was from 2 different people (2 each) from my own group of 13 do we really all start with the same fight list? because with 1500 people in arena to start, there is no probability i know that would include both of those people on the same person i was on.....unless we all had the same list which i hope you can fix - its one of the reasons that some people make it to the final 200 without doing a thing, because they never show up on anyones list.
Could you make the refresh button switch out every single name from your fightlist instead of just rearranging your current fightlist please?
Great question and lets hope it gets sorted. I'm sometimes baffled by the same guys being on the fight list for hours on end!
THanks for the feedback, we have a function which promotes inactive players (players who haven't attacked) up on people's fight list along with another random set of players. We will look at reducing this inactive list and increasing the number of random opponents chosen.
@Luca Please refer to this post for a detailed breakdown on how attacks are calculated in the Battle Arena.
Battle arena needs to be improved....I have 6600 defense and eveyone that attacks me wins and that is unfair to the players who are set up defensively....what a waste of money
It works other way too....people with exceptional attack still lose attacks to people they would normally beat in the regular game. It's called random balance, if it was down to just your personal attack/defense then there would be no point in a lot of people participating.
Well, in the latest arena, i would say fight list refreshing was changed, we probably got a 50 percent new fight list as compared to the previous arenas when we would get only a couple of names. This was a vast improvement as it didnt seem like the 25 people playing at that moment all had the same person on their radar.
If you think losing with 6600 defense is bad imagine being me and losing with 9500 def (yes I'm the highest def player in zs and lose over 90% of my fights on defense in arena) I've noticed though in the few times I got to participate in attacking in arena I take 0 damage on most fights so with the health bonus to attacking I can just start attacking randomly to get my health back up if I'm not at max. I don't try to place high in arena though as I mostly just play casually for a few minutes at a time these days.
How long do we have to collect the arena rewards? I don't NEED to collect mine right now, just wondering how long I got.
I believe you have until the start of the next arena. I collected my reward from 2 arena's ago the day before the last arena started.