[PC] Rule Selling Returns

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Hey everyone, we have brought back the ability to sell properties. We believe this addresses the needs expressed in the Ideas thread here: http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?6372. This allows for the ability to generate cash when necessary, but not create a massive instability with a fire-sale. The specifics are wrapped up in the devs hands, but essentially, a partial sell-off limited to a specific volume per day.
  2. kayjay

    kayjay Guest

    cool thx deltan
  3. Is this going to be brought back to VC ?
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Yes VC will be getting this as well. Baring the unforeseen this will be back sometime today.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    This sucks. I resent the fact that Kano thinks they know what is "necessary" for my account. I spent my time and money buying empire as I saw fit I should certainly be able to sell as I see fit as well.

    This BS about it causing instability is just that...BS! This supposedly happened once in all the years Kanos been in existence....its hardly worth of taking away the freedom to do as we wish with our accounts. I can think of dozens of problems that have plagued their apps repeatedly over the years yet they continue as business as usual.

    The concerns they say they addressed were by far in the minority expressed in the thread they quoted. What a joke.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Is your play currently being restricted with the introduction, if so, please explain.

    Based on the activity of selling that players were doing, which we based this update off of, we do not expect a player to be restricted in anyway except if they are going for a fire sale.
  7. I want to be able to " Fire Sell " if I choose to . No matter how bored I get with the game I really can't bring myself to sell everything, but it is just something I would like to have the chance to do if I decided to. It's no secret I feel we should be able to sell everything if we wanted to, but I know I am saying this in vain. I hope that maybe Kano could have the ability hidden in the code that would allow a sell off in some controlled way if and when I decide to go out with a bang. Sell off are so rare that I have to agree to disagree with the devs that they are a huge problem. It just doesn't "feel" right being restricted on our own property. I have stopped buying property now because of this and just building coins. Are we going to be restricted on how many coins we can spend at one time in the future? One last note, there are folks with enough coin to bounty someone hundreds of times without a sell off , so wouldn't this cause the same result as a fire sale? I can not understand the reasons given is all. It makes me feel like my intelligence is being questioned here. I am trying to stay level headed over this and as always I am being honest in my feelings. All that said, thanks for bringing back selling in some form because some of my clan really used that for different reasons other than the fire sell.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lmao....I thought for sure that I made myself as clear as clear gets. Yes, my play is being restricted by the fact I cant sell off all my property if chose to.

    Nice of u to finally reply to one of my posts Kendall...how about chiming in on the bounty delay thread?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2012
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Good point Jerome and very well said!

    So how about it Kano...is there no player with enough coin on hand that could duplicate the instability issue? What if a player simple sells off the max they can every day until they have finally sold everything?

    before i deleted my old account I had the richest account in myspace at the time and sold off everything and bountied players till the cows came home, there was way more active players at the time and guess what.....no instability! It was by far the most fun I had ever had while playing these games as it allowed me to release a lot more frustration on players that I normally wouldn't have because it would have left me weak. I did this knowing full well that I would be starting a new account, had I known that Kano was going to be pulling the carpet out from under us with this update I seriously dont think I would have started over and I would undoubtedly be 1000s of levels higher than I am now with an income far in excess of the 2t an hour I have now.

    Kano and its games are becoming more restrictive/limited by the day. Gone are the days where excelling at these games actually paid off, gone r the days when we could do what we wanted with r own accounts. Bosses, attacks ,counters etc etc are all so limited now that the noose is tightening around r necks ....now we cant even quit and go out with a bang simply because Kano wants to hold us hostage in hopes we will come back. This is complete and utter BS especially when Kano has brought back accounts in the past that sold off everything and quit.
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Let me try the best to explain why this change was made from our perspective.

    • This was something that we identified as an issue back in 2010 when we first slated it's release, we linked it here in the forums after release (communication after release was a mistake) discussed it, decided to remove to give players a heads up and for us to refine the removal
    • Why was it removed, numerous reasons, one major one being selling of property is simply put the lowest action used in game, it accounts for less than 0.001% of all our daily actions. It does have some valid strategy uses which players brought up in the idea board which this release addresses so that should handle the 99% of the 0.001%. Now for the fire sale sell offs, it is something that can be very disruptive based on current mechanics (excessive dropping of hitlist costs, excess cash, and what occurred in VC false positive in our automation detection system which resulted in freezing of players). Now should we officially support a "sell-off" feature and make sure that we have systems in place to manage this disruption, or do we go after other changes that will have a higher yield for making the majority of the community happy, we choose the later
    • With our recent string of bad luck with outages and instability, this was something that was a no brainer for us to axe as it is one of the most disruptive actions in the game and has already lead to one incident of our automation detection system not to mention the stress on the system as a whole

    Now, players have said this is one of the most exciting parts of the game, well we see that as a challenge, how do we replace the "sell-off" with a feature that is supported and yields the same results.

    What do players enjoy? The fast pace, the excessive bounties, ???
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    You said it yourself Kendall....If selling property is one the least used features of the game than I hardly see that its that big of a stability issue...which is evident by the number of times it became a disruptive issue. Ive no doubt that if u asked each and every player whether or not they would like the option to sell off everything once they decided to leave the game.......the overwhelming majority would say yes they want that option. I would think that the fact that selling off ones property is one of the least used features insures that any issues with it will remain minimal. There has been hundreds if not thousands that have gone out with a bang with no issues what so ever....one problem hardly warrants this change.

    If u want to clear some space....how about eliminating totally worthless crap like the power attack unlocks on bosses, by the time a player gets enough players to unlock these attacks the boss doesnt have much health to use them on....this feature has been a joke from day 1.

    Will u please reply to the questions of whether or not any players have enough coin on hand to duplicate the issue of the sell off? or if a player will be able to sell off everything slowly over time by selling off the limit per day?
  12. OK Kendall, we simply will never see eye to eye on this and that's cool I guess. I promise you one thing, even though your stats show that it is only .001 % I will bet you that the least used action in the game is the option to purchase full health for 4 GP ! If anyone ever used this action then it was a mis-click, yet it remains a part of the game.

    The excitement of the fire sells is hard to put into words. Sure, extra high priced bounties was a draw but it is deeper than that. Some of the folks we play with have been game friends for years and it's more like a going away party. It is a way to say goodbye and bid them a nice farewell and for them to "give back" to the community . I have been one of the stingiest clans with the coins I earned and most clans would be very happy to see me throw them all back into the community. It really wasn't used just to list only enemies, as most of us that have been playing really could care less about going up on the list and enjoyed seeing our bounty rise. The max collected and max listed stats are totally void now without the chance of a fire-sell. I honestly thought that the extra excitement was good for the game. I can not see where it is disruptive enough to warrant removing because a fire-sell can be replicated with a couple quadrillion coin and a nice clan with a small bounty. The simple fact is that I feel our rights are violated when restrictions are put into place on what we worked hard to gain in the game, even if I may never want to sell off. OK, I am done on this topic because you know where I stand. It still seems to me that there must be a deeper reason behind this change because none of the explanations make sense enough to me. I know you do not want to spend valuable time beating this dead horse but look at that poll. We do not like having a restriction and that poll is one of the most community supported ones I have seen here..
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    here here Jerome!

    Whats the highest bounty Collected in face book? All but one of the highest bounties here in myspace were not a result of a fire sale ...but just me being bored and wanting to throw some coin around.

    Glad u mentioned the health refill thing....that has been asked to be removed in countless threads in the past, and seeing how Kanos new top priority is getting rid of unused features perhaps we should start a thread of crap that doesnt get used.....just to help em out ;)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2012

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