There is no balance in leveling up. It does not exist.
As i stated before... As a low level zombie slayer, i could level up 40 times a day in 1 hour of Play. And this was all the way up until level 800
and slowing down in my levels was only for the sake, that i still wanted to be Strong when i got into the higher levels.
I had next to no fight wins, I just attacked the hell out of my own bosses... Didnt have much squad, and the ones i did where posting far too strong of bosses, so I was not helping all that much (not even hitting my daily limits on outbreaks helps
In this light, a lower level as I was... would get awesome Boss/outbreak gp... but still could be trumped by somone who was actaully fighting. In a level up contest, An account like mine in its smaller days, Would be a supreme power in a level up competition, while really only being an hours work.
I just dont see it as fair, that levels would be the tiebreaker, when there are so many superactive players, that have low stamina/energy.. Fight away 90 percent of thier stamina, and rely on potentially 130 helps a day to get thier level ups.. (25 co-op joins, 25 single joins, 50 challenge helps, and 30 outbreak helps)
They are leveling slower, but doing far more. would probably earn comparable favor points to somone that is just leveling up a ton the easy way.
Id also like to say, Boss kills is not exactly a fair either, because you really have to do nothing but post the boss to get the kill. It should be whoever attacks the boss, that gets the point, not just the owner. Could cause hesitation for people to Damage (no just unlock, but truly damage) anyones boss outside of their own faction.
All bosses are not created equal. Say my hilbilly co-op is a level 70 or so, will be much less for me to make that boss kill, than somone who has been playing for far longer, and thier hillbilly is a level 150 or 200 (having seen them much much higher than that). On the otherhand, just counting how many how many attacks you put in it, Would be equal.
Its still not subtracting the altfactor either. The TOU players want it gone. i wouldnt be surprised If the people that feel like they have to put the alts in their faction to compete would be happy to see it gone too. one less little errond they have to do everyday, and give them that time to work on thier own account.
Unless a faction of 14 real players and 0 alternates , can play hard, and get a better rank than a faction of 15 real players and 10 alts. Ill will never never see the gaining the number 1 rank in factions as anything of value. Its reserved for cheaters.
How about adding a 2nd faction competition? Uncapped gamerpoints, but for a MUCH longer time. say 3 months instead of a week.
Last edited: Aug 11, 2012