I like the idea of having the GP unlimited or at the very least much higher. The way it is currently set up is pretty much a joke and doesnt allow for any real competition. Lets be real here...the current limit of GP needed dailys can be reached by any numbskull within 2 minutes Every week the winner is determined by the guild who has the most dedicated group of members that are willing to be on at 12 am pst and get their last day of points done quickly, not only is this unfair to most other timezone players but it pretty much makes the previous 6 days senseless.
I think that it should be more like the guild wars in that there is no set limit to the points scored in a day so it promotes players playing more and rewards time and effort.
Personally my guild has dominated both GP ans GW, and although im not very happy with the way many things are set up in guild wars....i think its pretty safe to say the majority of our guild prefers the GW because they actually have to put forth some real effort to win rather than just having to wake up in the wee hours for 2 minutes on one day. Even though we usually win by a large margin....there are days that are sole competitor will close the gap...so who ever is on at the time feels the need to push the lead a lil more to insure our success, where as with GP...other than 2 minutes a day....we simply dont have to worry about it until day 7.
In the end...GP is boring as heck, offers no real competition and the limits make it unfair to those in other time zones. ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE! These competitions are for individuals who like a challenge and want to compete to win or at the very least be competitive, Those that like the way it is currently set up because its easy would probably be more comfortable playing farmville or the like
Last edited: Mar 13, 2012