Before was every 20 mins 1 key, which would take a player 21 hrs in your 72 hr. period of time to complete....NOW 3O mins a key will take 31.5 hr's online without forgetting or being away from computer in 72hr's, do u see a problem? or you want more $$$?????????????
I completed all three calendars without spending a single dime, without spending a single Favor Point, with 11 hours to spare. The previous two calendars were only for 48 hours, which is why you got a free key every 20 minutes. This calendar lasted for 72 hours, which is why you got a free key every 30 minutes. You are given plenty of time to complete the calendars. I also slept 6-8 hours a day.
1 calendar, 1st free key and 3 free keys with 15 people helping= 21 boxes left 21 boxes at .5 hrs=10.5 hrsx3=31.5 hrs in 72 hrs get my point!!!! And ur a moderator relentless no wonder why kano going to chit
Why are you complaining then? 31.5 hours is less than a day and a half, and you were given three days to do the calendar. What's the problem?
Truth be told i didn't even read your first post. I knew as soon as i seen the title it was another whinger carrying on because there not going to get the same weapon three times. The point isn't to finish all 3 calendars, hence the reason you get the same weapons each time you finish it. How about instead of having a bitch over it, you be grateful for what you are getting. Free xp and money.
I finished 3 for PC close to 3 for Vc and close to 2 for ZS and still have time today , yes it is a PIA but if you put the time in the coin xp and reward are worth it plus it is like a competition with friends cheering each other on , lol , and I worked , slept , and sat on the couch lol , plus the cell phone came in handy, I would have preferred the 20 minutes , would have been done faster , IMO but it is what it is, and spent no money to do it
I agree with KUL- I get ALL 3 Calenders done with more than 15 hours left to spare, also helps that can click from my I-Phone.
if you don't care about the DROPS,then DON'T do the Calender! simple as that!! But the EXP & $$$$$ are GREAT!
I love the calendars, and did do all 3 just in time - but it might be nice to be able to load up a couple of keys in reserve, like chips and bullets in the challenges.
I think I like the twenty minute/two day better, though it is exhausting....I did complete 3 of 3 in both Pirate Clan and Viking Clan. No $$$ spent. I love my iPhone......
dont see what the issue is you have 3 days to complete you dont have to complete it 3 times i have completed it once im happy got good xp cash and a drop
I finished the calendars twice. But THEY'RE BORING! I really think things like this should have *some* buffer. It doesn't have to be so big as the card dealers, but maybe something on the order of the ZS rockets... you get up to 4 in 16 hours before it fills up. Maybe on a quick calendar you could have a 2 or 3 hr buffer? So, you'd accumulate several keys and wouldn't have to doggedly go into each game every 20 or 30 minutes just to open a door. You could play naturally for a bit, then catch up on your keys without the keys taking over your life.
I have not done all 3 on a calendar yet and I still don't see the issue, I do them when I am at my computer and don't come to it to spend addition time on the game, therefore I don't get the addition rewards. Simple in my mind?