as GOD as my witness I am not joining any arena's. FRIENDSHIPS are more important to me than game points. i lost very good friends because i was snipping in the pirate arena. PLEASE FORGIVE me friends..
You got nothing to feel sorry for or about. It's not like you know your stealing someones kill. If someone defriends you for that then they were never a real friend. Snipping can be unintentional or intentional. Regardless there is nothing wrong with it.
Beth i whole hardly agree with Lordy, but then again u do have to weigh it out, i might would do the same thing to keep friends
well for wat i an see the arena is just like a boss that can fight back, so how about kano adding a 1000 bosses of various strengths at the start of the arena say first 4hrs and only bosses come on fight list and have a count down to say how many left i think this will help the lower levels build up health and encourage them to join in the fighting as they know they wont get killed straight away also it will give them levels you could also put a ban on certain bosses so higher levels dont kill them off like only certain levels can attack them just an idea for you to think of and it may help the arena run longer and encourage the lower levels can you modify any thing if you think ok
Maybe sniping wasnt the issue? Sniping is a great strategy for some. Personally I see no issue with sniping.....its not only necessary for some....but economical for others....its a great strategy. Maybe your particular probs went beyond that, if i were u...Ide talk to the players involved.....but thats just me, what do i know