outbreak/jobs/advens while in hospital

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Nov 13, 2011.


should you have to be healed in order to perform jobs/outbreaks/advens

Poll closed Dec 25, 2011.
  1. yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. no

    18 vote(s)
  1. how many would like it where ,in order to perform outbreaks/jobs/advens,you have to be out of hospital?

    poll closes on christmas day(eastern standard time)

    plenty of time to think it over and plenty of time to allow more players to vote on this.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  2. clubber

    clubber Member

    In real life, sure, you CAN'T do that, but this is only a game and, from my opinion, I don't really care so much about this. Why is so important to you?
  3. muppetkiller

    muppetkiller Member

    i voted no, but either way doesnt make a differnce, i know some people have to do all these things while in hospital due to everytime they heal they get hammered or listed, but im sure someone will mention it later on
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I think AS started this, cause some ZS players can't take it that High-Energy accounts pass them by with great speed and they can't do a thing to stop them. And now they got the idea that doing outbreaks must be done while being healed, so they can chain-attack/chainlist people who are faster than them and have more energy. Basically the suggestion was made to stop energy-heavy players.

    I personally am against this, every person has their style of playing and forcing them to be healed to do outbreaks/adventures/jobs would be another rather drastic change. And as I said, I am convinced that this suggestion only came up to stop energy-players from being quicker than fighters/boss killers.
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Voted no.

    Not everyone plays the same way....the less aggressive players need an opportunity to play as well. I even like to take a break every now and then. Its add a lil variety which opens up strategic options which keeps the games interesting.
  6. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    Sometimes adds don't come quickly enough so you have to work in the hospital for a living. lmao
  7. I voted no because simply thats the way it's been.. It's a change that isnt neccessary just like the booby trap kill on the list refund wasnt neccessary.
  8. Das is 100% correct on why this poll was started

    saw a few posts on how some feel you should be healed

    im refraining from voting on this poll
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  9. i voted yes for 2 reasons,

    1: the 0 looked sad
    2: while i don't overall care either way since it wouldn't effect me negatively there are too many "wabbits" in the game who hit and hide, having to heal more often would allow more fights to go on but to be honest i just hitlist them if they hide from me. And if they use an attack boost over the 20% and win vs me i HAVE to hitlist them, it's an illness... just like PKs if someone is V close when i attack i can't help myself i have to do it.
  10. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    u cant HL somebody "hiding" from u who is dead so #2 doesnt hold that much weight...lol

  11. ah, but we are talking about being in hospital more than being dead. see op
  12. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    i understand that, but u said that u just HL those that "hit and hide" from u and i took that to mean that it was how u stop them from "hitting and hiding" and that is when they can do their jobs so it wouldnt matter if u listed them was what i was sayin...lol

    even though u said u didnt care i see that u voted yes so i guess that must be why u made reference to listing them, however, i read it differently
  13. Ace

    Ace Member

    I voted yes for the following reasons:

    #1: I'm never at the hospital so it doesn't bother me (Selfish reason!)
    #2: It'll reduce the possibilities of doing things while in the hospital, which would hurt the hit-and-run tactic to a degree.
    #3: People will complain if this is approved.
  14. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    in response to #3...No, people will quit if this is approved and then u wont have to worry about ever being in the hospital bc u wont have a game to play...how do u like that idea...LOL
  15. Ace

    Ace Member

    You really think people will quit just like that? You forgot how they think, take the Booby Trap topic as an example:

    -Kano announces an update.
    -A few people rage about it.
    -One of them changes their name to "RETIRED [...]"
    -They come to the forums and complain about the update.
    -Meanwhile, the "RETIRED [...]" keeps playing, punching and listing with that very same name.
    -The update is reverted since more people were against it than for it.
    -"RETIRED [...]" keeps playing with that name, I'm guessing it'll be changed back pretty soon.

    This would be the same thing, but then again, this update won't be released, I mean, look at all the negative feedback, Kano devs aren't stupid and won't implement something that has 2 votes in favor (of which at most 1 is a serious vote) and 11 against.
  16. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    that topic did not stick and it also prolly did not even once get used during the small time that it was "updated" bc there are only a select few people that can pull something like that off

    however, this idea is not even in the same zip code as dying on a rigged ignition and makes people have to heal in order to play the game which means that EVERYONE has to build their character to be a fighter to out of ER and this restricts the freedom everyone has in how they want to create their character bc there are some people that would never be able to do anything if this feature were implemented and there would be no reason for them to continue playin the game...lol
  17. Ace

    Ace Member

    My point was, if "non fighters" survived drastic changes such as being able to die easily on bosses if you have low health, or as the ZS energy refill being lowered to below its half, they'd pull through something like this, it's kinda easy to burn all the energy without dying anyway. Sure, a few of the energy freaks don't play anymore, but I'm guessing that's because Kano found out they were alts.
  18. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    why wouldnt u guess that the "energy freaks" dont play anymore bc their game has been ruined?

    however, ur response sounds as though it should have went on the boss thread that u were just commenting on, i think u got them mixed up...haha
  19. Ace

    Ace Member

    Because some of them they were proved to be alts and the others keep playing as far as I know, just not leveling as quickly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2011
  20. i seen some nice explanations so far

    does anyone have anymore??

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