Calling all passionate players KANO/APPS wants YOU!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 16, 2012.

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  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    It's dead because I've said all I can on the subject, has nothing to do with heat. Thread owners always have absolute rights over their own thread. As the owner of this thread, I would like it to be about community moderation. You're free to discuss this issue in another thread of your own if you wish. At this point, I'm willing to remove the idea of handing out in game credits as a perk of being a moderator simply so we can stop discussing it and move past guys. Focus on the fact that we're trying to grow the community here, create a program to more efficiently handle the interactions between players and Kano. Thanks again for the input on this issue.
  2. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    There's no winning with you lol. Feel free to PM me if you have an issue, I'm willing to work with you to resolve whatever the root of your anger really is. This is not the appropriate thread for it. Thanks.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Deltan. I just want to let u know i am not the only player now that has tried to throw there hat in the ring to help be a moderator and the link does not work for them. So they are sending there messages by support now to. Just thought i would give you a heads up to might look for it. And see why the link is still not working.
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    TY! I appreciate the idea behind the origins of this thread and wish u nothing but the best in your search for a neutral moderator team....all i was simply saying was that it was a conflict of interest if the volunteers were indeed being offered incentives. I find it hard to believe that all people could truly remain neutral in their judgement / opinions when given the gasoline to fuel their games by Kano
  5. sounds like they need new slaves.. oh wait they are volunteers...
  6. Rex Hayward

    Rex Hayward Member

    well this is almost a discriminatory remark..only north Americans with english as there first language.."the rest of the world can apply but you have no hope" because only north americans have the passion..makes the rest of us feel really welcome to the take my money 'i am passionate enough to spend money on a game but not passionate enough to be considered..well done delton
  7. To be honest, the Kano Apps community is pathetic to say the least. Just watching the world chat for an hour is enough to demonstrate this.

    Offering employees minuscule benefits is perfectly natural, unless of course you disagree with a company offering it's employees health care and 401K plans. I mean, how dare Wal-Mart give it's employees discounts on merchandise when loyal customers who have shopped at Wal-Mart for years don't get discounts?!

    The horror!

    It's not a discriminatory remark, by the way. You're still allowed to apply regardless of where you live. It's only a preference.

    Let's get mad at the construction company for hiring a mason specialist instead of picking up any random Joe off the street.

    This community is sad. The players on this message board rarely contribute any helpful information to any posts whatsoever. Most of the posting that goes on here is whining about Kano, whining about alts, whining about how you didn't get a free item, whining whining whining.

    Then you have the posters who only come here to talk trash, riding the hitlist, whining some more.

    Man, someone call the cops. I saw an employee at KFC get a free drink when I had to pay around 2 bucks for mine. This is bull.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I really dont want to get into a big war of words here...and i think u do have some valid points. The difference here for me is that this game is essentially a competition in which many pay to be part of. I think there is a significant difference between an incentive such as a Kano T-shirt and an item that would actually give someone a leg up in the game that is not available to the masses
  9. I don't think giving someone a few UN here or there is giving a huge leg up to anyone in the game. As I've observed over the past few years, this place would be a headache to moderate and a little reward for all that hard work isn't out of order.

    I'm certain, Deltan isn't talking about giving someone a "death ray" so they can lay waste to the ZS community. I know people in game of my level that have more accumulated UN points over the course of the game then I do, and I know some with less. Some people got lucky with the shooters, some didn't. That's just the way it goes. So if Kano wants to give out a few UN here or there, I'm fine with it. I'll just consider them to have hit the top reward in the rocket shooters more times then I did.
  10. King of LCN

    King of LCN Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    who else can come close as The KING of LCN
    there no competion
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    In my any game that can be played for money ...any leg up is simply not fair. Can u imagine the bitching that we would hear if some mod suddenly starts to perform better in game after the "incentives" kicked

    As a former moderator of these particular forums....I assure u its a piece of cake and already has its perks...such as being able to see the urls of every member and their alt accounts which stem from the same URLS
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    As if Kano are about to start handing out freebies that will be game changing.

    Are any of you even reading Deltans posts or just picking out the parts that suit and running with it?

    Maybe if you stopped whining for two seconds you'd stop and think about the impact YOU might me able to have by becoming a Mod.

    Also, if Kano Admins are not having to come on the forum and reply to posts all day long, it will leave them free to implement more of the ideas the players would like to see.
  13. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    And what if Kano hires someone to mod the forum and then he spends all of his money earned to buy FavorPoints (UN or whatever) ? What's the difference?
    And on second, why would someone work for a profit making company free?
  14. I'll certainly take you word that it's a piece of cake. It just seemed to me that with all the negativity here and the personal attacks, that the job would be a real handful. I certainly bow to your experience in this matter.

    I do doubt that the perks will be that great however, and certainly not a game changer. Of course, I could easily be mistaken. My idea of a perk might be a free UN item on occasion. I have no idea what Kano's idea of a perk may be. Though I doubt they'd do anything to unbalance the game. I know that if that were the case, so many of us would be here immediately to call 'em on it.

  15. ROTFLMAO!!! I'm no rival. I don't even play on Myspace. Yet, he is hardly "neutral". It's obvious you're friends with him so your opinion might just be a bit biased. Oh, I'm sure he's a great guy.... when you agree with him to feed his ego... but if you don't he's proven himself willing and happy to go straight to insults and condescending tones in lieu of actual discussion.

    There's a reason he was removed as a moderator in the first place.
  16. 1000

    1000 Member

    At the edge, the only way threw is to go back... Don't lose the game, the players, the team. HI5 pirates already gone and with him many players.
  17. serpico

    serpico New Member

    i understand what your trying to do here. you have some very passionate players who are to far into the game to step back and see the whole picture while i do play im over level 2300 on VC and i play all kano apps i love the game but stay out of the drama im gonna send in my app to you for your consideration
  18. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Kul, That's what we hope to change around. :)
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    R u being serious? u cant figure that one out on your own?
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    what do u mean i wasnt neutral? I expressed my opinion how i saw it with not outside influence. Ive been both Kanos staunchest supporter and biggest critic based on how i felt about a particular topic. The simple fact Im adamently opposed to one thing has no bearing what so ever how i view the next thing.

    My problem as a moderator was that I had little patience for those who would try to derail threads, didnt take the time to read the thread or were simply a puppet for someone else

    Kanos offering incentives especially in the form of credits could easily cloud one neutrality.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
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