As we continue to extend Pirate Clan with new locations and achievements that reward skill points we will periodically behind the scenes tweak reward formulas to maintain balance with rewards in the game.
We have done this in the past and will continue to in the future as we provide new updates in the game.
Today we made an update to XP rewards in battle and boss that the majority of players will not notice, in fact 99% of the users will not notice.
The same rules hold effect that if you want maximum XP in boss battles and pvp battles, investing in Health / Attack / Defense are the attributes that impact XP rewards, as we continue to add more content that reward skill points we will continue to adjust XP rewards from battles / pvps based on your characters build.
It is not uncommon for us to make changes like this, we are certain that the likelihood of anyone even noticing this change is very low but in the effort of being as transparent as possible we wanted to bring it to the boards here.
If you do feel like you were impacted by this change please write into support: to expand...