[PC] Boss Battle and pvp Battle Rewards Rebalancing

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    As we continue to extend Pirate Clan with new locations and achievements that reward skill points we will periodically behind the scenes tweak reward formulas to maintain balance with rewards in the game.

    We have done this in the past and will continue to in the future as we provide new updates in the game.

    Today we made an update to XP rewards in battle and boss that the majority of players will not notice, in fact 99% of the users will not notice.

    The same rules hold effect that if you want maximum XP in boss battles and pvp battles, investing in Health / Attack / Defense are the attributes that impact XP rewards, as we continue to add more content that reward skill points we will continue to adjust XP rewards from battles / pvps based on your characters build.

    It is not uncommon for us to make changes like this, we are certain that the likelihood of anyone even noticing this change is very low but in the effort of being as transparent as possible we wanted to bring it to the boards here.

    If you do feel like you were impacted by this change please write into support:

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2012
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Member

    It would be nice to see an increase in XP from Boss/PVP battles as we increase in level.
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Is this only in PC? When u say "adjust" do u mean scale down/back? Is what your saying that u r lowering rewards every so slightly over an amount of time so u can continue to put out new content with out things getting totally out of whack? Basically taking a lil dough outta each cookie so u can scrape together enough dough to make another cookie? Or am I once again off in left field and its the exact opposite? Im getting the drift this is a sensitive issue, I appreciate the transparency but could u be a bit more specific?
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    bump bump................
  5. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I was told the main thing to take away from the post was Kano being transparent, in that they do this sort of thing from time to time and the majority will not really notice anything different, nor will it impact the game.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I get that but telling us that they r doing something and not what it actually is really isnt being transparent....in fact ist down right torture and leaves them a lot a latitude.....lol
  7. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    lol I figure that , me not so much ( the tortured part) but that is all I got when I asked
  8. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    If you invest in Health/Attack/Defense in your character build, you will not notice any change in boss or pvp battles. ;)

    If you don't then you may see a difference.

    As we continue to add content well beyond points we ever intended too we have to make slight adjustments / rebalances as we go along.

    Same rules apply, Health / Att / Def play into the XP reward formulas.
  9. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Would like to touch up on this one a bit.Is it still in effect where if you attack someone with low health,you get low XP from it?If so,that isn't really fair especially if you've invested in health.
  10. Bubba

    Bubba Member

    It has been my experience (and the change may affect this) that the main stats that control the XP you get from PVP battles is Att/Def. So when you attack a pirate and it says you did 3000 damage and took 2900 damage, then your XP gained from the battle was greater than if you attacked another pirate and it says you did 3000 damage and took 1500 damage. So in other words, the greater the difference between your attack and their defense (including clan and all that), the less XP gained from the battle.
  11. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I still believe experience needs to be looked at by levels and not by players stats. Just because a player is stronger they shouldn't get penalized in losing experience by players around them who do not have have the same basic stats. They had the same chance to be just as strong as the player who could beat them. But if they use a boost they get a bigger pay out on you. But when you attack them still you gain low experience. My suggestion which has also been many others is to curb the experience by level brackets. If your in the level 1000's all players should give you over at least 100 exp. Level 2000's at least 200 Exp. Level 3000's at least 300 exp. You get the picture. It can be more then that if you find a good enough player who can give you that better experience but they are becoming few and far between. The Arena had it right were i was hitting player and gaining 300 exp or more per hit. Please look into this issue. You have players who will constantly sit on players who give them the experience they need you do it per level bracket and make it even across the board then there would be less players who constantly yell out the word bully. It's not bullying its getting the experience you need to advance in the game and your just the lucky one who has the experience we need. Sorry for the rant but that is just my opinion on this.
  12. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Yep, min XP for in-range targets is something that we are looking into we are already on it!
  13. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Something we are looking into.
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    hmmmmmmm, this is getting very interesting.....this may be one of those rare occasions that some might/should be allowed to re-allocate SP
  15. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    I have played a game where people were able to reallocate and it was not pretty :(
  16. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Oh Pimp is fully against it.Unless of course the game makes a very drastic change.
  17. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Thanks Kendall
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Breakfield is right Linda...I ve always been against skill point reallocation. The only exception to this being if the game designers themselves change something that adversely affects a segment of the player population. If a players game is affected detrimentally through no fault of their own....they should definitely have the opportunity to correct things. This particular example may seem minor but as Kano said they do this kind of stuff routinely. One minor change is no biggie....multiple over time can have a huge impact
  19. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    @Polish - what would your thoughts be on say a player that puts in say 3 skill points into stamina a level? Just an example...
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol...is this trick question...is that even possible? Just kidding, I would imagine that your saying..."on average". To be completely honest...Im not sure I fully grasp exactly what all this means , Ive been fighting a nasty head cold and my noggin feels fuzzier than Bigfoots belly button. Im def not tot trying to be a jerk about this and I fully understand that things such as this are necessary to keep the "balance". All Im saying is that it appears that something like this could have adverse affects on some players game through no fault of their own over a previous significant amount of time and skill point allocation. i would think that in a rare occasion such as this a player would have the option of altering their build to the same degree that they were affected. When my head clears up a bit I will revisit it all and perhaps it will read differently and or I will develop a more accurate understanding of exactly whats happening. Thanks for your reply and patience.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012

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