outbreak/jobs/advens while in hospital

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Nov 13, 2011.


should you have to be healed in order to perform jobs/outbreaks/advens

Poll closed Dec 25, 2011.
  1. yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. no

    18 vote(s)

  1. 4 ??????
    5 Profit

  2. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    question for the people who are for having to be out of the hospital to do jobs and such...when do u actually expect to be able to do these things??? lol

    as far as i know EVERYONE is usually in the hospital once u hit a certain lvl due to the fight tab being less flooded wit nonactive members so u would bring a whole new aspect into the game that is for the most part unobtainable since a lot of people would no longer be able to do these things...lol

    so what would be ur next suggested feature afterwards bc then u'd have to have something put into place to allow people to stay healed, will u propose the use of bots??? LOL
  3. Ace

    Ace Member

    I don't know the other apps, but on ZS, the only higher levels that hide in the hospital are the energy freaks, and people who enjoy the hit-and-run tactic. There are few of my high-level enemies I can see hiding in hospital frequently, and guess what, if this gets implemented, they heal, burn energy and go into hiding again. Simple as pie :D
  4. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    no, they heal, get attacked...heal, get attacked...heal, get attacked...do u see where this is going???
  5. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    On ZS this would not be that big of a problem.
    After 40 attacks there is finito, so you'd usually have to weather about 200 attacks, while doing outbreaks. Sure, it would be annoying, especially if you're a player that get's killed rather easily. And I guess that loads of players would start to complain if this was implemented.
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    In those cases, ambushes work wonders buuuuuuuuuut then again, there would be more cons than pros if this is ever implemented, and the numbers speak by themselves.
  7. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    u cant ambush an entire fight tab, especially after the ambushes allowed per lvl slowly decreases so this doesnt work
  8. Ace

    Ace Member

    You make it sound like you heal and you have 7 people after you right away lol
  9. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    thats the way it works during prime time when everyone is on...lol, not to mention the fact that prime time is when i experience the most lag so it already sucks to try and play and now ur asking that i have to be healed on top of that??? it would prolly be time for me to go find something else to occupy my spare time...lol
  10. sure they decrease but ZS and PC retain ALOT more ambushes than VC and MW

    take a look for yourself

    taken from ZS help

    Ambush allocations start at 100, every 15 levels you advance that allocation drops by 1 to a minimum of 75.

    same also holds true for PC

    while viking and mob is 10.....

    some reason i would of thought ZS would have it drop to 10 considering the fight limit
  11. Yeah Boris... Your the LAST PERSON on a Forum board that should talk about someone leaving the game and retiring... Lemme think for a second... Hm. hm. hm. oh yeah .. I've played the game for a bit over a year and you've announced your QUITTING/RETIRING about 4 or 5 times...

    And guess what.. You are still here. Still playing.. So i dont even want to hear how you have some issue about someone else wanting to leave/retire/quit..

    The crying about the BTing yourself while listed was only because a few certain people did it and the crying started.. People get upset and decide that the change was unnecessary , unfair or what not..

    I remember when Barb was going to leave the game when they put a cap on the Outbreaks.. When someone believes in something is wronged they react..

    JUST LIKE YOU HAVE 4 or 5 times...

  12. So what

    So what Member

    LOL LOL LOL ....he hadent the sence to allocate his skill points..to AFFORD HIMSEFL the luxury of been able to do it ,,,but FILLED KANO POST BX WITH COMPLAINTS....LOOK ALL THE CASH I AM LOSING........

    he lost TRILLIONS trying to do it to me...no loss ...i still level can can continue to do so,,,,
    hes not even able to play with a degree of respect...and his alts ....well we all know about them

    YES I DID POST RETIRED ...for a variety of reasons...the BT removal was a step to far..YES it was ..for me ...

    I am aware it was re adjusted ...but belive me THIS IS A GAME ...and REAL LIFE takes over....
    personal reasons ..that dont have to be explianed to anyone ...but the people i admire and am in faction with.

    Ace is online now
    Supreme Grandmaster
    Ace's Avatar

    -Kano announces an update.
    -A few people rage about it.
    -One of them changes their name to "RETIRED [...]"
    -They come to the forums and complain about the update.
    -Meanwhile, the "RETIRED [...]" keeps playing, punching and listing with that very same name.
    -The update is reverted since more people were against it than for it.
    -"RETIRED [...]" keeps playing with that name, I'm guessing it'll be changed back pretty soon.

    R O F L M A O

    ACE ...you have not been hitlisted by me...maby you aspire to it..but bud..youd be up here weeping about been bullied..so i just dont go there...NICE TRY THOU ..

    AS FOR borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrris ....WELL THE PASSWORD SWAPPING AND ..GENERAL ABUSE HES INFLICTING on the smaller accounts (mid level ) i can see first hand ..(as i had to start again with squad) is unreal..
    hes all by himself out to drive people out of the game..
    am flooded with requests for help..as hes abusing the hitlisting with multipal times
    NOW THATS SOMETHING KANO NEEDS TO ADDRESS .... a high level (sic) using multipal hitlistings just cos they can....NOT ACCEPTABLE
    but hey..small man ..small vision..and obviously only gets his rocks off ...listing small accounts......CHEAP SHOT...
    NO one is in any doubt...your a whinger ...have always been....
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2011
  13. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    I voted yes but I don't think that is really the solution. But really something needs to be done. They can't release countries fast enough to keep us busy, the new shooters take forever, and everyone is dead. Not just the hospital dead. Yet they talk an awful lot in feed as they do the jobs. Getting quite nasty at times. You can only punch once an hour, you can only help 30 (thanks kano that helps some) the bosses are gigantic, the jobs take so much energy. The bounties are outrageous. Things are really quite out of control. perhaps a better solution would be for the health to regenerate a bit faster (xd)
  14. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I voted "no" only because I know that making this change would get a lot of "un-pleased" players onto the forum.
  15. my vote is this

    its always been where you didnt have to be healed to perform these

    making a drastic change like this will require at least 2 of noahs arks to contain all the complaints

    even if this did happen though..it wouldnt accomplish what your trying

    energy heavy accounts will still level quickly regardless(at least on ZS)
  16. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    I also voted no for the same reasons that AS and Eric gave.
  17. Bob Cooks

    Bob Cooks Member

    What the game needs is faster energy regeneration.

    Wait 1 hour for 31 more energy required for this outbreak
    Wait 15 days for complete energy refill

    Stamina, you can refill and use in only a minute or two. But for me, i have to wait a few hours to refill enought energy to do an outbreak once
  18. does anyone else have any opinion on this?

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