[ZS] Reduce amount of daily listings and raise attacks

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by 245 Trioxin, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    I have played this game from the beginning and as I watch people come and go I notice that new accounts really do not have a chance here after level 300. It has become extremely obvious with our new influx of HI 5 players on MS. I understand that other games actually set a daily limit on how many times an account can be bountied per day but they do not limit fight attacks. I'd love to see Kano games finally set a limit on bounties but raise the limit on fight attacks. Most of us do not have a fight list and 40 hits a day does not set much of a stage for fighting. What it does is increase the amount of people bountied since we have nothing else to do.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    The limit of attacks in all games of kano i believe is a max of 5000 hits total in one single day. And the bounty issue has been brought up numerous times on limiting it and it always falls short. The easiest solution if you want to be bountied less is build up your properties in your respective games. May take awhile. But the more income you have the higher your bounty price goes. And you will see less bounties placed on you.
  3. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    Omg, i really just found the one mod who's hard on the uptake, right?
    I'm level 3152 on myspace, so i'm sure not scared to get bountied that much, lol.
    I worry of the lower levels, one of them got hitlisted 175 times a day this week by a complete moron who thinks it fun to scare people away.
    Think of that first before you answer. Smh!
    And please don't try to explain me that game, it's just ridiculous
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I did think before i answered. And i respect your opinion and your accomplishment on your levels. I got bountied constantly when i first started the game. Yes there will always be that player in the game who chooses to ruin other's game play. One the easiest solutions is to build up your properties. Start equipping better items improving your character constantly. It does not take long in games to get higher in levels and be able to catch up to your tormentor. Or worst case scenario friend them or friend higher players who can help you.
  5. 245 Trioxin

    245 Trioxin Member

    Knock knock, anyone home? Believe me, i know how to raise my bounty with properies & items.
    I wanna see what you do at level 300 when a level 1400 all energy acct with hella cash lists you 175 times in a row.
    You can't multitrap him cuz you sure can't afford it.
    Thats what makes people leave this game. I think 10 to 20 lists a day would be enough.
  6. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Ditto what Jon said, if it is a fighting game as in PC or VC his advise is sound, been there done that myself , in PC , and mostly likely works for VC, is your game that much different in ZS, I have no experience with that game myself . but it still amazes me that a high level gets off on doing that to a lower level , but it does happen, we see it all the time in PC on FB, could this lower level have done something to bring this behavior on them, or is it out of the blue?? I know in PC players are warned not to pw or attack a player out of the xp range , otherwise expect retaliation for 24 hours, but once some one has a link of another player it can become " abusive" (hate to use that word), :( I would think about crewing up with some higher levels and asking for their help, and since you know alot about the game Trixon you can advise this player , on step he/she can take :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2012
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Like i said Trioxin. I respect your opinion. But the bounty issue has been brought up before and always goes no where fast. Read thru all the threads on the forum. You will see it's been there plenty of times and never goes anywhere. But if you want to give it a try again i am all for it for helping smaller level players stay in the game. So i will give you a 10 on it to help out.
  8. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    This is already in place.... There is a cap on how much XP you can loose... Ive never reached it. BUT Ive been told 2 things. Its half of ones level in negative, and ive also been told its a FULL level in the negative.

    somone can get listed passed that, but it wolnt continue to sting on the xp.
  9. alka

    alka Banned

    Some players have in excess of $15 trillion, do you really think a player who has bought the limit of property and upgraded them is going to help them from being chain listed? And what's to say the lister don't have the limit themselves with a reasonable income to fund listing?
    If I choose to list a guy and his friends help them out I'm more likely to continue listing the same target until I get bored, like many I know would do.
    How is building weapons and building character going to stop someone from being listed?

    You should know there is no way to prevent a guy being chain listed other than that guy not healing!!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  10. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    The not healing would have been my last resort, after asking them to clan, if it is that bad. but I wonder what a high level player gets out of all that listing on a low level, where is the challenge or the feeling of accomplishment , even the game I play we have those kinds of players, I have my own opinion of those types but I will keep that to myself :) Maybe the idea of when open waters occur in any game could change, to give players a chance to build them selves up , but of course there are always gonna be players who wind up in a HL who did not prepare for that and still get their collective butts handed to them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2012
  11. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Alka in my opinion the one's who like to chain list smaller individuals have nothing better to do then be a bully in the game. Those type of player's are some of the most weakest player's in the game. And once you catch up to them you can easily beat them. Having dealt with many of these player's in pirate clan and numerous other games i have played in the past. You quit playing you let them win. You keep playing and eventually catch up to them you win. And get to return the favor back to them one day.
  12. alka

    alka Banned

    Why does a low level player attack or punch a high level player?
    A college was listed 3 times up to $147,539,934,456. The player listing has been playing for 8 days and 1000 levels lower!!!!
  13. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Most of them don't understand the aspect of the game even at that level. Some players can reach it in 10 days maybe 20 days. And when a friend calls for a pistol whip or a attack on that player the smaller one does not realize what they just got themselves into. At least Kano is giving all new players a 30 day window of protection now for them to learn the game more. Many players did not have that option and had to learn from mistakes. I know i did. Because i thought a pistol whip was not a form of a hit but it was considered a hit.
  14. alka

    alka Banned

    The problem with the low level system is the guys who are abusing it. Should a player still be protected after 300+ days under level 300.
    Check out a Faction with a high level player and loads of guys below 300, very effective. It should take no more than 100 days for even the slowest player to reach 300, so it's time the others lost the protection and maybe they'll stop giving low levels a bad name!
  15. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Back to the OP, if I wanted, I could make almost anyone on MS Zombie Slayer regret reaching level 300. I have the cash and with my high energy I can list small players for all eternity if I want to. Hell, I can keep mid-level players (up to 900) from leveling for days on end. A level 300 doesn't have the cash to trap me multiple times and listing me is rather expensive.

    Furthermore, If I did play more regularly, I'm pretty sure that a fighting player would be rather hard pressed to keep up with me, especially if I started to invest money.

    I agree with Tri here, there needs to be a bounty cap on Zombie Slayer, as income is already capped and some people have managed to acquire massive funds and when they feel cruel they can ruin someone's game for days on end. And this motivates players to quit, being targeted out of boredom and being chainlisted without a hope of retaliation in the foreseeable future.
  16. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    In zombie slayer you can only attack someone 40 times in 24 hours. So your way wrong there dude!

    I would like to hear from Kano how they can say it is completely fair for someone who has a bounty of 300mil to be listed by someone who has a base bounty of over 20b.

    It is ok for you to sit there and say you just need to keep building up and buying/upgrading properties, your not the one getting listed 100 times a day.
  17. muppetkiller

    muppetkiller Member

    i agree with relentless here since hitting lvl 300 theres been days ive just logged off unable to do anything as soon as i heal im dead again all because certain muppets think its cool to try and drive us out of the game, people who know me from facebook know i dont run crying to anyone i deal with the issue but explain to me how im meant to upgrade properties which can take over a week to complete.I wont pay to play on myspace.Happly did that on fb and as for getting stronger equiptment umm again wont be paying for un stuff as it would still be waste of time when your being passed around by people with over 3k attack.
    But saying that im stubborn and wont leave ill plod along at my own pace.And im sure after posting here ill be up sometime very soon.

    People moan and complain myspace is dying off due to lack of fresh players but its down to this select few that dont like players from either hi5 or fb coming over and therefore bully them into leaving...makes no sense to me
  18. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    be nice to people on the way up cause you are gonna meet them on the way down, :)
  19. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    When a low level punches or attacks a high level, that is different, they are bringing that on themselves. This thread is about those who the only thing they have done, is started playing, and they are getting smashed everyday for it.

    I have one level 1400+ who waits for me to log in and this is what I get "27 punches in 10 days" , you think he's gonna just keep punching once i hit 300?
  20. muppetkiller

    muppetkiller Member

    im always nice to people ;p

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