Attention: Valued hi5 players! A plan has been forged.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 4, 2012.

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  1. Really and how many people is that going to upset. This will be one more improvement to the forum and game. Besides that you have said that in the past as well. Just like a five year old "I am going to take my ball and go home" sniff sniff
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Wow....lot of rage pointed in my direction there odd considering nothing i said was directed at u. No worries tho...Im used to jealous punks running off at the mouth as their last line of defense. I understand your pain and the subsequent lashing must really hurt inside to have played these games so long and to still suck, Buck up lil camper...everything is gonna be OK.

    FYI....if i ask a means i dont know the answer....hence THE

    Since Kano has stated that they have worked were long and fervently on on a solution and possible outcomes since they first received the news that Hi5 was was dropping the u actually think that it never entered their minds that they wouldnt be able to migrate those players. For an organization that claims that they are all about its players....I would have thought/hoped that at the very first inkling that they may not be able to do so they would have made an announcement that it was a very real possibility rather than continuing to the very last second to feed them false hope. hOW MUCH COIN DO U THINK WAS SPENT BY PLAYERS DURING THAT TIME OF FALSE HOPE?

    Im not saying that Kano isnt trying...Ive no doubt that they wish they could have made the migration happen....My point here is that in their haste and "overly optimistic " way...they dropped the ball and made the situation even worse.

    Damn right my comment was insulting and intended to be were his. Players were/are justifiably upset and and at that point he should have been a bit more understanding and chosen his words a bit more carefully. After all....hes suppose to be the voice of the players is he not???

    Where exactly did I use foul languge? Is "Deltan" a players name? or the name of an administrator?
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2012
  3. OK so I 20th in the world on PC and you are 11th for levels. Achievements I am 11th to your 26th, gamers neither of us are in the top 30 but lets see Me 6,905,000 You 2,645,850, I am 29th in world for bounty kills, I do not see your name in the top 30 so do not know where you are there, 23rd for bounty wins still no you in the top 30, 8th for boss help you 21st. Hmm I guess I am feeling pretty good right about now. Hope that is not the best you can come up with a come back because that was really bad.

    OK so Kano found out on a Friday and so did the players. So if they continued to put money in it is because those people are brainless. Again Kano has done the best they can Hi5 has dropped the ball. It brings me back to the fact every day I get in my car I think in the back of my mind wow a lot of people run stop signs/lights (oh yea even I miss one every now and again). So does that mean I should go by a tank so that I could avoid as much damage as possible? No that is economic stupidity, instead I proceed with caution and hope I see the clown running the reds in time to avoid disaster. I do not see Deltan "as the voice of the players" he is listening to players and giving his input to his bosses. Together they try and come to a fair solution. Not everyone agrees what fair is but adult deal with it and move on.
  4. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    If i was Kano i'd of already removed all your Hi5 data after looking at these responses.... You can't honestly think its okay to just transfer an account from another platform onto here and think its all fine and dandy, you guys had more players, more people on the hit list etc etc the stats would be whack compared to ours on fb/myspace.

    I'd be interested in what those deals for gf are based on and how much people would be expected to roughly gain... maybe some peoples piss pour attitudes will change then but i do disagree with people been put to a certain level and choose skill point placements... If you set them at for example level 1k they could give themselves all attack/health and nothing else since they don't necessarily need to worry about levelling and that again is unfair to the fb/myspace players that have had to add energy etc to level efficiently.

    Either way, good job kano on coming up with a solution so quickly!
  5. Angel or Not

    Angel or Not Member

    Hi5 responses

    Well said disrespect when this is NOT Kano's fault...but with that said...I would really like to know why Hi5 discontinued the apps...that would b an interesting read! hmmmmmmmm...scratckes me head :p
  6. They were bought out by Tagged... Who will bring their own apps to Hi5. They ran off the third party apps. It's Greed at it's finest!
  7. BeeZee

    BeeZee New Member

    Hey, if FB players would get upset, why not create another leaderboard just for players migrated from hi5.. call it leaderboard2 or w/e u it really that difficult?
  8. TheKid86

    TheKid86 New Member

    I agree, or they can move us there but on another serer, just for the players from hi5... Like mob wars s2, etc... at least until they figure out how to put us all together.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  9. losche

    losche New Member

    Deltan :what about me is there any 3rd package for me as an one of the exclusive players in hi5 who almost spend 10,s of thousand of dollars,, :)

    DONORATO New Member

    So now here's my statement: me personally under no circumstances I would start or continue playing on fb because I would not use fb, but most of all I would not start any Kano App on any social network after the damage they already took in this situation with hi5, Kano is obviously unable to work out and keep proper contracts, and as a consequence unable to deal with and far away from being able to find a solution, so this is irresponsable and not reliable. I ll play some Mahjongg or Pool on hi5 maybe see what will be on offer, and if I ever start a game similar to these, then surely not from Kano, and only on one of the several reliable German gaming websites we do have. Best regards.
  11. OK based on your last post I really do not expect a response to my question here. I have gone through this entire forum and looked at every single post you have made about this issue. I will list the pages that your posts are on and I am not skipping or missing any of them. All I need to know is where have you come up with a better solution that would work for everyone or made a suggestion that was positive for everyone. This would mean that it would be positive for all players on FB, MS and Hi5. The page numbers everyone can find his posts on are: First posting was on pg 18, pg21 and multiple on pg25. I have read each and everyone of them and they either just speak negatively of KANO or throwing out assumption without any proof of data to back them up. None of them have suggestions on how to fix the problem. None of them shows where he was part of these meetings and heard any of facts or provided any feed back to it. So I will let you folks be the judge here. If I am missing something here it would be awesome to have it pointed out to me. All of my posts that were in response to his comments to me were simply to provide the data that was available and asking for proof of where my data was incorrect. Yes have designed and/or maintained several Websites. I make no apologies for my postings I just post the facts as I am seeing them. So please Pimp point out my data errors here so I can correct them, that is all I am asking. Oh and if I missed any of your posts please let me know.
  12. I have just one question about your post here. Does that many all of the other third party game companies that Hi5/Tagged axed do not know how to work out or keep proper contracts? Just curious here that is all.
  13. BeeZee

    BeeZee New Member

    man... what about that new leaderboard? is it possible or not? or theres no turnin back now?
  14. OK it seems the leader board and equipment seem to be the biggest thing for Hi5 people. So how does this sound for an idea. I think it may be a fair solution to everyone. Please understand that this could take a few months or more to get implemented if people wanted to do this. To be fair to all of the FB and MS players here is what I would propose. Kano has offered packages and from what I can see it is going to based off of your current status. So lets take for example the #1 World ranking based off of level on Hi5 and give them two choices. Choice one would to take the package offer and start at what ever is offered in that package including being ranked at start. Second choice would be to give them the option to keep their special weapons, armor, etc. and are reduced down to a level below the 30 place player and the 30 place player is given the at least 50% of package that was going to be given to the #1 ranked player. The stamina, attack, defense, energy etc would be reduced by the % that the level was reduced. This would help that player continue to improve and maintain the status quo. The #1 player does not lose everything and the #30 ranked player has the ability build to try and maintain or increase their current status. The package should only be given to those players that are regular players(3 days a week or more). Any thoughts on that idea I would like hear. If it is possible to keep the data before the close of the games on hi5. Once Kano has been able implement this solution they would send you an email with the link to your options with preserved data. We must also be prepared that this could take time to implement at Kano. The progression would #2 goes to 29 #3 goes to 28 etc. There is my offering of a possible different solution.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  15. Kasia

    Kasia New Member

    Hello all
    I am reading all posts and thinking. Hi5 closing Kano games right! But we play Kano games RIGHT? So we are castomers of Kano going to them from Hi5 Hi5 put us in troubles ..right.. but still i will underlind WE PLAY KANO GAMES ..cos of us theay have incoms and responsibilities to us and one more sentence WHEN WE LOG TO THE GAME WE LOG TO KANO APPS!!
    Any soution will be ok to save our work on accounts cos WE ARE OWNERS OF ACCOUNT WE MADE!
  16. losche

    losche New Member

    just came from mobwars in fb, wanna say this guys, players there are weak NO properties income NO limited weapons nothing at all except big weak lvls,a 2*** lvl from hi5 would break down their leaderboard over there,and no wonder they keep comparing us with their players,,
  17. Michel

    Michel Member

    RANK!, I'm not worried about the position I have on the LEADERBOARD! until I can be in last position at all, I just want to continue to play with everything I got these three years, Warriors, Weapons, Empires, I only ask this nothing else
  18. losche

    losche New Member

    Confirm Cost: $162,278,041,940
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    [1st] Nino DeMeo

    Level 7151 Insomniac
  19. Kasia

    Kasia New Member

    WE ARE OWNERS OF ACCOUNT WE MADE! I agree with Michel we should be given all we worked on level is not important but achivements belog to us !!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. BeeZee

    BeeZee New Member

    i checked em out too and i completely agree.. i would win against most people in my range (lvl 2000 - 2500) and higher.. low hit cost means they dont really have money.. my hit cost, at lvl 2100 is 180 bill and theres people that cost even more than 400 bill, 1st hit. most Facebook players are weak compared to us, maybe thats why this is "not possible".. and i think that losche would still beat the sh*t outta everyone on facebook too, no matter the level..maybe that would get them ''upset'' and make this transfer ''impossible'' .. and about the rank on the leaderboard, i really dont care, all i wanna keep is my equipment, at least limiteds and workshop and the hired guns (assuming that keeping the friends is not possible, wich i completely understand).
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