What does Kano have to say?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Jun 12, 2012.

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  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Kano...how about putting your 2 cents on some commonly debated topics? Perhaps if u did we could eliminate half the BS that that goes on here in these forums. There are countless diff opinions on a few reoccurring topics that must be terribly confusing to new players and apparently some more seasoned ones as well. I would like to hear Kanos input and perhaps we can put some of the debates to rest.

    Lets start with the most basic. Would u consider your games to be fighting games? We understand that there are many aspects of the games and that there are many different styles and ways that diff players prefer to play and thats why we have limits , hidden guilds etc etc. But what is the core aspect of the games? Please....no tip toeing around the questions. Were these games based predominantly on the fighting aspect of them from the beginning and do they still continue to be based around fighting aspect? There are many who believe ....as u see it often here in the forums that Kano games are evolving and moving away from the fighting aspect.....is that true?... Is the very core of these games and the numbers that drive them by far and away all about fighting?

    What about bullying Kano? This is easily the most posted topic, what does Kano think constitutes bullying? Obviously u have put certain limits and restrictions in place to protect the newer players in hopes they will continue to play....and thats fine, but what about after that? How many attacks is to many? Does Kano consider multiple attacks against an opponent who doesnt retaliate "bullying"? if so....approx how many attacks would that be...5, 50, 100........? How about chain listing? how many is to many? Is there a difference whether the person being chain listed is within ones level range or not? What does Kano think a justifiable reason for listing someone is? Does Kano even think we need a reason to list someone? How does Kano feel about higher leveled players going around and slapping lowered leveled player once every hour? Does Kano have plans for the foreseeable future that would further restrict battling or what some might call bullying of out of range opponents? Would Kano prefer that that behavior that some deem as bullyish motivate players to strengthen their accounts and exact revenge or would Kano rather these players band together and call for change?

    Does Kano impose limits and or restrictions on players based on performance? Bounties for example....Does Kano impose a delay on players who catch a certain amount of bounties within a certain amount of time? If so...Is this delay the same in every way for all players regardless of level? Does it last as long for all levels? Do all levels even get a delay? In the name of "transparency" can we please be advised of the parameters of this delay? No doubt that Kano would only implement such a delay to maintain the delicate balance of the games but with that said.....Will Kano admit that it does restrict/limit players (usually of a higher level) based on performance?

    How about gang like tactics or what some call tag teaming? How does Kano feel about this? Does Kano see this as a legitimate strategy or bullying?

    How does Kano feel about leveling partners? In the past Kano made it pretty clear they did not agree with them but have since seemed to back off that stance, What is Kanos stance on this as of today?

    How does Kano feel about Gold transfers? Legitimate strategy or exploitation?

    How does Kano feel about riding the hitlist? Player opinions aside.....whats the consensus at Kano ?

    I would also like to know how Kano feels about content or updates added at the highest of levels. For example....just today u opened up a new world that can only be accessed by the highest of levels. More than likely there will be some complaining that U are catering to the higher levels, is that true? Or would it be more accurate to say that any content being added to the end of the game is actually for everybody? How does Kano feel about those players that complain about such things like this? Do u find it odd that players complain about content at the higher levels when they still have aton of content in front of them that they are yet to access? Is it true that content added back towards the beginning or the middle of the game is really the only content that can potentially give some players an edge over others? In fact...considering the newest world available is unlocked at level6500 and the highest level players are well in excess of level 10k.....Kano is actually behind when it comes to new content when it comes to the highest levels? Dont take me wrong here Im not complaining, I just want some of the lower levels to understand that the higher levels are not taking the lions share. How does Kano feel about that?

    Obviously some of these questions might be a bit sensitive and a bit difficult to answer honestly and directly. Obviously Kano doesnt want to lose any players and thats certainly not my objective as I to would like to see more players join and enjoy Kano games. But when is enough enough? Some of thes debates have been going on way to long and have derailed way to many topics. For the sake of your player, games and these forums please just answer the questions so we know where Kano stands and w e can then go on from there.

    There are obviously countless other topics forum members have been going round and round with for years, but I figured I start with a few of the most basic. hopefully we can finally get some direct answers to some direct questions so we can eliminate half of the utter BS that gets argued about here in the forums
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  2. All good questions, Polish. I agree getting answers from the source, KANO, would go a long way to settling these debates once and for all. And new players in particular would have a frame of reference as these questions arise.

    I have another questions for KANO as well. I understand that KANO's loyal, frequent players were just offered 100% stamina, energy or money refills for responding to an email from KANO. But what I don't understand is why players who have NOT been loyal and present in these apps were offered 200%. Shouldn't your loyal customers be the ones given the most rewards? How is offering some former players twice the rewards not messing with the balance of the game and giving them an unfair advantage if they choose to accept? I understand you want them to come back to the game, but it doesn't make sense to me that your loyal players would deserve less.

    Thank you in advance for your anticipated response.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    bumpity bump bump....bump bump
  4. alka

    alka Banned

    As always great post,Pimp.
    It's just sad that you put so much time and effort into your passionate post that Kano will fail to give you the answers.
    There's a challenge for Kano...hahahaha
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Thanks alka. It is a shame that they tend to avoid all these questions like they're the plague. How nice would it be if we as players actually knew where Kano stood on things? Can u imagine all the crap we could avoid? But then again.....Riding ye olde fence does allow them not to alienate any players. God forbid that they should make their stance known.....they might actually lose a few players that shouldnt be here in the first place.....kinda like the ones that still think these arent fighting games....lol
  6. alka

    alka Banned

    I agree fully. It seems as long as there's a buck to be made they'll avoid the question, allow suspicious accounts to ruin the games and openly protect guys who admit to running fake Facebook accounts by removing there posts.
    Still, at least we'll be around in a few years time. Can Kano be so sure they will be?
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    There appears to be little to no interest other than the 3 in this thread on this topic.

    Please do not take my lack of excitement in locking myself all-day in a back and forth on an open thread that does not serve any benefit to the community as Kano not being transparent on issues.

    I will do this:

    ZS/PC/LCN/VC is a role playing game (RPG) where your character can on quests, collect cash, build empire, grow alliances, fight rivals and attacks bosses. PVP Fighting is an element of the game and main social interaction but so are many other aspects of the game. PVP fighting has and always will play an important role in the game but it is not the sole element to the game.

    Bullying already brought up and responded to in another thread.

    Bounty lists are shared across multiple servers to balance the load, not everyone will see all the same bounties but we take steps to make sure all bounties are distributed equally and fairly. It has been like this since day 1.

    Level partners also commented in another thread.

    How does Kano feel about blah... as long as automation / scripts is not involved game on with the exception of maliciously going after players with the sole intent to drive them from the game, over the past couple months it has come to our attention that there are players that are doing this, openly stating that they are doing this and we are taking steps to correct this in game. This is a game, as soon as it goes beyond that and turns into an obsession with another player ie. thousands of un-retaliated / unprovoked attacks on an opponent everyday then it is time to move onto another target that is interested in fighting back.

    None of these questions are sensitive, how they were presented and brought to the forum is the reason for their lack of response by us and participation by the community as a whole.

    Thread is closed as we do not have the time to babysit this thread as I anticipate it will spin wildly out of control if left open as has been proven true with other past posts such as the VC newsletter campaign.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
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