What a joke!!!!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by alka, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. alka

    alka Banned

    On Lottery I clicked on ok twice and bought a ticket in error. I do not want the ticket and would therefore like my 2 Un's backs.
    Maybe you need to add a warning that a purchase is going to be made as it's easy to make a mistake.
    thank you

    Hello Martyn,

    Unfortunately, I am not able to refund any lottery ticket purchases. Maybe it will be a winning ticket!

    If you have any additional issues, please don't hesitate to contact us again.

    Zombie Slayer Support

    Why don't you share your questions and ideas with your fellow

    Pathetic. There is no reason why it can't be refunded.
    If the game was coded properly there would be safe guards in place to prevent these sort of problems!!!!
  2. Deltan

    Deltan Member

  3. I've mentioned this before. There should definetly be a "confirm" button on all things regarding UN. Whether it's the removal of UN items which can be done accidentally if you're lagging, or the purchase of a stamina or energy refill, a "confirm" button would be nice.

    While I'm at it, I wish there were the same confirmation for purchasing equipment as there is for selling it.
  4. alka

    alka Banned

    What idea? A vote on weather we can have the game properly constructed to avoid errors that you are not capable of rectifying? Are you serious????

    BTW, if you were THAT sorry you would refund the UN's!! Oh, I forgot, you can't! hmmm!
    Strange how there's a message asking if we want to sell a weapon though, but then again that doesn't involve us losing UN's does it?
  5. clubber

    clubber Member

    Lol so much whining about 2 UN... get over it.

    P.S. I just saw your comment in the other thread... Btw what do you know about gaming programming?

    As you've may seen I just lost UN on chat when it was offline, I just gave devs a head-up and I didn't complain or whine about it.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
  6. alka

    alka Banned

    It's not about 2 lost UN's. It's the fact that it happens when it shouldn't and the people running the game cannot rectify it.
    You say you gave a heads up on an issue,so no doubt we'll be expected to vote on weather that should be repaired,next!!
    Ok, I've tested a few apps before they went live on FB so know what can cause problems for the developers, but the issue of not having a fail safe notice in place is something an amateur could pick up. The question is the mentality that it should be voted on in order to be sorted out, that is my main gripe!
  7. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    I think you might be a bit unreasonable here. If I lose 50 cents down the drain on the street, the city isn't going to refund me for it. That's essentially akin to what you're saying here. We have a differing opinion than you do that a confirmation is essential. Saying an amateur would add one is pretty much bang on, amateur move. Confirmation prompts are not necessarily a fail safe assurance system that prevents someone from misclicking. It's still going to happen. There's a reason Amazon has a patent on "1-click", it just works better to keep things moving faster. More clicks is bad.
    The reason it's in the ideas section is we want to hear legitimate reasons from the community about why they feel this feature is necessary. Common misclick scenarios with poor button placement can be fixed in other ways besides confirmation prompts. Calling us out in a negative, non constructive manner and insinuating our Dev staff don't know what they're doing may not be the best route to get what you're looking for.
  8. slave

    slave Member

    this happened to me a while back, i think what alka is saying is (and correct me if im wrong) when you click ok, the button to purchase the ticket is in exactly the same spot as the ok button is and after you click ok the purchase button appears out of nowhere and if you happened to double click it purchases a ticket, if the button were not located EXACTLY under the ok button then things would be different, that should not be difficult to rectify, but if kano chooses not to, then they placed the purchase button EXACTLY under the ok button for a reason....
  9. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Slave, I just confirmed this myself, we can correct that case. I'll add it to that ideas ticket.
  10. alka

    alka Banned

    If you lose 50 cents down the drain that's clumsy.
    If you bought an item in a store and there were 2 stuck together, once the store charged you for 2 and you noticed the error the store would refund you!
    You may conciser my comments non constructive but at the end of the day you're in this to make money, I'm in it to get enjoyment and relaxation from it. When you can't get enough money you change the goal posts. When I can't enjoy the game I get frustrated.
    You don't listen to peoples comments. The general consensus from people I speak to is "what's the point of complaining, they never listen", hence the reason most players can't be asses to even visit the forum let alone sign up for it.

    Look through the threads and you'll find loads of comments about buttons being stacked on top of each other or prompts needed to prevent errors.
    At least my comments have brought about your attention to the issue, so hopefully it will be addressed in the very near future.
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    players in droves have been asking for confirmation buttons for as long as i can remember. How many complaints has Kano gotten over the years in regards to the extra click when it comes to confirming skill point allocation? wasted stam and un happen all the time, maybe a few here and there is no big deal deal to you...especially when a few here and there times the thousands of players that play Kanos games adds up to big bucks.

    Your tone in your reply to this player is condescending....not only does that make you a hypocrite it says you suck at your job. Ive noticed much more negativity from this forums members since you started.... coincidence...not hardly. You simply dont know the games well enough and u cant keep your own wits about you, Maybe you should see if the farmville forums have an opening. I hear its much simpler there.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Amen alka! Deltan 50 cents times how many?
  13. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    agreed with alka
  14. This response is so horrible, I hardly know where to start. Your real world example is flawed, in that if there were some design feature in the city that contributed to the loss of that $.50 they could absolutely be held responsible for negligence even more so if it the feature can be proved to be willful. Of course, I'm not going to take a city to court for $.50, but then, the city would be counting on that.

    Saying an amateur would add one is pretty much bang on, in that an amateur, not motivated by greed would most certainly add a confirmation button. Such a button should be standard procedure in all such games of this nature, and we shouldn't have to ask for one...repeatedly. Which we have. You're correct, it's not a fail safe, but it certainly does add another layer of protection for the player. Just as with alka, this has happened to me in the past when I was a victim of lag. I shrugged and moved on thinking to myself, "Self, it's only 2 UN." But how often has this happened to others? That can build up over time and I'm sure that's why Kano is in no hurry to address this issue. It's in your own best interests really to maintain things as they are.

    More clicks isn't bad. Not necessarily. Amazon, "1-click" patent or not, would absolutely make things right if an error occurred. They take customer service very seriously. If this issue can be fixed in other ways besides adding a confirmation button, then please do so. We shouldn't even have to ask. It's simply the right thing to do. And it's basic.

    You're right. Calling you out in a negative, non constructive manner is probably not the best route alka could have taken, but you're response is just as bad; worse, because you're supposed to be the professional here and I'm disappointed by your response. alka is frustrated and it shows and his initial post could have been thought out more carefully, but that doesn't make his point any less valid.

    I know you must be feeling frustrated yourself and weary at taking all the abuse you've been taking recently and up until now I've admired your ability to rise above all of that. I've worked in customer service pretty much all my life so I understand what you're going through. But the sad fact is that you are the public face of a business and thus are held to a higher standard.

    In a similar vein, I can think of only one reason why there would be an option to remove a UN item, and it's not a very flattering one for the developers.
  15. alka

    alka Banned

    A simple solution would be to remove the button directly under the ok button as there is another button which I presume works just as well!
  16. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Yup it will, thanks alka, see we do listen! ;)
  17. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Confirmation buttons are not proven to prevent people from misclicking, as nice a dream as that would be. Once a confirmation prompt becomes second nature, people will whiz by those as well. Our approach has been to improve the UI such that the chance for misclick or misallocation of points is significantly less. We still maintain the stance that more clicks are bad. Support does get mail on misclicks and points spent the player would rather not, but it's not a significant volume. We have no idea, nor any metrics whether or not misclicks is a significant revenue income, given how little email we get on the subject, my gut says not, but that's an educated guess at best.

    Yes, my tone was condescending, don't dish it if you can't take it. :) Wonder Woman is customer support, I am not. I'm here to rep you guys with the developers. Getting the ideas board, getting a regular cycle to get you guys heard is my job. So it bums people out here when they seem players just being down right rude to Kano about our decisions. Post constructive, criticism that are not personal attacks and the idea will be taken a lot more seriously by those reading it.
    I appreciate your opinion about player sentiment since I started, but our results and surveying of the landscape differ from yours. I still invite you to PM or email me direct anytime you want to discuss me, my role here, or what colour the sky is but attacking me in public is not necessary.
    RE: Farmville? touche.. I freely admit I'm new to the games, you guys have as many years experience with the games as I do weeks. It's a learning curve. I have to learn all the games, not just one. I'm trying. Wonder Woman is helping and I'd like to get help from you all as well. Helping me is helping yourselves! :)
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL...i dont think most players r so naive to believe that adding a confirm button would solve everything....but certainly it would lessen the negative effects. Do u really need a study to figure out that every last misclick is "money for nothing" into Kanos pockets? When u think of the numbers of players that play these games and the number of times someone misclicks.....a confirm button would save Kanos loyal customer a significant amount and go a long ways toward s saying Kano actually gives a crap. I have no idea what a "UI " is.....but it certainly doesnt seem to be working as the stam refill button in PC is worse than ever where as the problem didnt even exist all that long ago

    As far as your "tone"....youve said both publicly and privately that the negativity was not helpful and that u hoped to make the forum community a friendly environment. That pretty much makes u a hypocrite by definition. My statement was in regards to how u speak to others.....I can definitely take it and certainly expect it if deserved.

    I will gladly PM u as I have in the past...but I will not hold my breathe as u did not reply the last time u extended the same offer. Perhaps i will PM u in regards to why the "bounty delay" thread has been completely ignored, since ....."getting a regular cycle to get you guys heard is my job" I will eagerly await your answers soon since youve freed up all that customer relations time.
  19. A "UI" is a user interface. It's how we interact with the game.

    And it's still unprofessional, Deltan. You're the public face of the company, so whether you acknowledge that you're a customer service representative or not, it doesn't change the fact that you are. In a manner of speaking, you're our "UI" for the purposes of representing us, you're customer base, to the developers.

    Split hairs all you want, but I do know what the definition of "is" truly is.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ahhh...i see..TYVM!

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