Bolt Pistol and T72 Tank

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by dead_kid, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. dead_kid

    dead_kid New Member

    If I buy these with my UN credits can i equip them on my character? Also, which one is better?
  2. The Whoorida

    The Whoorida Member

    Yes and one is weapon and one is a vehicle so neither one is "better" than the other.
  3. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    so were these items limited edition? it seems like everyone has them but I can't find them anywhere
  4. yes they were,they might pop up again later on though.
  5. WayneJ5

    WayneJ5 New Member

    not sure that they are worth while.. i have both plus the gladiator armour ( all maxed to L4).. someone 5 lvls lower then me kicks my butt 6,7,8 attacks a day
  6. prettynerdy

    prettynerdy Member

    That means their attack is stronger than your defense. But it might not be solely based on what they are wearing.

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