Really? A new location for the big levels? Read more! Not happy!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by USMC General Cervasio, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Are you serious DEVS? Another new location for the big levels? How many people are above Level 2970? 25 Max? Why can't you make a new city for all of Mob Wars? Us lower levels aren't getting anything! The only reason you keep making new locations is because the bigger levels buy favor points all the time, isn't it? Can you once actually think of EVERYONE! We all play, why can't you just make a couple of new locations for everyone? I feel like you are slacking, and your work is becoming very slipshod lately KANO!
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I think he means instead of making a new thread all the time, why not add to an already existing thread on that topic.

    That way everyone is having their say and can see what others think, all in the one thread.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    What does this thread have to do with ZS?
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Did u bump your head? A new location which is opened at the higher levels is for everyone.....unless of course u plan on never leveling again. If u r a low to mid level player than u obviously still have new locations to unlock....why on earth would u need more? What exactly do u suggest that the highest of levels do once theyve unlocked everything and Kano decided not to make any more locations at the higher levels? In one breathe you claim u want a location for everyone yet in the next breathe u want to exclude the higher levels...which is it? How would a new location at the lower levels benefit the higher level players?

    Sounds as if u have issues with players who actually pay to play these games, if not for these players you wouldnt have these games to play. Personally I think Kano should listen closer to those that pay seeing as how they r the ones bankrolling the whole operation. But fortunately for you Kano listens to all players regardless of level or amount of money spent. Good ideas can potentially come from any where including players that dont pay a dime....but yours just doesnt happen to be one of them.
  6. Susan Patrick

    Susan Patrick Member

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  7. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Just because a single new location came out for higher levels does not preclude the possibility of adding more for lower levels, your post makes it sound very finite, like this is the end of the road for the games. We're constantly producing more content. Post an idea, maybe it will get more support from other players! :)
  8. I still think that its only fair that every couple of months, a new location for everyone is made! And polishpimp, not once did I say I wanted to exclude the higher levels, so you must have bumped your head!

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