Attention valued hi5 KANO/APPS players!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Wonder Woman, Jan 26, 2012.

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  1. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    My understanding is this might be possible if your account on facebook is of lower level and stats than your hi5 account. We are not certain yet so I won't make any promises here. TBD still.
  2. Calin G

    Calin G Member

    What?!?!KANO must be out of hi mind if they ting that I'll gonna pay for that tranfer:).From what i Know it's a free game...You all couldn't refrain to win something from these transfers!

  3. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Hear hear! Working on it. Please keep in mind, we found out hi5 was ending game support the same time you all did. We're having to re-prioritize things to figure this out and how to best support our hi5 players being left in the lurch. Please me this wasn't our first choice out of the blue. We're going to do our best to support all our loyal players!
  4. Calin G

    Calin G Member

    By asking them money to transfer their account!?...that's the best you all can do!?

  5. Calin G

    Calin G Member

    I understend that KANO it's just a way to make money for you all, but in Romania we have un saying: "The client it's our boss"...that say's all I guess.
  6. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Not sure how you derived from my post that we intend to charge for a transfer. That is not the case. I said paying players will have different options than players who are free playing because of different data sets involved on our end.
  7. it's really unfair that just some players will make the cut, just really unfair...

  8. different options??

    does that mean myspace??

    or does that mean something else??

    curiosity has me on this one
  9. Duke Lajaulaazul

    Duke Lajaulaazul New Member

    Hello there Kano's people...!!!

    I have a suggestion to the possible migration of VC players accounts from Hi5 to any other portal: Could you please give 1000 hired chieftains to all of us the players before the migration? That's because the most of the players will have to connect new people to reach their chieftains again.

    As I said it's only a suggestion, but it will be very nice you could do it. Thanks!!
  10. if that happened

    then those that bought 1000 hired clan would want those favor points refunded

    i see where your coming from though

    who knows whatll happen

    all a waiting and hoping game right now
  11. GERGER

    GERGER New Member

    Pues realmente lo siento mucho por hi5 ya que va a perder muchÍsimos jugadores aunque realmente la opciÓn de face book no me entusiasma para nada 5.jpg
  12. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    i hope those requirements you're speaking about wont resume to the money invested. you should consider maybe do this move for the most active of us not those who invest more
  13. thats bugging me now to...

    maybe its a certain level has to be reached??
  14. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    i hope its just the level :)) i'm on lvl 1589 on mob wars. i dont think that will be a problem
  15. but as stated

    those that DID pay will have different options

    not exactly sure on "different data set" but whatever
  16. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    i payed too. only 1 euro but i did pay lol i'm only joking. as long as they transfer my hg and equipment i'll be more than satisfied
  17. dont quote me on this cause im not sure if its accurate

    but i THINK the only thing youll lose is your real clan

    i THINK your hired clan,favor points,stats,income,etc will remain intact

    i could be wrong but from how i understand it its like that
  18. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    if thats right i'll be ok, im sure they got pages where you go and add mobs on facebook. they got them for all of the games...
  19. Maler

    Maler Member

    am i the only one who wants the end of the week to come sooner ? :)
  20. Well I have never bought UN and Im still in the lead of ZB on hi5, but guess Im not allowed continue. Find that it sucks ! If you can only play on if you want to spend real cash on the game.
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