change in arena fight formula?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ive contacted support but have not gotten a reply so I will ask here.

    Did Kano change something in the attack formula for the arena? The reason I ask is because the diff for me was night and day in this last PC arena compared to all the others Ive participated in.

    Its no secret that my Pirate has woefully low Defense, this type of build has served me excellently for the actual game but has proven to be a major downfall in the arena so Ive been actively trying to improve my defense. Going into this past arena my defense was significantly better than its been at any other point....Ive not added any skill points to any other attribute so my percentage of Def skill point allocation has definitely increased and has decreased my defensive perc. The problem though is that unless Kano drastically changed something in the attack formula for the arena......adding to my Defense has had a very detrimental effect. On nearly every opponent accept the very lowest of levels....i would actual lose more health than gain by getting the kill reward....even on the lowest of levels i was lucky to to profit in terms of health. This has not been the way it was in any other PC arena for obviously something has changed and we were not notified.

    What is the actually formula for calculating how much damage we dish out vs how much we take when attacking some one? It seems to me that Defense is way to heavily weighted in this formula when attacking. Of course when someone is attacking me I should expect huge damage because of my low defense. But I also have extremely high attack....there is no way on earth i should be regularly losing more heath than Im dishing out or that I can recoup via the kill reward. This has absolutely not been the way it was for me in past PC arenas....if Kano did not change anything then there was some sort of glitch for my account during the entire arena and undoubtedly cost me #1 . It was only after the attack damage multiplier came into effect at the higher rankings that this issue was lessened.

    I understand that the more balanced the build the better in the arena and that fine by me....thats why Im adjusting my build rather than crying about it. But as I get closer to this balance.....its only getting worse....Something is definitely wrong here
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    nice to see kano can get on and reply to some of the most inane things that were posted after this post. These forums are a a offense to the posters....but is it really more important to try and figure out why someone couldnt use the name they wanted or that the weather in Canada is balmy?
  3. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Nothing to do with the battle calculations have changed in the past few arenas. The only thing that has changed recently is the search bar, and we've also added a new timezone to the schedule. Thank you for emailing in to support, your inquiry has been responded to there as well.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    what was changed with the search bar?
  5. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    It wasn't available until after 100 attacks have been made.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I appreciate the reply and just read and replied to the support message. I dont think shes reading the right message i sent to support because the answers were unrelated to what im talking about I did send a more than one message to support during the arena

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