Confirmation buttons are not proven to prevent people from misclicking, as nice a dream as that would be. Once a confirmation prompt becomes second nature, people will whiz by those as well. Our approach has been to improve the UI such that the chance for misclick or misallocation of points is significantly less. We still maintain the stance that more clicks are bad. Support does get mail on misclicks and points spent the player would rather not, but it's not a significant volume. We have no idea, nor any metrics whether or not misclicks is a significant revenue income, given how little email we get on the subject, my gut says not, but that's an educated guess at best.
Yes, my tone was condescending, don't dish it if you can't take it.

Wonder Woman is customer support, I am not. I'm here to rep you
guys with the developers. Getting the ideas board, getting a regular cycle to get you guys heard is my job. So it bums people out here when they seem players just being down right rude to Kano about our decisions. Post constructive, criticism that are not personal attacks and the idea will be taken a lot more seriously by those reading it.
I appreciate your opinion about player sentiment since I started, but our results and surveying of the landscape differ from yours. I still invite you to PM or email me direct anytime you want to discuss me, my role here, or what colour the sky is but attacking me in public is not necessary.
RE: Farmville? touche.. I freely admit I'm new to the games, you guys have as many years experience with the games as I do weeks. It's a learning curve. I have to learn all the games, not just one. I'm trying. Wonder Woman is helping and I'd like to get help from you all as well. Helping me is helping yourselves!

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