All items hilighted as active in fights in inventory

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gods people, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    How about hilighting as active all items used in fights in the inventory section so when crafting you know which items you need and cant use any more. :rolleyes:
  2. clubber

    clubber Member

    Not a bad idea there if you ask me. I was going to point that out but I forgot about it. Thanks for sharing and hope Kano will think about it, not only on MOB but on all games.
  3. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    yes i thought so on all kano games. just a little extra help and save some time when looking to add to inventry.
  4. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    ur suggestion already exists in its own way
  5. Purk

    Purk New Member

    Highlight items for defense and some thought about blacksmith

    I just crossed to this

    a) With too many items in my inventory, would it be possible for Kano to highlight equipped items in profile page for defense? I know my items for attacking; it is shown in battle details, but not for defense items

    b) Also i prefer if Kano can divide Blacksmith recipes into weapon and warriors only to make it easy .Why is it impossible for me to stay on my current recipe after crafting? I have to scroll down from the very top after finish crafting.
  6. a)you can have a trusted clan member declan you and paste your items in fb chat
    also if you click on your vikings profile scroll down a little and you should see this
    CM Capture 52.jpg

    change it to show defense

    this AND my first suggestion is how i figure out what i can craft and what i cant

    the highlighting idea though is actually a good one

    b)nice suggestion
  7. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    in mobwars, u have to either go to ur profile page, change ur items to defense and count what u use or else u have to go to ur inventory and hover over the remove box so it will show u how many of that item u use on attack and defense (this is the easiest way though)
  8. vikings doesnt have that inventory page

    its still the original system
  9. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I had a friend attack me and check which item was my lowest def item and how many of them I used. From that it was only counting.

    And for the Blacksmith suggestion: I have suggested something like this already, in the ZS section.
  10. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    Show me then because i have not seen it.................................................................................
  11. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    it exists in the stockpile but u should already know what ur using b4 u even begin to craft since this is available EVERY time u fight so i dont see where ur going with this option...however if u need to know what ur fighting wit u can always visit ur stockpile
  12. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    I know that you can find out what you are using after a fight. But my point is if you added a items active tab within the filter you would instantly find out what you had and did not need to craft, find in job drops, challenge, buying, and also gamer crafting.. :)
  13. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    but if u know what u are using how do u not know what u dont need to craft anymore? if u know that ur lowest armor is the safari suit then u should also know not to craft anymore of them is what i am sayin
  14. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    A simple items active in the inventry filter would work nicely.......
  15. Bad attitude

    Bad attitude Member

    that is a good idea i cant tell what i can use in fights based on level would help more in higher levels fights
  16. gods people

    gods people Active Member

    There you go. this is obviously a problem for alot of people.. Just put in the filter an all items active tab to show all items active......
  17. kmob1

    kmob1 New Member

    Stockpile inventory...

    where it lists it, can we have your actual used items highlighted. so I know what items i can ignore.

    that would be good ta. :)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2011
  18. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    This is a good suggestion, it has come up a couple of times now and has been added to our issue list.
  19. kmob1

    kmob1 New Member

    thanx tell you what would be good. on startup, instead of the gifts which we already know about. a window which brings up items which would be most beneficial for the players level. basic level, it would just see what level you're at and recommend which workshop items etc you should craft. with a bit more code it could analyze bank balance/what special items you have/anything else, and recommend the best game options you can do with them.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2011
  20. kmob1

    kmob1 New Member

    oh, I know what would be nice. On the newsfeed, some sort of indication about what items can be gained from each "attack boss now!" assist message, and whether or not it would be useful to have them, depending on the players level/current weapons at the time.

    ie, say. if the drop (or completion drop) you get would be below anything you already own, but if the item the drop can be used to craft would be useful compared to what you already own. some indication of that.

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