[LCN] Taunt hiding targets

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Mirana, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Mirana

    Mirana Member

    Im sick of people that hide all the time in the Hospital... they attack me when im offline and when im online i can do nothing because they hide 23 hours in the Hospital... so my suggestion :

    I know it from a other Game I've been playing before LCN...
    For every attack on you, you get 1 Rage point and with the Rage point you can taunt targets that are to weak to fight....

    This person is currently too weak to fight. Taunt . ... You need 10 points to taunt someone.

    I think it would be more funnier :)
  2. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    hey i got an idea for you. if he's hiding list him, it only costs you 2 clicks and some money lol. i get what u're saying though... but look at it this way, we're playing from all over the world so maybe when you play they sleep and the other way around... you got an 8 from me.
  3. Mirana

    Mirana Member

    ty.... for sure i can list but im sometimes not willing to raise his/her hitlist price so i prefer to attack ;) oohhh and i like the exp that i get from the attacks :)
  4. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    you can always realease your anger on some other poor guy in the attack list if your preffered target is dead or in the hospital lol
  5. Mirana

    Mirana Member

    lol but sometimes i dont want a other poor guy :) .... oohhh and when im in War with a syndicate and the whole syndicate hide all the time so is it boring ;)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  6. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    if you work hard you can win the war season easy. i managed to win it on hi5 with only 16 members in my syndicate and only 10 of those 16 did more than 1000 wp weekly. but only if your willing to do the work lol
  7. Mirana

    Mirana Member

    Im not in warmode with my syndicate... we just have a "war" with one syndicate and the most members hide all day and night... But i think for syndicates in warmode it would be an intersting option too to taunt some player to get more warpoints
  8. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    here's a hint for all you guys. i've observed the "ideas" part of the forum for a bit now. you can easily sopt the ideas with a chance of getting done by kano. just watch if some of the admins post on the thread. if they dont you're doomed lol good luck though...
  9. Mirana

    Mirana Member

  10. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    no vote, the people thsat hide dont care if you taunt them, they care about wins and losses so just counter them, gives them losses to go with their wins.....or just suicide before you go offline

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