What exactly constitutes bullying?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL....cute and creative, wrong...but still cute and creative
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    There seems to be some ""Rule"" albiet, unwritten, but alot of players have it and I hear it all the time it has a couple of components to it, one is the whine " why are you attacking me I did not list you , and You SHOULD attack the person who set you . LMAO at the one all the time, have heard it for years in PTRC and I hear it everyday in PC and I am sure it is screamed to the heavens in VC and any other fighting game. and I say GET REAL , if someone ends up on a rival list , end of story for whatever , then ya get the canned message" nothing personal I just wanted the coins from your bounty" and I want to say"" hope it was worth it "" lol then there is the other part, about "I only Pw'd ( PC slang for axe slap or punch,)you" or I only attacked you a few times , and I say ,Well if you were stronger I doubt you would have stopped at a pre ordained abmount of attacks lol,, been hearing those excuses for over 4 years now, and I say to those who use them REALLY????????? so if ya want to be bounty hunter expect retaliation if and if ya need to do your dgps and ya don't want retaliation then fight the undead. there is no crying in PC, VC, LCN, ZS and Baseball :)
  3. Carol Anderson

    Carol Anderson New Member

    Bullying in the game is when another player take set on a player just because they do not like that player for whatever reason and the said player go into the forum and write nasty things about said player ie about their race colour or creed hugs
  4. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    good point, but we thankfully do not see much if any of that and if it should happend it would be deleted quickly, :) and maybe a ban would be imposed for the forum.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Its obvious that u simply get It...TY! Its a game which by its very nature is all about whoopn ass and accumulating stats such as wins, kills etc etc.. Of course there will always be those people that push things to the outer most limits just as they will in life ......but without them.....things would get real boring real quick. They actually do serve a purpose as they r a source of motivation to push ourselves even harder and as an example of how not to conduct ourselves
  6. Rex Garner

    Rex Garner New Member

    I agree with Polish original posted. Don't get bitchy just coz sum1 higher has attacked or hitlisted u. Revenge is sweet. Just help the clan you belong to. As long as your income from properties is sufficient get revenge by doing an Ambush or Hitlisting or both. I do it all the time!
  7. Chad Thompson

    Chad Thompson New Member

    All I can say is WTF! lol I have been on this game for almost 2wks and personally I don't look at my Fight List, I just attack, and If the same person is on my list, well all I can say is SBYDL, because I can and will attack over and over IDC if I win or lose its game. I play it! If I get attacked by higher levels lol so be it! I haven't really read a lot of posts from this game on how to play it, I just started playing and learned the hard way.

    Oh if you really think that this game has bullies, lmao you all should play on (NothingtodowithKano/Apps.com) that site is about like KANO it has bullies, cheats, hackers, and a lot of dumbasses as well. that is why I came here I like playing here and it is much more fun!!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2012

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Just a comment...... I think bullying does happen and because of the premise that players will play to the limits of how the game can be played, Kano is responsible for making in game limitations which prevent bullying. In LCN, ways of bullying can be four or five players deciding to target weaker players in such as way that they punch kill them several times a day when their "target" is offline. And when their target signs in chain attacking non-stop. I am not talking 20-30 attacks. Nor even 90-100. I am talking non-stop, every time the player heals, 500-1000 attacks. And this number is only from one "bully". When a player is unable to even play the game, that is bullying. It may be part of the rules or the design of the game but I do not think it was the intent of the game or of the developers. I think it is up to Kano to create safe guards so players cannot be bullied to a point that they stop signing in and playing. And I am not talking about a player just being beat on a little or someone who just gets their a** kicked because they are a weaker player.... I read in a post in this thread that there was a limit of 40 attacks in a particular app? In LCN, it is 5000 per day. With that in mind, maybe LCN could put a limit of 100 attacks on a person who has not attacked, punched, or listed them. LOL The idea that you could list someone in LCN does not work for long because the cost of listing goes up each time that person has been listed by anyone.... so if they have been listed already 4 or 5 times that day, the cost of listing becomes expensive.... and for the person being listed, so what if they lose 10k exp points by being hitlisted when by chaining they will make it back 20 times.

    And as far as the idea of it being the "weaker" players fault for not allocating skills better, in LCN the top 120 levels range from 2200 to 7600.... that means the "range" of attacking other players is huge for those top levels and clearly a player a few hundred levels higher has a huge advantage over a lower level player. There is not much a player can do if 4 players ban together and decide to make targets out of a few players lower level but within their attack range.
  9. BOBBY1363

    BOBBY1363 New Member

    And the clouds roll away and the seas become still.

    An adversary of mine sent me this link after he killed me off with a decent Pistol Whip. I mentioned the term "BULLIED" and he kindly ask me to read this an give my two cents worth of thoughts. If everyone would read what I personally believe is the BEST thread that i have ever read in any forum. With the words that are carefully and soothingly depicted in the breakdown terminology of a term that is sadly abused and clansman alike buy into the term "Bully" as just a cheap overthrow to cover their own ignorance. Bottom line.... "you control who you let beat you down and who you learn lessons from. My adversary is not the highest level on Myspace but coming up on lvl 4000. I consider this individual one of the smartest players if not the smartest player playing today. He is probably reading this as you are and just found out that I have been watching and trying to learn certain things that he does. This individual I DO HAVE THE UTMOST RESPECT for and the same goes to Polish. These two individuals if working together could write one hell of a bible together covering strategies and patience. Nice job Polish and thanks for another lesson from my adversary. :cool:

    Signed.. [CoV] RENEGADE REBEL
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I appreciate your comment. Your example of what u feel constitutes bullying would be completely valid were this real life and not a game built on and around fighting and killing. The whole idea of these games is to build positive stats, some of the most prestigious being wins, bountys, kills and slap kills. with that being said.....chain attacking someone u can beat is a good thing, slap killing someone is a good thing.

    Your tag team example of 4-5 players ganging up on someone is a perfect example of teamwork, these r social networking games in which acquiring loyal like minded clan is essential to ones personal in-game success. First off....if these 4-5 players tag teaming someone are all with level range then thats what they're suppose to be doing...attacking you and sticking up for clan. If these players are out of your level range....then u somehow foolishly put yourself on their rival page. Personally......if your giving me decent XP and theres nobody available offering better XP...Im gonna keep hitting u until u stop healing or u decide to pony up and spend the cash on bountys and counters. If someone is willing to repeatedly die or eat counters just to keep u from playing...I assure u that u did something to piss em off. If u cant afford to retaliate against someone via counters or bounty's in your level range....then that s on you for not buying enough empire or spending your gold foolishly. If u cant beat them but then they can beat u....then they have simply allocated their points in a fashion to where they can, you had the same opportunity but chose differently.

    Its important to remember that every last player u attack , slap or bounty has clan who may very well take exception to u attacking their friend. If your attacking someone and then outta the blue some high leveled player slaps or lists u.....ya might wanna think twice b4 continuing, perhaps even try to clan up. The social networking aspect of these games is half the fun as u wheel n deal making friends and foe, No matter who u clan with its gonna be an enemy of another of your clan and vice versa.....so choose wisely. If u have a group of players coming after u.....find a mutual clan member and have them ask why and what can be done to bring peace.

    I dont care how much someone attacks ,lists or slaps......none can stop someone from playing unless they let it, if the reasoning is your precious win/ loss record then how about all those u got your wins from? If put your head down and just trudge forward...no one can stop u...u may just have to heal more. When My enemies finally caught wind that I had started over they all attacked me relentlessly non stop nearly every time i came online, despite the endless attacks and listing I went straight back to #1 in record time, I just ignored them, hit heal and went about my business.....I didnt let them dictate my game, players that allow that to happen are simply weak minded or dont have a clue how to play the game.

    Just because a player is a much higher level does not mean they have a huge advantage, it all depends of what theyve done with their skill points, black smithing and how they leveled. The #1 player in MS VC is nearly 1500 levels ahead of me is weak as hell for his level, I thump on him him evry single chance I get...does that make me a bully?
    Last edited: May 16, 2012
  11. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    No Polish I do not think that constitutes you being a bully, some high levels are strong and some are not, for the reasons your mentioned. we have quite a few who level like crazy in PC and passed me by and are so weak it is pretty funny . I like to thump them when they attack and lose and of course they have to counter and cage to win. and they just continue on their way , not learning , just in a rush to get somewhere , and that somewhere has some really BIG guns just waiting for them lol and if they cannot beat me, a level 3364 ,they certainly won't stand a chance with the Big guns , lol I see some"" bullying"" in their future.
  12. David Stroud

    David Stroud Member

    You have to also add in that some of the bullies uses alts and all that to target one player. I am having problems playing the MySpace Zombie Slayer right now because there is like three or four people on there that have more than one account, and that they hit listed me, and then claimed the bounty off of my death with their alts. They also use their main and alt accounts to attack me everytime I come online and off. I do believe that the ZS on MySpace is mostly alts as is, and that may need to change. As for many gamers who like to fight others do agree that some high level players do take things a little too far by slamming and killing low level players.

    Now, I have a problem on FB's version of PC where one of my former armada leaders(not founder) booted me out of the armada because she did not like me for not taken sides between her and another player who was a former founder of that Armada before the name change. So, now I have her hit listing me and PW me. She even calling for your captains to come and PW me. Since I have not put up traps or take up arms against her and the people that came to her calls. Now, people seem to stop coming to her calls to PW me because I have not fought back. Maybe they see that she could be the problem, and not me? It put me in a bad place and a lot of stress on which sides I should be on when I consider both sides of the warring faction as friends. I hope things like this would stop. People need to realized that when you made friends on these games, and then do something that hurts another person by getting mad and then becomes a bully to a former friend who did not want to take sides is something to look at as well.

    As I point out with alts or deliberate target against someone weaker to get your stats up should be frown upon. Like the people using alts being banned is a good start to help curb that kind of bullying.
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    @ David Stroud. Finally something I totally agree with as far as bully's go....Players who use alts are in game bully's, they are pathetic lil creatures who most likely get crapped on all day in real life and lash out in games like these because they have no control over their own lives.

    Your example of the players who were asked to help but no longer do because you dont retaliate is one good example of many on how to deal with an issue such as this. As far as them seeing that "shes the problem"...Im sure that many already do, but in the end players will do whats best for their own accounts, not necessary because they're bad people.....but because its a game and u do what u need to do to (within the rules) ...to insure what they deem as success in these games. In the end...if she continues to play and act like that enough players will turn against her as they become more powerful and she will be up here in the forums crying "bully"
  14. "I hear players all the time saying that the higher levels are bullys. Do these players actually think that every high leveled player didnt have to go through the same thing? The fact is that most high leveled players had it much worse than the players complaining today because when they started there wern't nearly the level limits and restrictions that are in place today. There was no such thing as "protected status"."

    Polish, just because someone has acheived a high level does not mean that they are actually playing the game fairly. There are many cheats that can be used. Just type "mob wars la cosa nostra cheats facebook" into Google and you will see what I mean. New players to the game are protected for 30 days.

    What the game needs is more protection for lower level players who are being being harrassed by higher level players.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There is not a doubt in my mind that many players cheat regardless of their level., I've posted on it countless times here in the forums.....whats that got to do with this thread? Are u saying there is a correlation between cheating and bullying? either way....please elaborate.

    For the player that have played this game "fairly" such as myself.....why would/should any other player get any extra protection then I ever got in either of the accounts that i took the time and suffered all the crap to get to #1? I somehow persevered and managed to reach the games highest point twice, there is zero reasons why anybody else cant do the same thing other than they simply dont have what it takes to to push through and prevail.

    A lower level does not end up on some higher levels radar for no reason...theres ALWAYS a reason. and regardless of the reason there is Always a way to overcome it without having to be coddled along the way. Just because a player may have/choose to stray from their original game plan in an effort to adapt to other players actions is just part of the game. If we could all just do and build are accounts with no interference or roadblocks what would be the point? Meeting and overcoming the obstacles along the way is where the satisfaction is gained and is the motivating force that has spurred the best honest players in these games to get where they are. I assure you....no player whining at the lower levels about being bullied has what it takes to ever compete at the higher levels.
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  16. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    the only way a higher level can attack a lower level is if they let them in
    meaning they punch or go for there bounty
    if you do this then you are in some eyes "fair game"
    but you have the ambush option until the time limit elapses or if you are killed then it resets
  17. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    What absolute arrogance.
  18. Someone should start a sub-thread here called:
    ~What constitutes Being a Whiny Emo~​
  19. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Not really.If someone cries "bully" simply because they're being over attacked/listed,they don't have what it takes.If someone had what it takes,they wouldn't complain.Instead,they would get stronger and turn the tables.
  20. Viking Player

    Viking Player New Member

    I read most of these forums but rarely comment.. What constitutes Bulllying???.. I think it's more a case of gamesmanship rules.. Some have more rules than others.. Some have more compassion than others. Just the nature of the game and humanity.. There are jerks in all walks of life and Jerks in all sorts of games.. But I do think Alts are a HUGE issue in the games. Polish I do like your comment that maybe Kano should request a sign up with a cell number.. That would put pay to alot of ppl using Alts.. Viking has become flooded with Alts.. Now i'm not condeming people who have an alt for game play reasons.. After all.. There's not alot u can do after you've used your boosts ect. There is rarely anyone to fight with on the battle page (undead Valhalla is fast becoming a high score) and leveling up is becoming harder and harder without fighting and getting the valued xp...but an alt should not be used for that reason either. . Why can't Kano make it so you can have an extra account that you can share favour points ect but can't throw and catch..

    But the level of Alts lately or new mouthing accounts is getting out of control..(mostly by 1 fraction of people).. lots of new accts made just so they can shout their opinion in the feed.. loads of them... They use account after account to slap people that they can't beat or the head of the Guild usually hits you hourly if he's not playing on his other accts. You can pretty much predict in which direction they will move to.. and they're not alone in this.. I have seen 3 guilds that are made up of very few people who just move from 1 account to the other. Personally I have little respect for people who constantly have to cheat to make their way in any game. Or use their higher alt because their lower account can't win! But to be honest it's a frequent occurance in Viking Clan.. I don't play the other apps so don't know but reading the threads here I assume they are the same..

    I'm hearing time after time now.. "Don't really play that much anymore.. Not my favourite app because of cheats and Alts ect.." I mean really.. Who would want to play a rigged game?? Either get battered on by high accts who think that just because it happened to them it's right for them to inflict that treatment on others? Isn't there a saying that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Or get tricked an beaten by people who have countless alts, throw and catch and have exactly 0 regard for what they're doing.. after all it's just a game and who cares??? seems to be the most commonly used concept in Viking Clan...I've begun to look at the people who I have in my clan. I have 1450 and to be honest less and less people are actually playing the game. So you big people. guesses are your actually shooting yourselves in the foot..with the fast moving industry of games available on the internet now, you may find that you'll end up playing alone.

    I actually collected a bounty from a high player and was expecting a battering afterwards.. He sent me a message saying Nice Kill.. I was so shocked I said thank you to him... I HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR THAT PLAYER AND HIS INTEGRITY THAN MOST IN VIKING CLAN He understood how hard it is for a lower level player to actually get bounties and build up his Empire in Viking Clan when bounties are becoming over valued and you have no chance of ever being able to afford to bounty a high player who is harassing you...Most bounties are already mapped out for mates, alts or guild allies..

    I understand fully this is a fighting game... but maybe the question isn't what constitutes bullying but what constitutes a player with integrity and what constitutes a player with 0 integrity and gamesmanship. That's just my opinion.. Breakfield there is a saying.. Bully's create Bully's.. Any interlectual will tell you that?? And How does a level 700 get stong enough to beat a level 3000?? Oh that's right.. It was done to me so i'll do it to them! Real smart thinking..How about you high level players actually do something productive and help out those small players and maybe you will have more people to fight with in the long run rather than getting fewer and fewer players who actually care about playing the game. But only my little opinion..

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