Incentives for Wars, exclusive Hitlist

Discussion in 'Rejected Ideas' started by Eric, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Hitlists originating from Warring Syndicates should only be available to players in Wars.

    Theres been alot of talk for and against this, your comments and voting is welcome.
  2. yes

    a non war player grabbing a war bounty is like the following

    2 separate lottery jackpots

    1 worth $25million

    1 worth $1million

    the ticket for the $25mill cost $5 while the ticket for the $1m cost $1

    its like wanting the $25mill and only paying $1

    and i explain the reasoning in the following way

    a non war player that attacks someone on the list does not open themself up to the syndicate

    they dont even land on the syndicate rival list since that player is not at war

    that player is only attackable by the player they attacked

    now if a war player were to attack a war player on the bounty

    that would land that player right on the syndicate rival list

    and if high level members of the syndicate havent attacked that player yet

    they would have a easier time finding that player(not to mention actually being able to attack that player)

    and since the player has landed on the syndicate rival list

    it makes them alot easier to find

    those at war have alot more risk involved than those not at war

    the only way i can see it fair for a non war player to grab a war bounty is if that player is open for the whole syndicate to attack

    go for a war bounty,you should be open for war rules for 24hrs by that players syndicate(not that non war players whole syndicate just that player that went for the war bounty)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2012
  3. No.

    Limiting a system that enables hunters to fight for the coin of the targeted individual, regardless of where the hit originated from will be devastating to the game.

    If you implement this change, then you may as well go ahead and limit all bounties posted by guild members to be claimed only by fellow guild members.
  4. To keep it clean and simple. Bounties should remain open to all always.
  5. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    Great idea
  6. thing is though

    a non war player isnt open to potentially the whole syndicate like a war player is

    that alone is reason enough

    unless you want the non war player open to war rules for 24hrs by that entire syndicate

    if that can be agreed on then ill stop my advocating

    if not then please explain how its fair that a non war player is only open to the 1 player and not the rest of the war players syndicate like a war player is

    again its like wanting the $25mill jackpot for $1

    but in this case that ticket REALLY costs $5

    open the non war player that tries for a war bounty to war rules by that syndicate for 24hrs

    or until they all had the chance to attack that player 5x and bounty that player once each

    im not saying get war points off that player

    just the ability for the syndicate to attack that player like they could if it were a war player
    its only fair
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  7. So in order to keep bounties free for all, you want one player who attacks and/or kills the bounty posted to be attacked five times each by each member of the syndicate? So that's 125 attacks from one syndicate against one player.

    Then you want that player to be subject to being bountied by each member? 25 bounties.

    Hardly seems fair to me.

    Bounties have always been free for all. That's the whole point of the bounty board in the first place. Someone is put up to be killed, whoever kills that person gets the coin.

    Changing it now because you're in a group that wants special circumstances is silly.

    If you agree to limit bounties placed by guild members to be claimed only by fellow guild members, then I'll give you the war bounties. I can just ask my guild to bounty someone and I can collect with ease and at my own pace.

    The same situation that would occur if war bounties are limited to warring guilds.
    Jerome Griffin likes this.
  8. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    Thats how it is now for the war syndicates...
  9. Yes, but those syndicates chose those rules and circumstances by enabling their syndicate for war mode.

    Punishing players that try to make coin by attacking players in a system that opens a target up for all by allowing entire guilds to slaughter them is hardly fair.
  10. war rules

    if a non war player that tries for a war bounty is opened up to war rules for 24hrs(or until every member of the syndicate has gotten the 5 attacks/1 bounty on that player)then theres no problem with a non war player going for a war bounty

    otherwise once again

    its like wanting the $25mill jackpot and only pay $1

    want the benefits without opening yourself up to the FULL risk a war player has

    not fair if you can have it both ways

    if you want the benefits of collecting a war bounty then take the consequences that come with it

    cant just pick and chose when 2 things are so blatantly connected together
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  11. Your lottery ticket scenario is getting old and tired.

    A war player chose that risk by staying in a guild that opted for war. What is it that you all keep saying? Adapt?

    Sorry, but it seems to me the only reason you all want this is because you're not catching war bounties and you're upset about it. Players that aren't currently in guilds that are at war are stealing the bounties and hits placed up and you're getting upset about it.

    If anything, Kano should do away with the bounty portion of the War Points system and replace it with something else, instead of crippling the game and catering to the war guilds.

    I'm not going to be forced to leave my guild and join a warring guild so I can collect bounties.
  12. In fact, your lottery ticket scenario sounds like this.

    Taking a winning lottery ticket and throwing it into a crowd of people, then trying to say that only those who are in your "circle" so to speak, are allowed to pick it up and claim it.
  13. i couldnt care if i catch or miss a bounty

    the lottery ticket example is completely valid(MY example)

    another example is the following

    you go to the dentist for a check up and expect to get a root canal at no additional cost

    last i checked a root canal doesnt come with a check up

    you have to pay for it

    this would equal out to a non war player only being open to the player they attacked on bounty instead of the whole syndicate

    so basically they got a free root canal

    war bounties should either be just for war players

    or open the non war player up to the war players syndicate(just the player that went for the bounty not the non wars player whole syndicate)

    and your saying theres only going to be war bounties??

    something says there is plenty of non war bounties around

    fyi my guild isnt even at war anymore

    so this is coming from a non war player
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2012
  14. not even close
  15. I just don't agree with limiting bounties because it will be abused. I promise you it will. If it is implemented the bounty board will almost dry up and the chances for lower clans to feel the excitement of snagging that huge bounty will be greatly reduced. This excitement is what drew me to this game. This game does not need any of the excitement taken away - trust me. I have taken a deep breath and looked at this idea with fresh eyes. If I try for these war bounties as it is now I am still getting pounded and bountied by the war guilds that listed the person as well as from the person they listed. I get plenty of retaliation for trying for these war bounties trust me. The warring guilds are made up of some of the strongest and fastest hunters in the VC world. They do not need any help by narrowing their chances down to 1 out of 800 instead of 1 out of 16,000 or however many active players their are now. You guys do not see the consequences of such a change. As a hunter, if the change causes the bounty board to be dry and boring I will be Forced to either join a war guild to hunt or stop playing. I for one frown upon any change that will Force me to do something against my will and can potentially drive me away from the game . I ask the warring guilds to come on here and let us know if they are having a hard time catching war bounties. I would say no they aren't ! They just hate it when someone they can not control comes in for the kill. They already have most of the power in the game as it is. Why give them ALL the meat and leave the rest crumbs? If they do not want anyone other than their friends to collect their bounties then do it like it has always been done. Play as friends and communicate when you place your bounties. Isn't that what some of these guild leaders keep arguing that they play together as friends? They WILL be able to snag the vast majority of these war bounties without making them exclusive. The risk of a bounty being stolen is what keeps us honest in the concerns of money transfers. This risk should remain always. I will not give examples of how it will be abused because if it is implemented I will be enticed to prove how it can be.
  16. Whatever you want to think.

    Limit bounties and see how many players get upset over it.
  18. If I post a Non war bounty then why is it fair for a war guild to collect ? If you opt to buy a lottery ticket to win the big jackpot instead of sticking with the small scratch offs, then should you think you should be able to collect the winnings of a the small scratch off you opted not to play?
  19. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    I think the idea is that the war mode bounties are created because people in war are trying to get war points.. not because two syndicates are fighting, or "at war".. its a different aspect of the game. Being able to catch a war mode bounty should be an enticement to enter war mode, the more people that enter war mode, the bigger the bounties become, the bigger enticement there is.. If you are a hunter, and you claim to get "pounded" for going after regular bounties, then why not enter war mode for the bigger bounties and bonus xp? Here is an example.. eliminate war points for listing and catching war mode bounties, and there will be no bounties to collect.. so what would the non war mode people do then?
  20. Bri7591

    Bri7591 New Member

    The point is if I opt into war mode I am NOT opting out of regular mode.. so yes I should be able to collect on "both" tickets because I'm "buying" both tickets..

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