Better explanation of Battle emphasis in intro flow

Discussion in 'Implemented Ideas' started by The Protector, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This is an idea that may have brought up before.I'm bringing this up because it's amazing how many think being attacked is harassment.My idea is that when someone first starts the game,have a pop up appear that says something like "Welcome to 'insert game name here.'Please note that this is a fighting game and you will be attacked.The attack limit is 5000 in 22hrs(40 in ZS.)There is no such thing as being over attacked.There is also the possibility you will be bountied/hitlisted.Once you reach level 300,you will be open for all levels to list you."
    Perfect addition from Jon Ward.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2012
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    As much as people like to say Kano games are fighting games, people are free to play them how they like. Not everyone fights. Heaps of people just want to be left along so they can level.

    I think while players are under the "new player protection", they can have a mandatory Tutorial follow them in game. So when they click to do things that could land then in trouble a pop up shows to say "This is going to get you killed etc"
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    They don't have to fight.They just need to be aware that they will be attacked/bountied,and that it's not harassing.
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    See your still missing it. Just because you play it as a fighting game doesn't mean others have to.

    Just because you believe there's no such thing as "bullying" doesn't mean others wont see it as "bullying".

    Who says? You? That's your opinion of how the game is played. Just as your entitled to your opinion, others are entitled to their opinion on how the game should/is played.
  5. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    If it were harassing,then it wouldn't be available.
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    So says you. We have the hitlist to deal with players who have pushed us to far. So Kano have taken some measure to stop people from feeling harassed. All the games have change and grown since the beginning so maybe when people say they are being "bullied", it's because such measures have become obsolete.

    I think people need to keep in mind most people who feel they are being "bullied", have no one to help them. Lets face it, a link get posted in a chat room and it becomes a race to see who can kill it first. People also come from other games where there are more measures in place to stop you from feeling harassed.

    In the non Kano game, Mob Wars. There is no limit on how many times you can attack a player, but there is a player code. Anymore then 3 attacks and that will get you hitlists. This rule has pretty much became Mob Wars Law.

    So just because people say they are only doing what the game lets them, really means nothing.

    You are playing the game the way you think it should be played. Don't try to enforce your way of thinking on others, let them play their game the way they want to.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And that's something else i meant to touch up on in first post but realized it would end up being a "pimpagraph"
    Just because someone is throwing you on bounty and they're thousands of levels higher,and you did nothing at all to them(so you think or maybe you really didn't),all part of the game.Kano already tried once to make level 500 the free for all instead of level 300,quickly reverted I don't even think it lasted 3hrs.Deal with it and turn the tables.The only real bullying is if someone is using more than 1 account and/or in-clan bullying.Being attacked/listed isn't bullying.If it were,then Kano wouldn't allow it.So if KANO is allowing it,it must not be bullying.After all,it is their apps.
    Everyone can play how the like obviously,but complaining about being attacked/listed when it's well within the rules?Seriously?All of Kano's games(spare for 1 that looks like it's dead)are clearly fighting based.How can anyone not realize that they will be attacked/listed?Should I go complain how someone is leveling purely by outbreaks?No,because it's legit.Should someone complain because they're being attacked/listed?No,because it's legit.There is no reason whatsoever to complain about something that is well within the rules.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  8. I kind of agree with this, If it was worded a bit differently and pushed out to all new users as a warning, then I don't see a problem with it.

    I also agree with Relentless :)
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    I had said "something like",so there was room to change the wording a bit :)
  10. I tend to skim read thing's, Something like that would be good then lol :)
  11. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    C'mon Lord! You've been riding on the coat tails of "Kano did change it once but they change it back real fast", for the last 6 months.

    That is such a weak argument and for as long as you have been saying it, i have been saying Kano will have to step in and make a change.

    The funniest thing is, the opinion that if Kano didn't want us doing it they wouldn't allow it, is what is going to force Kano's hand into doing something about it. Because players don't set limits on whats acceptable, Kano will have to.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Attacks are limited to 5000 in 22hrs(40 in ZS) and NO account can be listed forever.So,there is a limit in place.Change the attack limit,you will get more complaints to change it back.Lose-Lose here.It ain't broke,no need for fixing.This is one that if Kano changes,it either won't last,or many higher levels will leave.Then,when those lower levels become higher levels,we'll be seeing complaints from newer lower levels about how this is unfair that higher levels can this and can that.Then those higher levels that were the same lower levels complaining now,will be giving the arguments of the higher levels they pushed away.Circle of life.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  13. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I don't really have an issue with the attack limits. Yes it is a pain to be chained all day long, but your not losing xp from it.

    Hitlisting is different. (In ZS) When i first started playing there was no one with a bounty price of 1billion. Now there are bounties starting at 65billion. That is to big a difference. If older players feel the need to stop playing because they can no longer chain list a level 300 player, good riddance to them. If you can't keep bringing in new players and getting them to stick round long enough to where they can defend themselves, it wont matter how much the older players pitch a fit, cause it will be game over anyway. All we hear about is how there are no fights lists in the higher levels. It can't be that hard for people to work out why.
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned
    If the lower level decides to mess with your squad,you seriously wouldn't list them?If they attacked you out of no where,you wouldnt attack them and then list them?If they're in a rival faction,you wouldn't list them?If you're bored,you wouldn't be tempted?Well good for you.
    It's well within the rules to list for whatever reason as long as the player is above level 300.XP loss is part of the game.Build properly,regardless of your style of play,and you'll make the XP back and then some.Besides,I'm pretty sure at level 300,that price would ramp up fairly quick to PREVENT overlisting.
  15. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    With the energy thing. Kano capped energy at level up because they felt it wasn't being used the way they intended it. The forum was in an uproar, you see Kano change that back?

    I'm not agreeing or disagreeing that there is such thing as harassment within the games. All I'm trying to get you see is that every time you say there's no such things as harassment in a fighting game, your trying to enforce your way of playing the game onto someone else.

    When people come to the forum saying they are being "bullied", I hate seeing the first thing said to them "there's no such thing as bulling in fighting games."
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    That right there should show Kano games are more based on fighting.Otherwise,they would of left it alone.

    I'm not trying to force anything.Just stating what others have stated and that in all reality is true.

    Same as above.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  17. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Kano constantly bringing out more content for those who level up fast, while those who want to fight are left to complain about having no fight list.

    On FB ZS the highest level has 60k fights won while the top fighter has over 200k.

    Proof enough that just because these are "fighting" games, doesn't mean they get played that way.

    The back and forth has been fun, Lord, but my bed is calling. :)
  18. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    And who's fault is it if someone falls for the leveling trap?Certainly not the higher levels.No one told anyone to level quickly.If not careful(which many aren't)quick leveling can lead to many problems.Not enough income(or for ZS not enough upgrades),not enough clan/squad/mob,not enough experience.But once you hit that magic level of 300,new game.Leveling quick without a clue as to what you're getting into will almost always result in disaster.Best advice is don't fall for it.Unless you know what you're getting into.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Everything about these games says fight , maim and kill. Even most the adventures and challenges have the same theme. Why do u think th canned messages are so vague and that most of them are designed to taunt? If u took fighting out of the long do u think they would last? if u dont think Kano knows that its the rivalries in-game that 100% drive their business than u have zero business being a moderator. Every last bit of content added in these games was added as fluff/filler to entertain us during a lapse in fighting. These games always have and always will revolve around the fighting aspect because thats where the competition is....competition is what spurs rivalries....rivalries spur resentment, bruising of egos sometimes even anger, thats what keeps players coming back and spending time and or money.....because they want to best some one else. If you take that away from the games....u literally have a game like farmville or the like where u can keep moving forward but there is no competition, dont u get that? Why on earth would someone come play a game that involves competition against other players if as u said " they want to be left alone so they can level". At some point everybody is going to battle somebody right? Do u honestly think there is anyone in any of the games that has never attacked someone else? Do u think they got in touch with the player they attacked and asked them if it was ok to do so? Im Thinking NOT! So what makes that player special? perhaps the player they attacked just wanted to be left alone to level. Does it somehow make someone a better or nicer person because they only attacked someone 5 times instead of 500? Because the last time I checked the limit was 5 k per player, with a limit so high.....its almost as if Kano wanted us to kick the crap outta one another. Think that limit of 5k is there so players can level off one another? Think again! That limit was put in place to limit leveling and bots. Kano was very clear once upon a time that they did not approve of leveling partners.

    Yes ...Kano games ARE fighting games, its what there all about...why dont u simply ask Kano? Your statement that we are free to play as we wish is partially true, u can pretend they r not fighting games and be a total hypocrite once u hit that attack button even once. Wake up and smell the coffee sunshine...every last aspect of these games are funneling every last one of us to one thing Kicking ass on one another

    Even the non fighting aspects of these games such as adventures and challenges have rewards that have attack and defensive stats....why do u think this is if these games are not entirely about fighting?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    As weve seen a 1000 times in these forums the term "bully" means something different to just about everyone. Here u are criticizing Lord Breakfield for saying there is no such thing as bullying....well what exactly constitutes bullying and who gets the final word on the matter?
    Some people think its getting chain listed while others thinks its getting listed just once for doing absolutely nothing, where do u draw the line? how many times have we seen players up here whining because they got attacked a dozen or so times in a couple of days while they never attacked the player who attacked them....once again...where do u draw the line? Is someone a bully simply because someone says they're a bully? Is there differing degrees of bulliness? The point is that the term "bully" is totally subjective and it means something different to most everyone. The only way to rid the game of what everyone might deem a bully is to eliminate fighting all together, thats just not gonna happen because the games were designed as fighting games, are currently fighting games and always will remain fighting games. T

    The only people trying to alter the game for there own benefit r those that r crying bully....they came to a fighting game, realized they stunk at it and starting crying for change because they dont have the brain capacity to figure it out and help themselves. the only reason Kano adds the fluff/filler is because they dont want to lose a single player if they dont have to. I assure u if it came down to it and Kano had to streamline there games for some reason.....what u would be left with would be exclusively a fighting game
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012

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