Curiosity Kills, urgent question

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Tat27, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Tat27

    Tat27 Member

    So... I've been thinking about this for a while.

    And how does Kano go from "oh you're banned because of bot/alt use" to "oops we made a mistake, here's your account back, sorry you've lost a lot of time, gotta play catch up"?

    Is it basically said that way or is there anything else involved? And I mean a permanent ban over a long period of time, not just a week ban like I had.
  2. So what

    So what Member

    think the expression was ......YOUR MOUSE IS TOO FAST

    nice try
    where did u get your borris elf ...or did he pass it to you OR VICE VERSA
  3. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Although Ive never been banned ....I know many who have.

    Unfortunately Kano is very inconsistent when it comes to this. Ive seen players banned for a single use of foul language...where as there r many who blatantly violate this rule on a regular basis. Ive seen players lose names and avatars...while others have had flagrant violations for months. Players get frozen all the time for simply playing for longer periods of time than usual. Players that blatantly use alts only have the lesser accounts frozen and even then its for a very short period of time.

    In the end...its all about the money....if Kano froze/banned everyone that was in violation...their rapidly dropping player count would be cut in at least half.
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    When an account is frozen, everyone gets the same message regardless of what they were frozen for. If you think that a player was frozen incorrectly or that a player should be investigated further, please send a message into support with the account information and we will investigate. I think that you make an interesting point about your perceived inconsistency and I think that it might be due to lack of information. We are not able to discuss account investigations with anyone other then the account owners. So if you do not have all of the information, it may look inconsistent to players on the outside. I will discus this points further with the team.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    It seems odd that everyone receives the same message....Why wouldnt /doesnt Kano specifically say what someone was frozen for from the get go? Most of the players Ive spoken to that have been frozen(whether legitimately or not) have to take it upon themselves to contact Kano and often times have to wait significant amounts of time before they get an answer.....I can certainly understand why this would be frustrating especially if someone is frozen wrongfully and is in a close race with ones rival. It appears to me that once a player actually gets in contact with Kano and has a chance to explain...more times than not their suspension is lifted immediately, wouldnt it be more prudent for Kano to try and message the players in question prior to disrupting their game? I would think that Kano would have the ability to contact a member inside the game or at the very least via e-mail, u do after all have that pesky lil message that pops up now n then asking for our emails under the guise of special offers and updates(which by the way i have never received

    Ive got to wonder how many times an entire guild was affected adversely because of Kanos slow response to a wrongful suspension
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    It is okay to keep it "secret" from other people, but I believe the account's owner is in a right to know why have they been frozen, to make things faster if it was a wrong ban, or to avoid needless questions if it wasn't.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Personally....I think Kano needs a 1-800 number or something, they def need to be able to respond to suspicious play accusations much faster than they do now. Ive had players admit that they have multiple players playing in a single account at the same time, heavy alt or bot use and by the time Kano gets around to checking emails the players have long since logged off or deleted comments from their feeds. Kano has the ability to pull up deleted feed messages and to do ip history checks....but they seldom do . I mean how damn obvious is it when u have 2 IP addresses from across the country from one another in the same account at the same time or within minutes of one another. They keep trying to fix the crap that aint broke......but what the real problem is that they r dropping the ball when it comes to catching all the cheating bastards out there....nothing turns a player sour faster than when they are playing there asses off and some obvious cheat is making their life hell or flying by them.

    Yes it can be pretty damn hard to prove 100% in many cases.....but some are cut n dry as u get as they go seemingly unchecked. Instead of waiting till its to late ....Kano should be doing a ton of random spot checks on those that get the most complaints or look the most suspicious. Stop adding updates until u can get a grip on the scourge of cheats
  8. alka

    alka Banned

    I think it's the opposite. Why should people put real money into an app when cheats can ruin yer game?

    Kano have a good idea who the cheats are, I just think they don't have the guts to deal with them once and for all.
    All accounts of the cheat should be removed not frozen, why give them a chance to come back?
    People who are drawn to cheat have no deterrent when they see an account frozen for 2 weeks because the person was running a bot!!
  9. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I agree...There is no point in spending a dime if this trend continues.

    Kano has said numerous times how difficult it can be to actually prove someone is using an alt or a when they do actually suspend someone for a week or so....that tells me that they were able to prove it....with that said...why on earth would they let them back into the game ever, at the very least the player would have to start completely over if they wanted to continue to play.

    How many times did Kano have to suspend one particular player for his constant filth in the feeds b4 they banned him altogether...5 or ten? They still allow him to play the other games and to his credit...seems to be behaving himself.

    Kano....u have employees that play the games but its on a very limited basis compared to some. Yes....alt use is very easily mistaken by some players who dont play as much or r simply upset or jealous. But players who have played a great length of time and r very active on a daily basis and r very familiar with particular players habits are being either ignored or u r taking to long to investigate. Last time I was impossible to kill 3 bosses with the same account simultaneously....yet it still happens.
  10. So what

    So what Member

    they have made a few re do their accounts ..thing is ..been banned is like a badge of honour for them ...they think its a joke

    simple solution .....keep reporting
    far more accurate ...there not real accounts
    their not real people
    and fb

    deals with them permanently
  11. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    As I said before, we are constantly reviewing this system to make sure that we are keeping our games fun and fair for all players. If you have specific situations that you want clarification on, send a message into support. If you think that someone is an alt account, then send a message into support. We investigate every account that is brought to our attention. If they are found to be in violation of our terms of service then they will be dealt with accordingly. In many cases they are not cheating and there is no evidence to support the allegation.

    RJOWNER Member

    Exactly and in my opinion just have fun with the game i dont cheat and i just play game for fun. There will always be cheating in every game (call of duty, xbox games fb games ps3 games every single game people find a way by the time you fix 1 thing 3 more things people find out honestly just play the game for fun you shouldnt worry about what other people are doing i dont i just go along fighting killing bosses and doing outbreaks like a normal zombie slayer. Kano will do their best to get cheaters otherwise arguing about this wont change a single thing. :)

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