What exactly constitutes bullying?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Your analogy of a bully would be correct if we were talking about real life, but this is a game in which success is measured by stats such as wins, kills etc etc. If a player cant figure that out within minutes of starting there account then they are most likely playing the wrong game. Lets also not forget that a lower level needs to put themselves on a higher players rival page. Just because someone has better stats, higher strength or bigger clan does not make them a bully...that the whole idea of the game....its all about making yourself stronger so u can whoop on the next guy, the simple fact that some r more motivated than others or simply have more time does not make them a bully....once again...they r doing exactly what the game is designed to do. You dont attack to lose do u? If your the same level and have the same size clan and attack and win do u then stop? Because using your logic...if u didnt...u would then be a bully because u now know that u r stronger. That way of thinking simply doesnt lend itself to one being successful at games such as these.
  2. Just because a low level foolishly placed himself on a higher rival's list - whether because they're new and still don't understand how the game works, or because they're just foolish - doesn't mean that the higher level should stalk that lower level's page 24 hours a day.

    Kill him and move on. Attacking him and preventing him from being able to play the game while trying not to kill him is just sad and pathetic.

    Yeah, win stats are cool and all, but do you really want to brag about an account with 20,000 wins against a level 300 player or an account with 20,000 wins against players of all levels, some even higher?

    Anyway, someone who prevents someone from playing the game by constantly attacking them, even though the experience gained is negligent at best, is what a bully is.

    I.e. I attack you on the bounty board, kill you, try to do bosses and you attack me every time I heal to the point that I can't do a single boss.
  3. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Kul, I don't know when you started, but when I started and also before that, when you were on a higher levels rival list, they made damn sure that you regretted the next 24 hours. And in my opinion foolishness is best cured with a harsh dose of reality. So yes, I'll make life hell for people on my rival list. They put themselves there, they're better prepared for a great dose of abuse.
  4. Which is silly to me when there is often complaints about not having anyone to fight. If you want to retain players to a game, then the last thing you want to do is "punish" them for 24 hours straight till they decide the game isn't worth playing or quit.

    I know it's a battle game, and you should battle. Beating on someone thousands of levels lower than you just for the wins or because "I can." isn't honorable. Yet should a player utilize counter attacks, they get a "Stop countering and fight with honor!".

    In the end, you'll play the game how you want to play it. Some people can take the abuse, some can't. If your ideology is "If they can't take the heat, then they shouldn't be playing this game." then good luck finding players who wish to put in the hours or money to get on par with you.

    I attack lower levels too when they slap/bounty attack me, but I don't go and sit on their page rapidly clicking attack for 24 hours either, which I know some high levels do on Facebook.

    -Shrug- I'll let you attack me however often you want, just don't get mad when I start placing cheap counters on you after you've hit me 50 times.
  5. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    talking on lcn game its a minefield of rules that have been sought of made up as we go along
    most mobbers are in groups most stick to guidelines
    3 or 4 tapps off the fightlist no punching etc
    if you go for a bounty you open yourself up
    the person then can chain u for 24hrs but most just tapp back a few
    it all depends on the player, if someone chains 1 person all the time they i class that as bullying becasue
    there are many to fight on here so why ponder on just 1 member
    but its a sticky issue and depends on the player and how aggressive you wanna play
    but if other members see you as agressive you will soon get some loving yourself
    theres always a bigger fish in the sea
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I respectfully disagree, no one can prevent anyone from playing the game, if they decide to stop because they are being attacked relentlessly than it is their choice. As a lower level player I often had multples of the highest leveled players in the game attacking me nonstop for hours at a time, I just kept healing and went on my merry way as if they wernt there. Sure...I had to heal much more often but I still managed to become #1 again in record time and I now return them the favor if they r foolish enough to put themselves on my rival page.

    The rival list only lasts 24 hrs, in most cases a high level player will kill the lower well before the 24 runs its course but even if they dont its still just 24 hrs. If a lower then ends up on the highers rival page again.......then there is only one person to blame.

    I dont play that particular style, I usually just blast a lower a few times initially after they put themselves on my rival page in order to let them know there messing with someone they shouldnt be....but if they then attack or slap me back.....rest assured if I have nothing better to do they're gonna get a lil extra attention.
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    By the way, compared to how I remember it from when I was a low level about 2 years back, now the whole thing is rather tame.

    If you were on some people's rival lists, you could rest assured that they would beat you up until they got bored, which most likely translated into "never".

    Now I see people cry when they get hit 20+ times for being on a higher level's rival list. Back then you could very well eat several dozen to hundred losses.
  8. It's fine if you disagree. You asked a question and I responded with my interpretation of such.

    Something I've noticed from the Myspace players that should really stop though is comparing the game to how it was two years ago. Sorry, the game has changed since then and will continue to change. Just because something happened to you two years ago doesn't mean that it should still be in the game now.

    Polish, do you really believe that a level 8K player constantly attacking a level 120 player after getting slapped and not killing him can't make the lower level quit playing the game? Hell, in real life, some bullies take it to such extremes that their victims commit suicide. They "quit" life. It's 100% plausible that a bully in the game can make someone quit playing, if at least just for the day.

    Yeah, you're on the rivals list for 24 hours, but if you're above level 300 with a cheap bounty and you run into a particular high level who just wants to be a douche in the game... well, I'm sure you see where this is going.

    20-30 attacks is nothing. I get attacked 200-300 times by higher level players. In fact, I just got done chain countering a level 3300 that wanted to chain attack me for claiming her bounty. She lost over 100 battles and still kept trying to break the counters. Some people are just stupid or desperate to "bully" the lower levels, eh?

    I avoided this thread as much as I could because it relies on one key thing: Opinion. And we all know our opinions will never be compatible or in total agreement.
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Im glad you offered your opinion...its why I started the thread in the first place...to hear diff opinions and to see if I could be convinced otherwise.

    I think a lot of things can aid in a player quitting the game including your example...I just dont see it as a reason to change things, with every change u simply make someone else want to leave the game for a diff reason, where would it ever end? In my last reply...i wasnt referring to a player quitting all together...rather in reply to the statement that an attacker can stop them from progressing, a player can still perform all actions and continue to level to their hearts content even if someone is attacking them nonstop, The only thing holding them back would be themselves. If they quit the game altogether....my guess would be that it was inevitable that they were going to quit at some point anyhow, thats not meant to criticize...merely that it may not have been the game for them in the first place. Ive personally tried numerous games...some i realized right away werent for me, other s which took much longer, either way I just went looking for something else that suited me. When I first found Kano games it took me but an hour or so to realize that things were be a lil rough and thats what kept me around, I personally like things that offer a bit of a challenge as I use it as motivation to keep moving forward

    In the end....Its the the lower levels actions that put them on the higher levels rival list, if the attacks continue its because they continue to put themselves on ones rival page. if they cant hack playing the game the way it was set up from when they began....then one has to wonder why they;re playing it in the first place and why they think it should be changed just for them when obviously there has been tens of thousands that came before them who made these games successful just the way they are.

    Like I said previously....I dont play that way and dont think the majority play that way either. There will always be the A-holes out there but for me thhe game simply wouldnt be the same without them because there simply isnt anything sweeter then eventually turning the tables on them.

    I attack a player that is about 1 k ahead of me in levels every chance i get while winning every battle other than the counters, this player rarely attacks me back, does this make me a bully? Im obviously much stronger than him...yet hes much higher in level. This is the only player on my rival page so i go after him as often as possible.... would this be stalking?

    I simply dont understand why ones level makes any difference at all, its just a matter of whether one player is stronger than the other regardless of whether they r the same level, higher or lower. If u can beat a player regardless of level....how many attack is to many before it constitutes "bullying"? When the low level player who r crying "bully" are starting out and leveling by going down their rival page.....do u think they keep attacking those they cant beat.... or do they move onto the next player they can beat and then attack them into the hospital and continuing to do so if they continue to heal ....would this not be bullying? You gave a "real life" example earlier so I shall do the same. Two guys have a disagreement but one has a black belt in Karate and keeps knocking the other guy to the ground but the other keeps getting back up and taking swings....at this point the black belt knows hes to much for this guy, is he bully if he keeps laying him out or is it justified?
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2012
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Earlier this evening I was on bounty for about an hour. Im level 8932, a player who shall remain nameless but is level 2075 hit me on bounty consistently for somwheres between 5-10 minutes so i attacked him back while on bounty and killed him with a regular attack...then after a brief pause he continued his attacks and i returned the attacks in kind killing him a total of 11 times...all the while i was on bounty, he then went to the feeds and proceeded to call me a bully....what do u think?
  11. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    why ride the HL for an hour anyway unless you want people to attack and u can kill them back
    maybe your just throwing your wieght about because you are a top level
    if the guy is hitting you for your bounty he obvoiously wants to hopefully get it so why kill him back 11 times
    yes thats being a bully as you were winning all while he was going for your bounty why lower yourself to chain kill a lower level
    arent you supposed to rise above this you are a high level
    after you are killed yes go thru your rivals and bash them abit
    how many others that went for your bounty did you chain back you only mention a lower level
    what about the others did you do this to a higher level probaly not as you wouldnt be able to ride at same time
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  12. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    That level 2075 needs to grow up.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    If a player wants to attack some one that much higher for a bounty , or anyone for that matter, then he should be prepared for any and all retaliation .
  14. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    i totally agree if you go for a bounty you are fair game no excuses at all
    that all depends though on the type of player you are
    but i always attack back a bit those who went for my bounty
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO..."arent you supposed to rise above this you are a high level" My level somehow holds me to higher standard? What exactly do I get in return for this honor? Im already limited with imposed bounty delays, who I can hit and the number of points I can score in the GWs....now I shall rise above everyone else and not retaliate against those who attack me because of their level?

    At my level theres not as much to do so if and when I feel like riding the list I do so to get rivals and accrue stats just like anyone else in any other aspect of the game. I also like to choose who takes me down as its one of the very few benefits afforded me at my level. I attack all comers regardless of their level while im riding the list, the only difference being that most higher levels are smart enough not to attack me for two reasons 1. They know that its simply a waste of stamina , 2. They dont want to find themselves on my rival page.

    The reason I mentioned this one particular lower level is because it pertains perfectly to this threads topic. Obviously the player wanted to collect the bounty and at level 2075 and a player Ive had a lot of contact with before....they obviously knew that they had no chance. Yet they continued to attack after each time I killed them, Ide say thats just plain stupid. I killed many players of all levels when I attacked them back while still on the bounty....most stopped attacking at that point which shows signs of intelligence as they were now off my rival page.

    In your reply at one point u say its ok to go "bash them a bit" after I've been killed...but you also said..."yes thats being a bully as you were winning all while he was going for your bounty why lower yourself to chain kill a lower level", .....He kept putting himself on MY rival page....he could have simply stopped attacking and he would have not been on my rival page any longer. I did not go out looking for him. This player is over level 2k....do u really consider him a low level that doesnt know any better? The simple fact is He asked for everything he got and then when he didnt like the repercussions for his own purposeful actions he went and cried "bully". This is a perfect example of a player who wants something for nothing and isnt man enough to accept responsibility for his own actions. Its players like this that Are contributing to the games continued deterioration with imposed limits and restrictions because they just cant handle it and cry for self serving changes that those that came before them didnt need to be successful.

    I cant "chain kill" someone that doesnt continue to put themselves on my rival page, its not as if I was chain listing them, If you dont see the difference...what business do u have being a moderator?
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    This is in total contradiction to what u said in your previous post
  17. Zoonie

    Zoonie Member

    I am what you may call a Viking Clan bully.

    I don't get much pleasure from attacking those in my range as they may be able to fight back.

    I do enjoy attacking much weaker players who can't even counter attack because my income is so high. I like the idea that I can demoralise and humiliate someone without risk to myself.

    Viking Clan started out as PvP and it should not have evolved. Fortunately because we old time players are a bit more vocal in the forums they have started listening to us and brought in things like Guild Wars, Rivals Lists and Battle Drops. Things aren't perfect as players can still avoid PvP altogether but it's a good start in forcing people to play this game the way we lot want it to be played.

    It is only right that we bullies (and wannabes) should define the rules on bullying as lower level players tend to think they are being bullied after only a few dozen attacks (plus axe slaps and bounties if they fight back).

    People play this game because they want to be bullied. If they did not enjoy being bullied they would not run the risk of being bullied by playing the game. Similarly if they are so weak minded they do not enjoy bullying then, for their own sake, they should be banned from playing.

    When I am bountied and weaker players bounty attack me (doing insignificant damage) I attack back, not with like for like damage but, by killing or bountying. I don't get anything much out of it in the form of XP or coins but they need to be taught a lesson, Only high level players have earned the right to bounty attack without fear of retaliation. Seems fair to me. One failed attack = 24 hours of attacks, axe-slaps and bounties.

    Of course if KANO/APPS took off those stupid limits of 24 hours on the Rivals List (or a kill) and those level restrictions I could teach them lesson after lesson. In fact if all restrictions were lifted bullying would vanish from the game (unfortunately, from my point of view) as, if KANO/APPS does not allow bullying and they make the rules that allow me to attack this way then, by definition, it cannot be bullying... can it?
  18. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    lol @ Zoonie ,coming from a low level in VC but decent hold my own level in PC, Right On!!!! the bottom line for me is if you end up on my rival list, for any reason and you lose , then expect me to retaliate , if ya want to wait out the 24 hours I can understand, but if not oh well
  19. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    no not at all i was stating if you gor for a bounty you are fair game
    your point was you were riding the list for an hour and was being attacked so u killed 1 person 11 times
    who was attacking you and you wanted a opinon if thats bullying i gave you my opinon
    you now say you rode the list to get rivals because at your level you havent got any
    my opinon was you rode it for an hour because you can
    my views are my own and im responding as a player not a moderator im not moderator because i reply
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    so let me get this straight... If I or anyone else goes up on bounty regardless of level or reason...we are fair game to be attacked with the intent to kill and should not retaliate unless they player attacking is of a similar level?

    I appreciate your opinion.....but u my friend are the epitome of whats wrong with theses games and why they r in decline, Much like the real world....people need to understand that they dont get their own set of special rules and they certainly dont get to just reap the benefits of their actions but suffer the consequences as well.

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