Filling Squad Contracts
At present you need 5 squad contracts to get added Perks that benefit yourself which help acquire XP and cash and other things.
Here is a thought, that could make things a little more interesting. Why not give a reward or extra perk for filling additional contracts. For an example: for filling (or adding) extra 5/10/20 contracts. The more you fill, the better the Perk !! After you fill the five you need, what about an additional perk of say 5000XP for every additional 10 squad contracts filled? The details can be decided later.
Filling more than the original 5 squad contracts does not help the person adding them, at this time. It does help his squad. This new way would not “Only” help his squad members, it would be an advantage to help others! It should reward them (for going the extra mile) by providing “Extra Perks” .
This will help Fill everyone’s squad contracts. It would benefit players who don’t have a LARGE amount of squad members (which may not have, for lots of reasons) Sometimes Players need their squad contracts filled “right away” and can’t get the immediate response they need, because they are at work and have only 10-15 min. This could be a perk, provided they have planned well and have loyal friends in their squad. Some players do not want (or cannot) have as many FB friends as others (for their own reasons.) FB friends can help, but should Not be a Penalty. People have told me they are scarred of getting a virus or malware if they have too many friends. Others create special accounts just for game playing, but when they add FB friends indiscriminately, they get hijacked, a virus, or their account gets frozen.
Anyway, I would like to see Additional perks for those players that cant stay on for long hours at a time. To keep them in the Game.!! There are many players that log into Zombie Slayer before work, lunch break, after work, and again before bedtime. These are “loyal players” but they are still losing ground to a “few” players that spend every waking moment playing. So much so that a couple people have told me its just not worth playing any more, they just cant play the long hours some people play. These 15 hr a day players are already rewarded many times over. I am just suggesting that these “Working” players should not be penalized just because they work. These loyal working players deserve to level at a rate that allows them to continue to battle their enemies on equal footing or as close as possible. There should be ways to acquire extra perks (among other method & things) that allows for them not to be completely overshadowed by those that spend 10+ hours a day. I believe it would increase the amount of people playing and keep many of the people who are now leaving due to the fact they just cannot keep up.
Can you think of other ways to “keep” members? Other reasons for perks? I am sure there are many more. I would like to see many NEW perks providing ways to get ahead, without needing so many hours that they interfere with work. Remember, there are many “working” loyal players that have money to spend, if they don’t get left behind!! All I’m saying is that there are Many people who want to play, they just don’t have as many free gaming hours. There are many ways the “live in” Zombie slayer gets ahead. The more time the better, which is fine. All I’m saying is to let people that “work” stay in the game! those people who cannot spend half their day playing, should not be penalized and to fall so far behind they give up, just because they work!! I have spoken to several true gamers, Kanos supporters, both zombie & Viking players, that fall into this category. I only play these two but I suspect that there are a huge number that play (or would like to expand into other kanos games) that feel they would fall to far behind if they started playing Viking. (or pirates , ect ect)
When 5 more people have added themselves to “others” contract lists :
1) an added boost to attack.
2) an added boost to calendar days
3) 1% additional kicker that follows you into battle and/or punching.
4) Temp help from squad members that allows for additional critical hit bonus.
5) Some type of additional Help from the player who added themselves to your squad contract list.
(say for 6 hrs you get an extra boost ) or some sort, whether they are on or not.
Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2012