[ZS] Leap Year Calendar

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Coming soon, play the special edition Leap Year Calendar! You'll have only 48 hours, from noon on February 28 to noon on March 1, to complete this challenge and claim the super powerful prize!

  2. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    I do appreciate free XP and plenty of it...but these are week days i.e work/school days

    You'd gain much more by putting these on at the weekends

    wont start till 8pm UK time, we got no chance :p
  3. Tony Johnston

    Tony Johnston Member

    I think the calendar decided the days, lol.... I am guessing they want you to set your alarm clock for the middle of the night to click then back to bed, take smart phone or laptop to school and click there, and buy UN for the rest :) Common be a real slayer and play 24-7!! :p lol
  4. Awesome!!!
    Go Kano Go!!!
  5. grizzyb

    grizzyb New Member

    Are we doing this 3 times again like the last one?
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Sounds good, looking forward to the extra xp.
  7. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Yes, 3 completions like the Cupid's Carnage calendar.
  8. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Valid point, but leap year kind of dictated when this goes out the door.
  9. bethranderson

    bethranderson Member

    are they going to be the same rewards or are you going to have 3 different ones this time..
  10. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    this would be good... weapon, gear then vehicle
  11. Again? Already? I've barely recovered from the last one. Another two days of sleepless nights. Fantastic. I really hope we don't get one for every "special event" that occurs throughout the year. Like St. Patrick's Day or the Ides Of March for example, for a variety of reasons.

    1. We don't need constant reminders of just how sadistic Kano developers are. We're already well aware of that, thank you very much.
    2. I'm going to take a stand right now, because I'm so courageous. I think sleep is good.
    3. It really does serve to cheapen the calendars in general. If calendars occur this often, if everyone has the rewards, then they become meaningless.

    I like the extra experience and money these calendars provide, but sometimes really there is at times too much of a good thing.

    Oh, and this time, please make it clear how much time we truly have. Is it a full 48 hours this time? Or is it 38 again? Let's stop the confusion amidst the insanity. While you do state that it's 48 hours this time, I hope the calendar concurs with that statement.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  12. It's a full 48 hours this time. I cleared this up on the VC thread for this Calendar.

    I also agree with you that the frequent Calendars is essentially ruining any reason for Limited Items since I can just wait and get them free.
  13. Lance Mustang

    Lance Mustang Member

  14. Funny, Lance.

    It does seem like this time we'll have more then ten hours extra in which to complete all three. That will be helpful.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  15. I love these Calenders and the last one was a challenge to complete all 3, admittedly I did spend some UN to help get the last one, but I still had a close call of 3min left at the end :) Anything offering more XP Count Me In :)
  16. alka

    alka Banned

    Rather than 3 weapons why not make it 2 weapons for completing first 2 and a Brawler for completing the last one?
  17. Can i add something....?
    In all Kano calendars...
    there is possibility to have 3-4 keys, or rocket in the slot before being maxed...

    IS IT POSSIBLE...to add some extra slot for the keys for this CALENDAR SPECIAL?
    i think ALL PLAYERS would prefer to have MORE than just 1 key

    If people can hold till 4 keys (reloading each 20 minutes...as happening now) i think should be nicer and LESS STRESSFULL.

    Thanks in advance for the answer.
  18. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I really hope Kano learned from the feedback of last one and is going to allowing stacking of keys this time. While I was able to finish last calendar I ended up spending like 12 UN at the end when time was running low. This time checking keys every 20 minutes for me will probably be even more painful with being ill all week and probably still ill all next week. :p
  19. Craig KillZZ

    Craig KillZZ Member

    Its always a good thing to get more people logging on more times. I guess we will be seeing more and more of these in coming months, which is a Good thing. Extra XP for those that PLAY the game, just don't leave the little guys out. When they catch up we will have more fun..!! (there ought to be a way for lower levels (say under 500) to speed their way up, the levels - IF they play a lot. Just a thought. :)

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