[Forums] I Would LOVE It If I Had Force Codes!

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Philip Graves, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    Look guys,

    In the original MW we have force codes we can use to level faster off the fight list. I want to be able to hit my LP with force and gain XP faster without having to find them on the fight list to do so. Basically, give me a "Favorites" list or whatever you want to call it, of people I can attack with force at anytime. This might not be the best way to do it, but its all I can think of.

    I really want to know what you guys think. This game seems to be geared more towards doing jobs, team competition (doing mundane tasks), and fighting bosses than actually creating a community and kicking the crap out of each other.

    Im still a little new to it, but I see plenty of room to make our late night fun a little more interesting.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I have no problem with a "favorites" list, but you shouldn't be able to attack just anyone with force.

    You should only be able to fight people with force if they are on your fight list and maybe your rivals.

    If players find away to make force codes, (like in original MW) i am pretty sure this would be against Kano's TOU, because it is not what they intended for their games and they could ban players for messing with it.
  3. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    Hmm...That is an interesting point. However, if two mobsters just want to fight each other.....I dont see where it breaks any of the TOS. Lets say that my fight list is blank or is full of people I cant possibly defeat. It would be nice to have a list of people to attack from my past that I can use force against unrestricted.
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    There is nothing stopping two players from attacking each other. You're just limited to who you can use Force on because it would be very easy to abuse it.

    Just think if someone found the code and started using force 10 on players healing on the hitlist.

    Couldn't you sell off weapons so the weaker player can win? That's what i used to do for my LP on OMW.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I believe the creator of the original mob wars is a part owner of Kano or at least involved in some way. Personally I would love to see the game be more fight oriented as was its origins, but for that we need more like minded individuals. Unfortunately there are many who would prefer the games be more like farmville and in Kanos ever ending quest to appease every last player they went a bit to far in that direction which continues to drive the old school fighters away. With that said...They are making valiant efforts with great new content such as the "battle arena" which really puts the fight back into the game. I would recommend going out and whoopn ass on as many peace loving mobbies as u can and drive em outta the game so we can bring the game back to its glory days.

    As long as the "force codes" u speak of fall within the rules...Bring em on! If they are some type of bot or cheat....Take it elsewheres. Will wait to rate until I get clarification
  6. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    Yep. You could. But, are leveling partners against the TOU? I dont see it.... If two seperate players want to gain XP by fighting each other with force, than where does it break the TOU?

    Im not trying to be cocky, Im really asking. I dont see it.

    If It is against, that dont worry about it, but the Favorites list would still be nice. If they are a Rival, I say they are open game.
  7. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    Force codes are no BOT or anything like it. Its just a good way to get the upper hand on a stronger mobster. We have them on the fight list, but I would like them off the fight list. I want to be able to bring my old leveling partner over to the new game and gain much more XP (mutually) off of each other using force codes). We can do the same thing without, it just takes longer. It would also be nice when that guy with full mob is chaining you. Simply use force 10 and beat him up for a long while.
  8. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I never said leveling partners are against Kano's TOU. Changing their codes or modifying them so you can use Force on any player you want, I believe that would be against their TOU because it's not how they intended for Force to be use.

    You may only use Force so you can get the best XP from your level partner but you would have people who use it so they can beat people well out of their fight range that they would have no chance of beating without using Force.

    Having a favouites list you can save people to, is one thing. Being able to use Force to beat anyone you want, is another.
  9. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    LOL...Here's the thing. Let them attack well out of their fight level... They will get their butt handed to them in a bag by the stronger player. Force codes dont help when your getting hitlisted a hundred times in a row. They would have bitten off more than they could chew. The stronger player would still win, and the game would be more fun...IMO
  10. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    Also, the devs are making a mistake when they try to seperate levels. I know plenty of people at level 500 that would kick the crap out of any level 800 you have...But you would say they are out of their depth...
  11. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We are looking into the possibility of allowing players to use their stamina boosts on players that are in range, which is what exists today when you fight off your list. Would a stamina boost (attack boost) option for all in-range opponents be what you are looking for?
  12. Philip Graves

    Philip Graves Member

    That would be nice, Im not sure if thats what Im talking about or not though. I have two things running through my head. 1. I find my fight list empty more times than not and would love to be able to hit my rivals hard and get extra XP for using force. 2. I have a leveling partner that I would like to use to help me fight more efficiently, but she needs a bump in attack strength to touch me. Simply expanding your levels would probably solve the problem. She isnt on my fight list, but is very close in strength. I either want her to be able to use force against me to win or at least be on my fight list. I dont see any reason why the fightlist shouldnt be expanded. I would like to be able to attack anyone withing 100 levels or 500 levels..(depending on your level) off the fight list. If that isnt possible, at least give us the ability to attack with force within a resonable level range. Say 100 levels. Might not be on the fight list, but we can still get you kind of thing.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Leveling partners is not in violation of the TOU and is a widely used method of leveling. But then again Kano has said many things in the past that have implied that they dont agree with the practice but have always seemingly turned a blind eye towards it. Recently it would seem that they have relaxed their stance and have even in some cases seemed to encourage it. In the end....Kano has basically avoided stating their stance on it definitively. There is currently posts in the forum asking them to clarify their position...those questions are still awaiting a reply.

    Im still a bit confused as to what it it is you actually want or what a force is. As Kendall mentioned in a previous reply....it sounds like what you are asking for is a stamina boost which we already have. As far as a Favorites list....How is that neccassary? If u r actively leveling with them they would be on your rivals list, if enough time elapses and they fall off there is still many ways of locating them.

    Does a "force" only work for a limited time? Does it come at a price? Does it have to be consensual? If it doesnt have to be consensual and u can just whoop ass on anybody despite their level...then whats the point of being higher leveled?

    There are certain things that kano has done that make it easier to match up against an outta range opponent for leveling purposes such as disabling your elites, changing out your personal loadout, stamina boosts and selling off weapons and warriors((then buy back).

    Im all for leveling to your hearts content but not at the unwilling expense of someone who leveled themselves up to be stronger....just so they can be whooped on by someone hundreds or thousands of levels below them. I guess what we need is a little more clarification on what a "force" is, who it can be used on and at what price .
  14. alka

    alka Banned

    What's the point of players being skilful with their use of skills if anyone can just use stamina force to beat them?
    There are ways to increase xp to a maximum if players can be bothered to learn the game and not keep looking for short cuts.
    It's a bad idea and would promote players to looking for guys with low health on fl to straight kill!!
  15. indeed the mobwars format was used to create this game..Original Mobwars was a great game..its complete garbage now..this game much better...Force levelling is a good idea but it could cause problems for the guild wars..Which wouldn't be fair.
  16. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    With-in range attacks is something we would consider, since that is already what exists when fighting off the fight list but out of range is not a change we are considering at this time.
  17. then it could work. Aslong as it doesnt get abused.
  18. I agree :)
  19. Out of range might have disastrous consequences lol :)

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