ok i no what you meen now and i was mistaken it does pop up during boss as well as the skill point alocation page saying that your health is low for your level and if it isnt poping up on your skill point alocation page then you might have a glitch or it might be a glitch to were it is saying the opisite of what it should be saying on the boss page either way you should i guess go to support to see if they can figure it out unless it is popping up in your skill point alocation page as well as the boss's page then dont go to suport just raise your health and it should go away for both on the skil point alocation page and on the boss;s page.after the one about it being low for your level goes away then when you first start the boss battle it will show you the text saying too low compared to boss's health.
if you want me to clarify a part of what i wrote then post what you want me to clarify and i will as soon as i can.
Last edited: Jun 22, 2012