Hi - I have 735 captains fully stocked with mateys (7381), weapons (7380), and ships (827) - a touch over the recommendation because nowadays, I usually buy them in groups of 50. So is there any benefit in any form to have hundreds more of these on hand, or is that a waste in funds? - Jeffrey (Iron Eye Jeffrey Level 291 Buccaneer)
its good to keep them since your not at full size yet(full size you actually need much more than what you have) after your full size(1999)you have no need for any extras.
assuming that attack values are used when I attack, and defend values are used when I defend-- Apart from special items, I have a full complement of the best attaching ships (= no of mateys), and a full load of better defending ships, for defending against attacks; 80 /80; 70/85. the same possibility exists to some degree at strength lower than 70-90 range. same goes for mateys (except for the 11MM mateys); the best common weapons have equal A and D values.