Kano stop taking mobs from us

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SILENCE i Keell U, Mar 30, 2012.

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  1. I have FAMILIA (798) and MOB(734), WTF??? I have less mobs than my familia, I hope it's just a mistake, cuz it's pretty embarrassing now. Taking more and more shit from former hi5 players. Those are added poeple so that has nothing to do with the FP we got...
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
  2. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    FAMILIA (917)
    HIRED GUNS (706)
    but my mob shows i got only 774 mobs.
    this will be the final drop for me, if its not explained and reversed thats it for me...
  3. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    how can this even be possible?
    i got banned for adding people (cant send friend requests, cant even send messages on facebook) and now you KANO take away my real mobs???
    how can i keep playing knowing you will do this every time someone complains about something?
    i'm sorry because i love LCN but maybe its time to let it go...
  4. everytime someone complains, they take more and more mobsters away, in few weeks we are going to have just one mob, which is going to be just our selves.
  5. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We will make an official post shortly, after an audit this week it was apparent that further modifications were required.

    Here is an example:

    A hi5 player camping at level 355, has 1696 battle kills.
    Here is another example, camping at level 415, has 2648 battle kills.

    Anyone can see the issue there.

    If we had more time with the original transfer and taking what we know now, we would handled this a lot differently, while the majority have played through as we thought there are a few that seem content to just camp at the lower levels and rack up kills.

    Official post will come out later today, but those 2 examples should get everyone on the same page of why we further restricted the use of hired based on level for hi5 transfers.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    As long as the added friends is above the current max mob amount you should be taking them all in. Friends are not capped beyond the per level amount after 500.
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Looks like there is a bug with the friend count of Mob for ex-hi5 players we will get that fixed shortly, but a further restriction as been added to the use of hired per level. Last amount obviously was not enough to get all players moving up and not camping at lower levels.
  8. clubber

    clubber Member

    Oh man I hope Kano will refund our UN points... or else!
  9. Rossi

    Rossi New Member

    It's a very simple reason for that Kendall, it's because valued players of FB, some of them with +800 of days played, have only a few mobs. Here are my stats: Fights Won:14,399 Fights Lost:335 Level:280 Fight Kills:1,437
    Personally I think it's disrespectful for the other players who show an interest in playing this game to find such weak players! And of course they will be constantly killed just like soap bubbles, even after this new limitation will occur. I will keep attacking them, how else can I get XP? I NEED to attack everything I can attack!
    If you really have left just a bit of justice sense, make this limitation FOR ALL THE PLAYERS, not ONLY for the ex Hi5 players! I don't mind getting the full use of the all 2000 possible mobs just when I'll reach lvl 1000, but I don't like being bullied by the other players same level as me but with double mob.
  10. I didn't get a package for vikings, yet I have more than 3000 kills and i would trade all those kills for leveling but since i can't find a leveling partner i have to attack those little clans, not our fault they're so weak.
  11. wlee

    wlee New Member

    Midship Faced Lee
    Level 1105 Raj Pirat join 31 days ago this is bs im ovel level 1000 and i can not use my HC really dont you guys have something better to do Captains (1167.75)
  12. Quickstriker Bow

    Quickstriker Bow New Member

    That is just a lame excuse...
    A normal facebook player can have up to 2000 chieftains or captains at lvl 325..
    Whats the lvl that a hi5 transfer player must have to be able to get the same 2000 chieftains or captains? lvl 3000? lvl 3500?
    Do you call this fair? If you wanna make changes like that just do it to all players and not just to hi5 transfer players, because that's discrimination..

    Ex: all players at lvl 300 can't have more than 500 chieftains..
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
  13. A lot of ex hi5 mobs are being hitlisted by 1000+ mob so that is unfair too, are you guys going to do something about that????
  14. wlee

    wlee New Member

    they are not going to do nothing SILENCE you know that thats because they have to take care of fb players we should get just to this because its going to happen in the future also so we can not beat fb players
  15. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    After the latest post from Kendall i will do everything i can to kill even more of them.
    As i said a long time ago when you first took our hired guns away, ITS NOT OUR FAULT THE LOW LEVEL PLAYERS SUCK!!!
    Just to prove my point i'll kill everything in my attack list from now on.
    I didnt play for kills but i will now...
    I wont say its not fair for us "valued hi5 players" cause its clear its not.
    I didnt complain once that i get listed 10-20 times a day by lvl 1500+ and im lvl 388.
    I just hope nobody will complain about me killing my entire attack list from now on.
  16. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    leveling partners.,really, not the way to go at all IMO
  17. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    Note: this will be the 13th hit on this mobster in the last day or so. Recent hits will increase a mobsters hitlist cost.
    Thats on me. And its from this morning so basically 14 hours. Almost once an hour.
    You didnt consider this in your calculations Kendall?
  18. suzuki

    suzuki New Member

    So more restrictions for ex hi5 players? Was not enough that after 3 years of playing kano games i have to start over from 0? First u took some of hired (mobs, chieftains, captains) and now u took them all? How about all the FPs we made untill now from when we transfered at FB? I see alot of players that they have over 1000 (mobs, chieftains, captains) , how they can do that and us no? All the time i hear that is not fair for fb players, but how about what is fair for the ex hi5 players? How about make our lvls, skills. hired, FPs back that we had on hi5 and see that we will have the same battle kills. I tell you we will have much more.
  19. With all due respect to the hi5 players I know it must really suck that hi5 did that to it's users and I wouldn't like to be put in that predicament myself.

    However I may remind you that Kano has worked very hard to provide you with a solution to the problems via transfer packages, although these aren't ideal these were the best way to accommodate you, may I also remind you that Kano wasn't obliged to do anything like that in the event that hi5 would discontinue their games, but they did regardless.

    Every new player to the game must have the same opportunities everyone else has had, so if a player started now and leveled to level 400 with his/her full 2000 mob then this would also be restricted, because the game and level playing field has to be balanced.

    I am sure Kano is making it fair for everyone, and If you have another issue that needs looking into I'd consider emailing support :)
  20. Manau

    Manau New Member

    Just an opinion!

    Where the hell does it say that u cannot stay, play at a lower level or level up however you want if that is your choice?? I should play this game only if I level up to reach level +2000 in 30 days??? This sucks boys and girls, you people at kano really are making fun of us!!! But, we have no power over you, so continue to bully us, I for one will play and level up how the hell I want... I'll kill everyone I can and as much as I can!! And you cannot do anything about it.... Just bully on by taking our mobs... Some of us will not quit!!!
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