Bounty/Hitlist Trap Bugfix Poll

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kendall, Nov 10, 2011.


What should happen to the paid bounty cash when a player hits a trap/rigged ignition?

Poll closed Nov 12, 2011.
  1. No refund to payee

    44 vote(s)
  2. Refund minus the hitlist fee

    35 vote(s)
  3. Refund minus 50%

    1 vote(s)
  4. Other, explain below

    5 vote(s)
  1. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    We fixed a bug for bounty/hitlist in VC/PC/LCN/ZS. If you are not up to date on the change please see the respective game posts:

    Please mark down you vote on what you feel should happen if a player hits a bounty trap/booby trap/rigged ignition while on the hitlist/bounty.

    If you have more to add please add your thoughts below and keep the "rage" to a minimum. For the time being we will be reverting the refund of cash to the payee so that the bug exists as it did before until we can collect enough info from the community.

    Come one come all to have your voice heard on this change.

    Its real simple.

    The person that lists another person 25 times isnt punished or anything or should we now consider that HARRASSMENT..

    And im sure somewhere in the TOS for Kano, HARRASSMENT IS BANNABLE.

    So when someone is listed 15 times and 12 of those times Booby Traps and kills themself... SO WHAT.......

    There isnt a Defense for a Hitlist. So to somehow account for any kind of payback besides the Hitlist back is you booby out and they lose their money.....

    There is Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    And again the same argument comes down to one simple fact.

    There are very FEW people that do this

    This looks more like a direct fix towards Pog because she does it alot and so what, she gets listed by a ton of people and like i've heard from a DEV before, you BUILD your CHARACTER to have Certain Areas of STRENGTH.. There are many others that can do it and have done it and whether they want to or not is simply BY CHOICE.

    I've done it myself and made someone lose 85 billion and they were freaking out.. Well guess what thats too bad, I guess that's what happens when you decided you wanted to Chain me.
  3. So what

    So what Member

    very simply LOST your cash listing cannot define a winner of your cash ....therfor YOU CANNOT LOSE ..your cash 2

    if they use a stragety to booby off the list

    think befor you spend your cash listing .....kano support cannot give you the cash back

    if kano is refunding the cash.....are you refunding the exp lost as well ?

    as there was NO KILL ??????
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  4. Sarah Hughes

    Sarah Hughes New Member

    Couldn't agree more....
    There has to be some defence against little people who think they are BIG ...
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    First of all...TY.

    I voted "other"....but would be ok with "no refund"

    My reason for voting "other".......I dont think a player should be able to die on a bounty trap while on bounty. Its an amazing feat to be able to ride the list for any real amount of time and it shows the hard work and dedication of the player that can do so. It also eliminates the problem/question of where the money should go.

    I have doubts that the poll will go in favor of my opinion simply because the "haters" out there want to screw the more powerful in anyway they can. so if thats the case ...I would be ok with the "no refund " option as the listers intended desired effect of death was accomplished.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  6. NO REFUNDS!!! The lister got what they wanted. The listee is dead. Better still, and easier I would imagine, would be to NOT allow anyone to die by bounty trap while on bounty themselves. This would also create more excitement and stimulate the economy since the listee could and probably would throw out even more bounties for revenge before dying. I KNOW I would, lol.
  7. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    refunding the bounty minus only the fee will just promote chain listing as players can list another for a fraction of the price.

    Hopefully those who vote for "the refund" will actually give us their reasons and not just vote....would love to hear how they justify their reasonings.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  8. Thats what i've heard myself... Hey if i could booby and kill myself when im listed I WOULD DO IT TOO..

    Exactly, Everyone would do it if they could. And you know you can do it if you set it up right, it can be done.

    You listed me, i died on a booby. Cash gone. Might want to think about continuing to list that person that is making you drop your money off in the toilet and flushing it down for you
  9. So what

    So what Member

    can u please remove all ahads alt accounts on the forum voting as well..ONE VOTE PER PERSON
  10. Jayme

    Jayme Member

    they lose the cash simple. i sometimes ride the hitlist and like to die off a rig to bug them so the cash is wasted. i dont want them to get any cash back because they will put me straight back on the hitlist
  11. I voted "No refund to payee"
    Now i'm here, i might as well ask how it can be we can have 1000 mobbies+1000 hired guns and then we're only allowed to have 50 rigs available, and 10 lousy ambushes?? :(
    50 rigs and 10 ambushes simply just ain't enough *SIGH*
    I've used all my rigs on my fav. enemies :3 But each and every time i get hitlisted by an alt-account, i have to remove one of my rigs in order to rig the alt-account...That really sucks big time!! :-/
    Hopefully you're still trying to get rid of 'em darned alt-accounts :()
  12. alka

    alka Banned

    No refund to payee.
    You pays yer price you takes yer changes..
  13. Ace

    Ace Member

    I voted [Other]. Will explain my idea editing this same post later, since I have to go now.

    SHO KOSUGI Member

    NO REFUND! put a warning beside that hitlist button like "NO REFUND! THINK BEFORE YOU THROW"

  15. Dumbass. stop making up stories. I am the IT, my company doesn't have a no FB policy.
    You need to get out of your dreamworld of lies
  16. If we are going to start stories and lies then how about this one.... Pog doesn't have a job
    She got sacked from her last one for constantly turning up to work still drunk or hung over.

    See. Obvious lies look stupid don't they
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There is a lot of really good posts on the very active thread on this subject in the ZS forum....GOOD JOB GUYS AND GALS!

    One player in that thread brought up a particularly interesting point......

    If players r refunded their money....whats to keep Players that r capable of dying on a trap while on bounty from chain listing each other at a fraction of the price to purposely inflate their bounty price? JJ and I could easily list each other up to astronomical amounts that nobody else could afford....essentially making it impossible for our rivals to ever list us that really what u want? hmmmmm....maybe this isnt such a bad "fix" after all....LOL.

    in addition.....if the whole idea of returning the listers money is based around the idea that nobody actually collected on the money...making it not a "true bounty"....then using that logic....why would the player who got listed still have their bounty price increase? seems a lil one sided to me.
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    this is an interesting post.....what exactly r u saying constitutes harassment? the simple fact that u have made enemies of someone who is stronger and or can play longer doesnt meet the criteria of the definition of harassment...especially in games that are all about fighting and killing ones enemies. Maybe u should just be more careful about who u choose as an enemy.
  19. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    bc that takes too much code writing, but now everyone's bounty will be skyrocketed since u informed them to do so...LoL
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ooops....did i let that slip ;)

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