New Feature Desired - Block Player

Discussion in 'Rejected Ideas' started by MastroML, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. MastroML

    MastroML New Member

    • New Feature Desired - Block Player
    . I would appreciate a feature that allows you to block a freaky player that seems obsessed - the game could be improved if allowing each player to "block" three to five players at a time.
  2. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    Gets my vote. I am sick of asking!!!
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ive gone back n forth on this issue. The only way I would be for it at this point was if it was for a limited time and it was extremely cost prohibitive. Even with more against than for it. At the higher levels...ones battle page is very limited at best, An option such as this would most likely make most at these levels have no battle page at all. For that reason ...i rate this thread a 5

    I firmly believe these games at their core r fighting games and that half the challenge/ fun is figuring away to thwart /best ones enemies. Players shouldnt get to choose their enemies. There are plenty of options/strategies one can employ to rid themselves of these pests or at the very least return the favor
  4. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    I agree they are fighting games, which is the fun element of the game, until someone takes it further.
    To be hitlisted persistently, every single day for over a year by the same player, is not fun by any standards. It wreaks havoc with xp and prevents levelling in the game, causing frustration to the player. These weirdo's exist, even if Kano wants to believe they don't.
    I have managed to level to be more than twice his size, yet the freak has me bookmarked and persists in hitlisting, sometimes up to 3 times a day and has done for over a year now. This should be stopped, but has Kano done anything. NO. This is not a fun element of the game, it's a bloody wierd element and the problem should be able to be fixed. Now it looks like I am not the only one. If Kano cannot or will not accept this problem with weirdos, they should do something to make the player able to prevent said weirdo from spoiling the enjoyment of the game. Blocking or Blacklist would do this.
  5. I disagree. These are not necessarily fighting games. If that were so, the reward for 250,000 fight wins wouldn't be equal to that of an outbreak. I'm quite content doing the many other things I can do in this game.

    For this idea to work, I guess we would have to define harassment, which could be tricky. I think Angels' story above would be considered harassment, for example. The problem here is that everyone would define harassment quite differently, and everyone would somehow have to come up with a consensus. Then Kano would have to somehow track that activity until it reaches that pre-defined level of harassment before allowing a player to block the other.

    I support the idea, but don't know how it could possibly work.
  6. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    If Kano does adopt this. I agree with Polishpimp it would have to be a limited time period maybe 24hrs at most. And maybe only once a week on the same player. And no more then 5 players maxed in a weeks period. So that would mean you can only put 5 players up a week on this desired block and then it would only be 24hrs. So you would still have to deal with the outcome of the last 6 days. That would be the least most players would probably accept something of this nature.
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Sorry forgot to say i rated it a 6
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Whether u believe this is a fighting game or not...its definitely an aspect of it and the games were certainly founded on the fighting aspect of it as there was pretty much nothing else when they started.

    I Personally wouldnt define harassment as any gaming action that was within the rules. some players may prefer the more passive approach...but theyre are those that prefer the fighting element....I certainly wouldnt want to tell or limit them to who they could hit.

    I understand "Angels" situation" perfectly as Ive been through it numerous times. No disrespect to Angel..but its just part of the game.
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I'm absolutely opposed to such a feature.

    First of all, these games are fighting and killing games. Not some "You win against me and I block you from attacking me" joke.

    Second of all, this has potential abuse written all over it.

    Third, it will further seperate player groups and paying cheaters will abuse it.

    And let's not kid ourselves, MySpace alone has enough Leaderboard players with Multiaccounts. Same should be mostly true for facebook, maybe not to the extent MS has this problem.
  10. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    I gave this thread a 1.. You have nicely put your point across but i disagree fully they are many tools at your disposal to defend yourself from chainers/listers etc and gets cheaper every time they attack/list you till its reset the following day.

    wars are apart of the game, its in the title and its obviously going to be in the game itself. If people dislike been "bullied" then why sign up to play a "war" game?
  11. I'm not denying that it's an aspect of the game. I'm simply stating that defining the game as a fighting game is inaccurate. I don't know how the game began and I don't really care as the game has evolved way past that.

    Right now, as I see it, Kano hasn't really supported the fighting aspect of the game in the past few years, in favor of adding more cities and the like, which rewards energy players over active fighters. They've added a few fighting achievements, but the rewards for achieving them are paltry and nonsensical. They've added the undead, which was a welcome addition, particularly as my fight list grew smaller and smaller and getting my basic GP's on a daily basis was a chore.
  12. As far as I know, no game developed by Kano has the word "war" in it's title. The closest to that would be "Zombie Slayer", but that certainly doesn't imply that it's a war game to me.
  13. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    What do/did the sicilian mafia do then? Sup tea and plough farms?



    Mob Wars: La Costra Nostra

    Sicilian Mafia
    The Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra) is a criminal syndicate that emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in Sicily, Italy. It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct, and whose common enterprise is protection racketeering. Each group, known as a "family", "clan", or "cosca", claims sovereignty over a territory in which it operates its rackets – usually a town or village or a neighbourhood (borgata) of a larger city. Its members call themselves "men of honor", although the public often refers to them as "mafiosi".
    According to the classic definition, the Mafia is a criminality originating in Sicily - i.e. Cosa Nostra.[1] However, the term "mafia" has become a generic term for any organized criminal network with similar structure, methods, and interests.

    A state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
    Engage in a war.
    noun. warfare - battle - fight - struggle - combat - strife
    verb. fight - combat - battle - make war
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
  14. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    No it's not part of the game. To persistently hitlist someone, yet not even play the game is not normal, it's weird. He logs in to hitlist me. That is not normal gameplay. It's freaky. I play the game, fight, hitlist, punch, it's great fun, hence why I play, but there is a limit as to what is normal. A bloke to bookmark a female and hitlist every day for over a year, is not normal or acceptable behaviour. It's harrassment/stalking. Against the law as far as I know and should not at all be acceptable in a game. Kano rules say no to certain levels attacking etc, so they can level. So tell me, how does someone in the levels 400 constantly hitlist someone in the levels 800, unless they are bookmarking. That is cheating and creepy and totally unacceptable, especially being an old bloke to a female.
  15. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    Don't agree with you. Sorry. Have you been on the receiving end of a stalker/spoiler for over a year?????
  16. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    They are no rules to how many attacks someone can hit on another individual and for how long that is totally up to them as long as its in the designated listing limits in levels.

    The gender/age should never be a factor, i keep a few people bookmarked who attacked me one too many times or i just generally dislike that is the game.

    You can rig/ambush him so in essence he is helping you gain achievements, i don't see the issue and the entire story about been against the law etc just makes you sound childish so no wonder he is keeping you dead.. if someone spoke about me like that i'd be keeping you dead for your entire game but that's just me.

    Be the killed or the killer, simple.
  17. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I have recently acquired someone who doesn't like me cause I reported him for cheating on another Kano App. He's about double my level and he makes himself a nuisance. I keep him trapped, so he loses xp when listing me and I have a relatively high bounty, over 100B. If I played more, I'd most likely have a higher base bounty. Your best bet is to buy as much City as possible and make listing you too expensive for him.
  18. Angels Kiss

    Angels Kiss Member

    Thanks :) :)
  19. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    You say your "stalker" is offensive yet you find it perfectly acceptable to insult people.

    I want your link.
  20. On the fence with this one. I totally understand the idea, yet I see how this would suck for a high level player. Perhaps if there were a clear cut definition of "abuse" it may work. It would have to be like after 5 listings or 100 unanswered attacks . That's just a starting off point but you get what I am saying. No one should be blocked for "normal" gameplay or from hit-listing someone a few times. If most could agree on what constitutes "abuse" in terms of number of unanswered attacks or unanswered hit listings then I could be in favor of this. It still should be for a limited amount of time. You shouldn't be able to block just anyone you want for whatever reasons. I am withholding my vote till more feedback is given or a dev let's us know if this idea is even possible.

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