[PC] bounties within armadas.....

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by diva of destruction, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    The trapper is PAID by the EXP gain and the death of the attempted bountier.

    The lister is PAID by having the one they bountied get killed and the loss of exp.


    No one is cheated.

  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    no0pe thats not right the trapper also intends for the one using the trap to lose xp as well as the one listing them so someone is cheated NEXT
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    NO one is cheated.
    Sheesh what is so freakin hard to understand?

    The LISTER gets what they paid for regardless how the listee dies.
    EXP loss is EXP LOSS no matter what.

    The trapper gets what they paid for as well by EXP gain and the exp loss for the attempted bountier.
    You're just attempting to counter my posts cause of gameplay and you're faring very poorly at both.
  4. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    no one of the 2 does not get what they paid for and the only reason you use it is because you are afraid that your friends wont kill you before one of your enemies do. so you should lose double the xp. stick that in your pipe and smoke it boy
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Oh really?
    TAKE a look at THIS


    There you go Larry.
    Proof your own guild leaders use(or at least did)use this strategy.
    Tell them to lose double exp.
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Sweet indeed.
    Good thing I'm a certified thread necromancer.
    Reviving old threads when they become useful :)
    Just like now.
  8. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    as you said they DID but you was also informed they dont anymore so i am right again. losing double xp for doing that will deter anyone from taking that way out. now thats something you cannot argue with. and like you just said that was from an old thread
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    No it won't deter anyone.

    Now grow up.

    This isn't real life.

    You're being a hypocrite.

    BOTH the lister and the trapper get what they paid for.

    Stop being a baby and realize if this changes that Kano will have a flood of angry players.
  10. ben

    ben Active Member

    how you no they dont do you play there game and are you on all the time when they play ?????????????????????
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Interesting point there Ben.
  12. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i am not the hypocrite as i have always said that the one using the trap to get off the bounty should lose double xp its you and ben that fight against it because neither of you can stand to lose to an enemy. and ben no i dont play their game as well as they dont play mine and i am ususally on when they play unlike some that i know
  13. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    The silent thumbs up.
    I'm once again changing my mind about something.
    Actually agreeing with PIMP now that no post no vote.
    Or at minimal change it to a PUBLIC poll with YES and NO.
    Public so when someone votes it's visible for Kano to check the IP to make sure no one is abusing here.
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    We can go at this all day all night until this gets either accepted or rejected.

    I'm not one to back off first.

    When you're not there,how would you know if they don't use the trap?

    You don't it's impossible to know.

    The lister gets the listee killed no matter what.
    Listee loses exp no matter what.
    Trapper gets the exp and the kill stat added plus the death of the player they trapped.
    It's a win/win no matter how you look at it.
    The more you spite against my posts,the more foolish you become.
  15. ben

    ben Active Member

    thats what i say larry you cant no every time someone is going to play there game or how many times a day...
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Very true Ben very very true.
  17. *wendah*

    *wendah* Member

    no actually. it's not just ben and lord fightin' against it. this has been brought up before and kano has decided to keep it an option for us to use how we INDIVIDUALLY see fit.

    as lord already stated to you, the lister gets what he/she paid for. that is to get a kill. the only reason a person would get upset about the suicide is if they were listing for their own clan to catch. what? you mean, oh noez...some one messed up YOUR strategy? but you're just gonna refer to it as cheatin' and abusin' to make it sting less. i c

    you take a gamble when you set the bounty that you eat a trap with it. you also take that gamble that your own clan gets it, along with them losing it either to another pirate (who people bounty for "gettin' in the way" and "stealing") or no one gets the cash with a suicide. i've been doing this since i discovered the feature and long before pimp or jillian even figured out what a bounty was. this is nothing new to the game.

    it sounds more like you and the OP just don't like that some one uses what others consider a BETTER strategy and work together so their rivals don't succeed in their missions of bounty passin' and gang bounty. o... the horrah....

    this thread has a tone of...play like me or i'll call ya mean.

    play like pirates and fighter smarter...it's not hard when your opponents best move is killin' them self on a trap before logging out. jeeze. :p
  18. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i never said that i did what i do know is that i am most of the time and i see them come on and go off i cant speak for how you 2 play because i dont know that either but i do know what i see
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Well said ms Wendah very well said.
    But why the mini pimpagraph? :p
  20. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And when you're not there,you can't see what goes on,can you?

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