[VC] Guild Wars Open Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eric, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    What about this:

    • Attacking, punching, bountying a rival in war within the limits that you can get war points will not put you on that persons personal rival list
    • Attacking, punching and hitlisting a rival more than the limits of the war will put you on their personal rival list and set yourself up for retaliation of up to 24-hrs as it exists today

    Would that change improve this feature for more of the Guilds?

    Players would be responsible for seeing who they are retaliating against and to be careful to not go over the War limits or risk being put on a personal rival list.
  2. No. I have no problem with it over all. But, I do not appreciate a "moderator" TRYING to belittle guilds & guild leaders because they did not join or backed out of the wars. Some players like myself have a life outside this game and it does not revolve around VC.
  3. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    Nice Try Guys

    I do like the feature but I am very disappointed with the fact that I cannot fight RVV head on. Its also obvious they have already perverted the whole process with their chain bountying of lower levels and their usual bullying tactics. I suppose myself and my guild got resort to bountying all those lower levels to pad our stats. But we are not bullies.

    Here is what I would like too see:

    The ability to fight one one with a guild with the war points options.

    Protection against chain bountying of lower level players. Its disgusting to watch the bullying going on. I watched every member of RVV on line bounty some poor low level the other day.

    Finally, you can deny to your blue in the face about people not getting advance information, but I suggest you conduct an investigation. Within minutes of the activation of Guild Wars we were subjected to a well coordinated and obvouisly planned attack by RVV and SN. Gee I am sure that was a coincidence and oh look another coincidence they are the leaders in Guild Wars. This is not sour grapes. Which I am sure the Pitiful king will claim.

    As such I will not invest another dime in this game. Unless they are reined in. Not only are you losing my income. You will have many other players leaving either because they are bullied out or they are disgusted by the conduct of Kel and his minions.
  4. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Sometimes it's easy to get carried away with personal opinions, a notice has been sent out to remind moderators to keep an unbiased helpful opinion.
  5. Kendall,

    No, I don't personally consider 5 attacks, 4 slaps, and a bounty bullying. Not even close - LOL! But what I've seen so far is that the higher leveled guilds are absolutely mugging anyone who attacks back to get *their* warring points by slapping or attacking back. As it stands, right now on MY rivals list, I have a ton of people that have opened themselves up for attack to get their points because they chose to attack someone in my guild that's 3000 or more levels below me so I hit them even though they didn't touch me at all to begin with. If I chose to, I could absolutely crush them repeatedly and there is nothing they can do about it. I don't because that's not my game. From what I've heard from low levels, though, other high levels feel differently. So the lower levels are left with the options of either a) opening themselves up to the higher levels or b) watching those higher levels collect points that they have no chance of getting. I'm assuming since you decided to award 3 points for attacks that lose, your intent was to give lower leveled players the chance to be competitive in this.

    I like the idea of a max bounty amount to help balance it out. Low levels should still have that protection but after a certain point, you shouldn't need it anymore. A world leaderboard could still be put in place by simple winning % with a minimum number of wars won against enemy guilds every season. So the seasonal war points determine which guild won the war while the winning % determines who is the fiercest guild in the land. That would have given the guilds with the lower leveled players an opportunity to be competitive with the higher leveled guilds on the leaderboard without actually opening themselves up to them.
  6. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Responses are above.
  7. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Responses are above.
  8. Kacey

    Kacey New Member

    I think this is a great idea! As I'd like to get my war points as well on higher ups just like they can me....and I don't mind taking the losses to get them, but don't find it fair to have to be in their rivals for 24hrs over the points! This is in response to kendalls post about giving lower levels 5 attacks on higher ups without being in their rivals....sorry couldn't figure out how to put your post into mine :)
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
  9. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    Honestly Kendall? I am having trouble discerning on the Guild Rival list who has attacked me and who hasn't?? I am pretty sure I have attacked 1 or 2 upper levels that didn't attack me first. There are plenty that I am merrily slapping but a couple that I have no problem leaving be....

    Regarding lower levels, this term becomes confusing.. but yes some limit needs to be put in place.. in almost every discussion I have been in on war feature this has been brought up. So, I think friends and foes in both games are concerned about this....

    I still think that we should leave the base price alone for 1 bounty per day and do something about the exp lost instead. Gives other players across the board more of a chance to win bounties and get gold coin.... and yes encourages bounties being laid. ##Perhaps limiting how many times a player can be listed for war pts could also be considered? For instance no more than 10 times, then the fall out of everyone's ability to bounty for war points?? (Number I picked was purely arbitrary... ).

    **Note i meant limiting how many times in 24 hour period a player can be listed for war points...
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
  10. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    It is something that we are looking to test out, but if you are already in a higher levels rivals you will have to fall out for this to take effect.
  11. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    What do you think about only getting War Points / Base Cost, still one per day from players with-in a level range so say, you can bounty players for points and at base half your level up to double your level?
  12. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    Okay now I re-read your post Kendall and yes your proposed solution would help out ALOT regarding putting the war pt availability on personal rival list. Would fix my problem entirely (well my problem with rival list :) )
  13. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    I think that is a good proposition. Interested in Matthew's feed back as well. But, I am not giving up on working on reducing amount of exp lost... but I know it may be a purely subjective thing... I like to bounty hunt. And the opportunity to lay 1 bounty a day on a player with high base cost gives more folks opportunity to lay a bounty.

    I like the idea that a lot more players are getting opportunity to collect because of the sheer volume of bounties that have been being laid. Sure, like everyone else want my guild to collect bounties that I lay but.. have seen a couple win some that I have laid that I know were doing the "holy crap I caught that bounty?" dance.... and glad for them!

    Just one thing though.. if a war enabled level 2000 goes after my bounty after they have attacked me 5 times then they go over allotment and open window for 24 hours, right? I still am firm believer that a beat down is a hazard of being hunter and ya gotta live with it.. but just think people need to know CLEARLY if this is the case.
  14. Dutchman

    Dutchman Member


    I think this option will give the low level players a chance to get the war points, without being bullied by the higher level player. I am all for this, and would like to see this implemented. This will give guilds with many low level players a chance tho play in these war games, and have fun, just like the higher level players have.

    Further I have a suggestion: I have many clan that are participating in these wars. I can not get any war points of them until I de-clan them. Can it be done that when your guild enters the war games, you can attack, slap and bounty clan members which is in another warring guild for the full 5 attack, 4 slaps and 1 bounty. You have to do this within a certain time frame from the first attack, say 2 hours. After the time is up, you can not attack, slap or bounty that clan member, and it will be as normal.
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Yes, if anyone exhausts the war points then they would be put in the rival list.
  16. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Hmm we have had some issues in the past allowing clan to attack each other, for example we made it so that on bounty lists you could attack clan which caused some major personal issues in game, I think if you want to attack them maybe you should de-clan them? Would make the potential for less mistake attacks and potential angry friends.
  17. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    Think that allowing clan to attack clan would cause a whole world of new problems. Yikes!
  18. Craig Day

    Craig Day Well-Known Member

    It was not a personal opinion it was a statement of fact. I will adjust to the game changes as I always do. But in my opinion all this feature has done is give the bullies more opportunity to smash lower levels. There have been just many "conicidences" regarding certain players. I will be leaving the game.

    If you lie down with dogs you get fleas. My continued participation would condone the continued travesty and although my purchases are very small, every little bit hurts. I am now going to talk to my friends in the game and see if I can get others to join me. I am no slouch in this game and I am in the top 10. BTW the notion that any bounty flown by an RVV member is unannounced is ridiculous. They get tossed if they dont comply
  19. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    @Craig Day - What is your statement of fact, that players in the game opted in and played the feature hitting bounties to how we stated in the rules from the original post? Throughout this post above there is discussion about the feature "Guild Wars" and we have been discussing what to try to help those that have been complaining with regards to lower level participation. We have been as clear as possible with this feature for everyone to see, with base bounty costs applying for the war point bounties.

    Based on immediate feedback we will be experimenting with letting players collect war points from targets without putting themselves in the other players rival list. We will also be looking to add ranges to who can bounty who for points, which goes against the original intent but seems that there is the desire to have lower levels in the war as well.

    The original intent of the feature was not meant for low levels, it was meant for an open battle, those looking for a deeper PvP experience with less restriction. It was in no way intended for the ordinary low level players, but for those low level players that don't mind going up against some tougher targets and taking some deaths while gaining wp's and bonus xp.

    From the original post:

    What issues were we looking to address with this feature?
    We wanted to address player complaints about PVP fighting being neglected. With additions of challenges and bosses, many players felt that we have been ignoring PVP fights (attacks, slaps, bounties). Increase PVP opponents for those looking for more.
    We wanted to address complaints from players that they were being over attacked / bullied by other players.
    Better align players in a Guild with their interests in the game (boss killing, PVP fighting, etc). There has always been a grey area with respect to Guilds, some use it for wars, others use it to meet new players, others use it to work together to get gamer points, others use it for additional help, and some use for all of the above. The grey area has caused issues which was the reason for us adding in Guild privacy in the past.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2012

    BLACKDETH Member

    Craig, that comment is incorrect. No one gets tossed, and few get admonished for failing to post listings. I post them from time to time, but not always particular in the "heat" of "battle" [read: rapid clicking and avoiding a trap].

    There was no advanced knowledge of the launching of guild wars. Having said that, some of us, and not in RVV, played guild wars in LCN as an experiment [and got our asses kicked]. It is, however, a different set of rules. There was in RVV a moment of surprise when Guild Wars did become active because, as you have said before, we do nothing without the great leadership of our esteemed one [tongue in cheek, brainwashed statement] and he was at work at the time. I wish you could have seen it: looked like something out of Kim Jong Il's funeral, much crying and hysteria...especially among the women and senior party members in RVV!

    Which reminds me, Larry, Jacki, and I were talking about the ongoing demonization of said Guild leader. I find it funny, since he is far less hands on than any other guild leader I have played with. I think in the context of this game you folks are grasping for straws on this and many other issues.

    We are winning largely because most of the other guilds are not as organized or as strong, and more importantly because many others are just plain...stupid. I've witnessed so many smaller vikings who have fought one player only to then take on a number of others and die repeatedly, again and again. This is somehow are fault? We are used to being under siege in this game from the laughable attack group to your vicious and hurtful barbs [ just kidding on that last one]

    The rules have been clear from the start folks. This page has been up for ages. I expected more from a lot of guilds in this. There are others that have, as I anticipated, shown their true colours, either refusing to enable or bowing out after a few hours. To be honest, the response from your guild, Craig, has been a disappointment so far! I expected a decent fight.

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