PC Community Appreciation "Month" Poll #2

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kendall, Dec 8, 2011.


What change would you like to see most in Pirate Clan?

Poll closed Dec 13, 2011.
  1. Inventory Drops from Battles

    7 vote(s)
  2. Inner Circle Increase from 12 to 18

    27 vote(s)
  3. Disable / Remove eilite captain positions, increase slots for better rewards

    2 vote(s)
  4. New World Boss

    8 vote(s)
  5. Other, please explain below

    0 vote(s)
  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    First Poll results increased gifts in PC from 50 to 100. Which will win out this week?
  2. would help if there was a poll

    lol replied to early
  3. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Ya, was having some issues getting this one to post, forgot to ask the question!
  4. diva of destruction

    diva of destruction Active Member

    I have a question....what does disable/remove elite captains mean, exactly? I would go for larger inner circle. :)
  5. it means to block certain elite positions you dont want filled

    some intentionally try keeping guard and slugger open(to maximize exp)

    others dont hoard so swashbuckler is pointless to those players
  6. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I went for the bigger Inner Circle, as this change would benefit me the most. I have no need to block Elite Positions, don't like the idea of battle drops and have no other real issue, safe for the Blacksmith, but this issue is prevalent in all apps and should be improved for all apps, not only one.
  7. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    A New World Boss is my choice. Our art team is the best and love to see the new stuff that they put out :)
  8. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    Oh, I forgot to put that in the poll that I will be doing the art for this world boss if it wins out. :)
  9. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Ever better Eric.

  10. what do you mean by this?
    do you mean the buy able items?
    if you mean this, i totaly refuse it !
    i think the drops should be the gift and a chance to get it 50% and 5% the chance to get adventure and bosses items

    what the use of the new slots?
    what the they will do?

    it will be a waste if we voted for this, becuase you are going to add it even if we didn't vote for it..
    even if after some months ;)
  11. not sure what "Batles" are...i know what "battles" are :D
  12. geff gur

    geff gur Member

    i'll vote for world boss.. assuming it isn't like the calypso, and requires 18 hits to get a single reward...
  13. i have a new suggestion for the challenges(mini-games)
    i know that the challenges have a low exp for the first locations..
    why don't make the hallenges same as the bosses.. the more we finish it
    the more exp we get when we finish it next time..
    for example:
    East Tortuga - Treasure Hunt 20XP
    and then the second time we finish it we get 25XP
    the third time we finish it we get 30XP
    and so on...
    and for the higher challenges we get +100Xp when we finish it..!

    i think it will be fair for high level..cuz it is not fair to get 20XP when we do it !!!!
  14. plz answer my questions so i can vote !
  15. no no

    it means battle drops

    new type of drops(similar to boss and adven drops)

    new weapons and/or mateys and/or ships
  16. hey Kendall

    what ya thought was gonna take it last poll looks like itll win this one :D

    looks like were gonna miss out on your creative art work on world boss :(
  17. oh, so it will be a new items?
    i vote for drops from battles
    but thhey should mak it this way:
    70% common items (weak items)
    20% uncommon items (a bit stronger)
    5% rare items (the strongest ship, matey, weapon)

    voting for world bosses would be just a waste..
    cuz even if we have waited 1-2 months they will have to add new world boss and that idea is not new..!
    if it was new, then i think much people are going to vote for it..
    but people are trying to search for new ideas to be added to the game !

  18. you sound like zynga with the common uncommon and rare
  19. ^
    i am ex-player on Zynga games ...
    but kano can changes the names....!
  20. unlike the first poll

    this one seems lopsided

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