idea for kano.

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by RAGM, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    i know im tired of it and i know alot of other ppl are tired of it.

    why does kano not fix there exploit in the game hold enter button instead of banning us who use it. aka me and others.

    why should i be banned for somthing they wont put a patch on?? its not my mistake. im doing somthing that was put in the game. yes every game has glitchs exploits ect. but then its up to the company of the game to fix there mistake and do somthing about it.

    my idea is. that ppl should not get banned for doing nothing wrong.

    And that if kano is going to continue to ban ppl that they should fix the problem in the first place
  2. Tat27

    Tat27 Member

    Very well said... if it's in the game, and it is not thoroughly covered as a violation to the TOS, then how, exactly, are we to know that, if by overuse, we will get banned? Fix it and there won't be complaints about the unfairness of it, nor will there be any angry users who bitch about it in the forums. Just a thought.
    2 Cents Added
  3. L1LOne

    L1LOne Active Member

    I agree. Every game is gonna have there exploits. Heck, if it hadn't been for me or Don. Kano wouldn't of even known about half of these faster heals!. I understand all about that, banned, frozen, etc etc. I have Kano on speed dial lol. Don't punish the players who take advantage of these glitches, because ITS KANO'S FAULT FOR NOT PATCHING THEM!. Heck, I could do a better job. Hire me Kano, I will get chit done right the first time.:cool:
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2012
  4. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    This isn't really an idea, this is a support issue. Moving to support.
  5. Anthony Nurse

    Anthony Nurse Member

    I don't agree it's an idea for u to fix a problem instead of blaming players who "exploit" your game, I didn't even know holding down the heal button would keep u healing but now I know and will use it among others I bet till it is fixed.
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    if there is a glitch and it is exploited that is wrong IMO
  7. Tat27

    Tat27 Member

    IMO if there's a glitch, it should be fixed instead of the players being banned because of something that isn't in the TOS. :) We're greedy, competitive people... expecting the lot of us players, or at least many of us, to not exploit something that will better our gaming is very very impractical
  8. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Isn't this a browser glitch?It only works on certain browsers.Makes me think it's a browser glitch.
  9. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    people can be competitive with honor, we all have a choice :) so depending on a choice people should be able then to deal with any consequence good or bad , IMO
  10. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    This is an exploit in our view, the game is not being used as intended with supplied links and buttons. It's only available on certain browsers. A fix is going out today for this issue.
  11. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    If this is a glitch and players are exploiting it, then any benefits a player gained from such glitch should be removed.

    Have all of you emailed support about this?

    If you continue to use this glitch and gets you banned, don't bother coming to the forum to complain.
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I am glad to hear this Deltan. I was about to email Dan to see if it was being worked on.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    glad to hear it will be fixed :)
  14. Jackie Burton

    Jackie Burton New Member


    I totally agree with you Ryan come on Kano you know what you have been doing in the other games like giving away UN's etc is that not CHEATING??????
    So holding down a button YOU can FIX is cheating get real!!
  15. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    They have already fixed this issue so there's no need to keep going on about it.
  16. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    still think its a bunch of bull. its not a problem so why fix it. why screw us players who without us there would be no kano games. so why screw us by taking away somthing from the game that ppl arnt complaining about. im not complaining about the enter button. im complaining that kano is stupid with there rules and need to get there act straight. i agree with Joel he could do a better job kano would be doing a good move if they hired. him. now kano removed somthing that was a good part of the game. wow im getting more and more to not even want to play thes games anymore and im a money spender FOR KANO!
  17. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    The enter button was being used as a hot key and by holding it down you could make it repeatedly perform an action for you. (healing)

    Automation is against Kano/Apps TOU. End of story.
  18. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    wow. all i can say.
  19. alka

    alka Banned

    As the lady said, get real!!
    Yet another example of the amateurishness of KANO.
  20. Anthony Nurse

    Anthony Nurse Member

    I really think Kano should go on some course on communication and people skills not act like stroppy teenagers, no wonder zs is losing all decent players.

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