Motivation: What drives you?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kul Oakenshield, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. How do you find the energy, the time, or the motivation to keep playing this game?

    I can't seem to derive any fun from playing this game, it's more of a chore now. "Ugh, I gotta log in, do my points, and spend my stamina so that I can level up."

    Battles aren't even exciting. Someone around my level can beat me, I can beat him. It's a never ending cycle of back and forth, and I'd rather just attack bosses than spend an hour exchanging hits with someone.

    I guess that's one reason why I use counter attacks a lot. It's just easier to repeatedly lay counter attacks than to heal and click attack again while someone is attacking you nonstop.

    I'm seriously considering just pumping health and defense and stamina and just killing as many bosses as I can since the PVP aspect of this game is just a tedious bore to me.

    What motivates you to keep playing?
  2. I play two of the games mainly, these are PC and LCN... the main thing keeping me motivated is the Syndicate I run in LCN, and the almost 3 years I've been playing LCN Joined 912 days ago It's a reminder of how much time, money and effort I've put into the game, so I'm not about to let it slip through my fingers.

    I'd agree thing's get boring and tedious at times, but then the devs are already adding new features to the games with thing's like the Battle Arena and new locations, there is always something to aim for in terms of achievements.

    With PC I've only been playing around 8 month, I stopped playing it for about 2-3 month because I found another game, but I always end up coming back to my Kano games, because the social aspect and the community are the best I've seen in any game I've played, or at least equal in awesomeness :D

    Those are my thoughts :)
  3. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    i been playing lcn for a long time and mw1 before that,
    i made some great friends and thats the reason i like playing
    having the interaction with them over the last few years
    im in a great lcn group and run the lcn thread
    its about how you you play and who with that makes it fun
    and now being a mod and helping others also makes it all worth while
  4. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    @Kul - thanks for posting such a good question! Out of curiosity did you participate in the Battle Arena last week?
  5. Shadowmaster

    Shadowmaster Member

    To answer the question: My guild and bounty hunting. All the buddies I have in my guild because we have good times together and bounty hunting because I think it's the only part of this game takes any level of skill or at the very least is an active endeavour. Also setting little fun goals for yourself can make the game more exciting, like for a while it was to get level 1k, then it was to get 1k bounty kills, now it's to get 2 quadrillion hoard etc. etc. I don't "actively" play to often though, the game is only fun if you keep it in moderation.
  6. I did participate in the battle arena.

    The health/attack/defense portion of the battles seems to be fine, given that it's essentially a free for all till one last person is standing. Though the amount of health given to each player as a base may be a bit too high? Dunno how everyone else feels about it. I personally stopped attacking after a couple of losses I had when I attacked someone else. Lost like 400-500k health per loss, and if I had scored the kill, only 16,000 health would have been restored. Seemed counter productive to attack then if I were losing.

    The Defensive Stance was broken during the battle arena, but I think you already know about that and have a fix.

    I pretty much agree with the views that have been expressed regarding XP rewards.

    There were a couple of dead people in the fight list that I remember. I'd refresh, click attack and see a dead person. Should be able to filter those out of the fight list once they're dead.

    I'd have to play it again to get a better opinion of it, really.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Much like Shadowmaster said, I set many goals and I always make them challenging .....I guess in part its why have little patience for those who want something for less effort than what I or others had to do. Thats why I also believethat Kano has made things worse by adding all the fluff/filler, limits and restrictions. Dont take me wrong here.... I believe Kano was very well intended but an unfortunate bi-product of trying to make the game more interesting for everybody was that it bred a new generation of lazy players who really dont want to have to wait for anything and they certainly dont feel they should be attacked unless someone has expressed written consent from their doctor, lawyer and the manager from their local Subway.

    Im Just a competitive guy who strives to do my absolute best regardless of what Im doing. Im one of those guys that truly believes "if its not worth doing well its not worth doing at all". Ive never been a constantly setting new goals keeps me moving forward. Setting challenging goals keep me interested and motivated. When I had my first VC account I deleted it as the #1 player in MS and could not be beat by anyone, I started over just because I thought i could do it bigger, badder and faster than the first time and to show my detractors that I could run circles around them, so it dont take much to motivate me and I love a

    No doubt the games have gotten tedious at times but thats right about the time the second wind kicks in. Another funny thing my Girl likes to say that totally rings true is..."my haters are my motivators". Ive been kicking some serious ass for a long time now and the silly recipients of said ass whoopns pretty much insure they will continue to happen. i often say that I hate stupid people....but who am I fooling....I love them guys....if it werent for them I probably would have been gone long
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  8. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We have addressed many of the points for the next arena, so you should give it a go when it comes out next. I think with each new arena (once we get the tweaking over with) players will be able to use different strategies with different outcomes.
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