Battle Arena Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Jun 8, 2012.

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  1. Sour_Rubbish

    Sour_Rubbish Member

    And achievements will be?
  2. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    Ah what the heck. As long as it stays free lol.
  3. 10% off just for you :D Deal? lol
  4. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    Haha. Make it 12% and you got a deal :p
  5. alka

    alka Banned

    Copied from discussion in VC
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    thanks Alka, yes now I remember seeing that at one point :)
  7. Hmmmmmm I will hold judgement until after I have tested it but it's something new to play with so thanks for Kano :)
  8. alka

    alka Banned

    I'm not knocking the game "Battle Arena", merely pointing out that most of the people signing up to it will be dead without getting a chance to try it.
    That happened to me in PC where I forgot the game had started and by the time I realised it I was dead without making one attack.
    In VC, I was able to get in at the start which gave me key kills to last as long as I did.
    The fact that the Game starts at midnight means most Europeans will not see it start and might get a chance to look at it before going to work in the morning, and then by the time they get home will be dead!
    For a company trying to boost it's reputation in the gaming Market I would say the timing is a bad move.
    On top of that is the 50% reduction in health at the start which means people will die quicker than in the previous BA's.
    As we get full stam per level it would have been a good idea to run with Health as it was in the other BA's.

    As a game, I recommend everyone trys it if they stay up late enough :(
  9. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    It's been mentioned many times that arena start times will change each arena to give people in different time zones different start times. For these initial arenas we're restricted to certain start times while we optimize servers and gameplay. The arena lasts for 1-3 days, everyone at all timezones (unless you never sleep) is at an advantage at one time or another.

    There is now the option to start the arena in defensive stance (see your profile popup) This will help deter initial attacks keeping you with fairly full health if you happen to be away from the game. How much time defensive stance buys you is determined by your skill points allocated to defense.
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Nice, Eric, very nice, will look forward to that in the next PC arena :) thanks
  11. alka

    alka Banned

    Defence Stance lasts for 45 minutes. How about extending it to 8 hours at the beginning only?

    Also, many people in VC pointed out that it was not a good idea to reduce Health by half, so what about putting that back to normal? After all, how can you fine tune the game to be at the same standard as each app when each app is different?

    As for servers, sounds like the tails wagging the dog... Not all of us were born yesterday my friend!!
  12. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Thanks for the comments alka. If we put an auto 8 hour defense mode active players would be at a disadvantage, losing more health, showing up on more targets attack radar, more attractive for a kill attack, you could potentially have half of the non playing base higher ranked then active players. Health is being adjusted as to not allow coasting through the ranks with inactivity, you're incentivized to attack for a kill to gain health. Once this feature is stable we'll be able to rotate through different start times for future arenas.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    what do mean getting a lower refill? R u getting less than normal? is this happening just in the arena or in-game as well?
  14. DarkStratus

    DarkStratus Administrator

    Health in the Battle Arena is less in ZS in comparison to VC/PC because players in ZS do less damage. In VC / PC players are bringing a lot more items to battle resulting in more damage and thus players needed more health to stay alive.
  15. alka

    alka Banned

    It makes no difference what game your playing, health has been cut by 50%. Next time PC or VC have a BA they too will have the 50% reduction.
  16. alka

    alka Banned

    And you don't think your forcing people to "coast" by starting at midnight?

    I really don't understand why Kano ask for input, when the bottom line is to ignore the comments and go their own way.
  17. slave

    slave Member

    Battle Arena

    health regeneration inside of battle arena....

    ok kendall, which one is it
    choice a, or choice b, they are both listed in the help sections....

    A) The regen amount is determined by your health perk modifier multiplied by the total amount of skill points your opponent has allocated, making higher level opponents more rewarding in a kill. It is possible to go above the max health you started with if you get enough health from kills.

    B) The amount of health received from a target kill is a calculation of 8000 and the total amount of skill points your opponent has acquired. The greater their skill count the higher health kill reward.

    to me (and im sure its just me) they dont mean the same thing....

  18. DragTheWaters

    DragTheWaters Member

    I'm hoping "A".
  19. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    They should read as the same statement only diff is one uses your actual values, accurate one being A, will look at updating the language in B to reflect that.
  20. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    battle arena flaws

    u know its really screwd up. this battle arena, u dont even have to be good to survive all u gotta do is be a thief.

    u do all the work take all there health away just for some lil nobody to come in and claim your prize? thats screwd up.

    thanks to kano u just ruined my week/day. and even might lose another long term player because of it.

    happy slaying all im out.
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