Kano App Popularity

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by StennyGuts, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    I was thinking to myself, and I was wondering if anyone knew exactly which Kano App is most popular. It was boggling my brain, so it would put my mind at ease to find out :D
  2. 1. Zombie Slayer
    10,000 Daily Active Users 70,000 Monthly Active Users

    2. Viking Clan
    10,000 Daily Active Users 50,000 Monthly Active Users

    3. Pirate Clan
    6,000 Daily Active Users 20,000 Monthly Active Users

    4. Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra
    6,000 Daily Active Users 10,000 Monthly Active Users

    This is according to http://appdata.com

    Hope that helps! :)
  3. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This only accounts for facebook.
  4. True, something I overlooked.

    However I can imagine the trend being fairly similar, but I can't seem to find MS App data specifics.
  5. StennyGuts

    StennyGuts New Member

    Oh wow :D Just like I thought! I love Zombie Slayer the most, myself :D Then Viking Clan (but I no longer play it)
    Thanks for the information!

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