Changes in weighting battle strength - next time let us know please?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Diva, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. Diva

    Diva Member

    For the past year, we have heard this over and over from the devs:

    The attack & defense skill points are the single most important criteria in weighting ones battle strength.

    When the new blacksmith items were released, this changed.

    Weapons are now significantly more important in the weighting of battle strength.

    How difficult is it to let people know about this before a change is made, or at least within a reasonable time frame after a change is made?

    Mind making announcements in the future?

    That is the point of this forum?
  2. Diva

    Diva Member

    You know what really bugs me? Some people were told in advance, not to throw anything out.

    This was never posted in the forum, was it?

    Show me a thread where it says, never throw any of those useless drops out. They will come in handy one day.

    That strikes me as a tad elitist.
  3. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    who has heard over and over that attack & defense are the single most important criteria??? they have NEVER been the most important, not sure where ur getting ur false info from but ur equip has ALWAYS been the most important criteria for ur battle strength
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Ummmmm....if u heard that....u heard it from players not the developers. Black smithing has brought to us much more powerful only seems to make sense that once a player amasses a large number of these items that u will begin to see their effect...and shouldnt we? what would be the point of blacksmithing, limited items or more powerful drops if they didnt have that effect?

    There are many things that r weighed when deciding the outcome of a battle...personal attack, personal defense, personal loadout, clan size, types of weapons and types of warriors. If u neglect one of these areas ...then shame on u!

    As far as I know the Devs never said to save all your extra items...nor did they say to get rid of them...thats just personal choice. Why would u get rid of them in the first place? The only stuff i ever got rid of was the the crap i no longer used that had upkeep tied to it. As far as i know....none of those items r used for black smithing

    The games are constantly evolving, there's no way of knowing all the time whats going to happen down the road. Just because there is not post that says not to do something doesnt mean u are to do it, do u really want a roadmap on how to play? its the individual choices we make that makes the game interesting....if Kano came out with a step by step "how to" manual ...we would all be the boring would that be!
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  5. Diva

    Diva Member

    it's on the DB.
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    whats on the "DB" and what is the "DB"? please post a link...ty
  7. Diva

    Diva Member

    #1: with link to Kano Forum that att/def will have new weighting. Posted over one year ago. No indication on the fact that this weighting would have such an enormous impact on ones battling strength.

    One day att/def was useless: and then the next day it was such extraordinary importance that we all discovered thousands of skill points in our accounts to allocate however we chose to.

    Why would the dev's hand out thousands of skill points? Just because.... or because they knew what a monumental change to the game this was?

    I'm going with: They knew what a monumental change this was.

    I made no comment on whether this was a good change or a bad change. I don't need a manual or a road map but thanks for asking. It's not the first time we've had to adjust to changes in the game and it won't be the last time either.

    You state:

    "As far as I know the Devs never said to save all your extra items...nor did they say to get rid of them...thats just personal choice. Why would u get rid of them in the first place?"

    That's a very fair and balanced statement.

    But then you blow it:

    "The only stuff i ever got rid of was the the crap i no longer used that had upkeep tied to it. As far as i know....none of those items r used for black smithing".

    I never said anything like that. All I said, was that some people were told to keep everything while others weren't.

    Are you really telling me that there is a distinction between "crap with upkeep" versus "free crap" and somehow everyone knew this?

    You state: "There are many things that r weighed when deciding the outcome of a battle...personal attack, personal defense, personal loadout, clan size, types of weapons and types of warriors. If u neglect one of these areas ...then shame on u!"


    I have all 2000 chieftans.
    I have a very high attack/defensive strength.
    I bought into the 100 fp avatars.
    I keep up with my loadout.
    My weapons & warriors were extraordinarily competitive before this change.

    I guess I missed the crap memo. Is that on the forum somewhere and could you post the link, please?
  8. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    There has been no change in the importance of either of the things that you talk about - skill point allocation and inventory strength. We have been saying all along that a balanced character in all areas is the most important however, you can allocate skill points how ever you want to ensure that your character is strong in the areas that you deem important. I stuck a post for VC ( that talks about all diffident types of skill allocation and what that does for your character. Yes attack and defense are important things to determine if you win or lose a battle but your inventory items contribute to that strength especially when talking about armed items. You can view your battle details and it will show you what areas you are strong or weak in so that you can improve your character's battle strength.

    Why would you get rid of your drop items since they have no upkeep so do not impact your character in any negative way?
  9. Diva

    Diva Member


    What I want to know is why you would tell someone about these changes way in advance and not tell everyone.

    If it's crap then it's crap.

    If it's not crap then show me the post.

    If that isn't in your link and if it is not posted in your own forum devoted to this game then you just entered into very shady territory.

    Just do me a favor:

    Don't expect me to buy into the difference between "free crap" versus "crap with upkeep".

    That is TOTAL crap.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  10. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO...welcome to the forums...I can already tell your gonna be a barrel of laughs.

    Im not a FB player so your links wont work for me ...but I do appreciate u sending them.

    I've no clue why u think I "blew" my statement....perhaps u misunderstood it, I was talking about me not u. They only items I ever removed from my inventory was stuff that had upkeep tied to it. Why on earth would i keep that stuff and have it deduct from my hourly income when im maxed out on warriors and weapons that are more powerful than anything that requires upkeep? SO yes...there is a distinct difference. I have nearly no upkeep....Im sure u can figure out the advantages to that. Do I care if others figured this out on their own as i did? Did I have any insider knowledge? NOPE seemed pretty obvious to me

    Why is it you think that some players had prior knowledge that they should keep all their items? If that is true.....then that would certainly fall into the BS category ....but at this point its just an unsubstantiated claim made by one player as far as I know, Do u actually have any proof of this...and why are we hearing about this now rather than then???

    When I said "shame on u" in regards to neglecting a particular category that helps determine the outcome of a battle.....I was speaking in general terms...not singling u out. If any player neglected something....its their own damn fault.

    U said "My weapons & warriors were extraordinarily competitive before this change."....are u implying they arent anymore? Sounds to me like your not a boss killer and your lacking in the good drops department.....bummer. Considering this change took affect a very long time ago.....Ide say youve had plenty of time to correct things.

    You said....They announced said change and then gave us all a bunch of skill points because they new it was going to be a monumental change, hmmmm....sounds like a fair shake to me, would u have been happier if they made the changes and not given us the skill points in order to compensate for what ever detrimental effect said changes may have had on us? Maybe u just made poor decisions with your allocation.

    I havent noticed any significant changes since the introduction of blacksmithing other than the obvious changes that are to be expected when u amass a large number of significantly more powerful items. Im pretty sure i would have noticed considering I have a huge number of blacksmith items and have played 2 very successful accounts before and one during said changes.

    In the sounds a whole lot like sour grapes...Im guessing u got rid of a lot of items? Well thats unfortunate ...but not really a good reason to make a bunch of unsubstantiated claims. With the game constantly seems pretty silly to me to have done that when there didnt seem to have been a good reason to do it other than to just do it.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  11. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    heres a link to a thread by Kendal dated july 2010. In it u will find that he announces the new more "heavily weighted attack and Def". You will also find that he recommends adding to those attributes if u had been previously neglecting them. In addition...u will also find the announcement about the extra skill points we all received as they went from 3 to 5 per level. the time they made the update....they may have very well known it was a drastic change....but they did indeed afford us the opportunity to to fix any adverse affects the change might have. The mere idea that some players may have allocated those points in dumb ass way certainly doesnt make for a conspiracy or cover-up

    This coupled with the obvious effect of what amassing large amount of more powerful weapons and warriors will have on ones game hopefully will clear things up for ya.

    Your claim that some had insider knowledge is "RIDICULOUS" and unsubstantiated, I can remember numerous threads and posts dating from eons ago that were all about diff ideas of what to do with all our excess items....and Kano said they would work on maybe had u kept yourself a bit more informed on the ideas being thrown around here in the forums u wouldnt had tossed out all your "CRAP" ;)

    Nobody may have told u to save all your crap....but they certainly didnt tell u to throw them out either.
  12. Diva

    Diva Member

    I excel at bosses and my stats bear that out.

    The allegations are true and I agree that it is total BS. As the changes are so recent, why would I bring these allegations up prior to this and why would you automatically assume it is a case of sour grapes?

    As for your comment that we should spend money to support kano, well I don't disagree with that at all. I have been playing for well over 800 days now and I have the receipts just as I have proof that my claims are quite real.

    How much money do you spend on the game every week? Is it in the neighborhood of $500 USD by any chance?

    How much stamina do you have? I don't share my stats but I can assure you that I have more stamina than most at my level.

    Less assumptions please.

    Ultimately it doesn't matter if I got rid of any drops. The FACT is that the devs gave this advice to one person and one person only. The FACT is that this informations isn't to be found anywhere on this forum.

    Can you provide me with the crap link by any chance?

    I like fact. The truth is always far more entertaining than fiction.

    In the end, the truth always comes out one way or another.

    I stand by my comments.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  13. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    I found a link to one of the posts that Kendall made that speaks to this topic of keeping your dropped items :

    The feature that he was talking about became the workshop/blacksmith. The entire topic can been seen at :

    There have been other places that this has been raised previously as well. At this point the blacksmith has been out for some time so players who have been playing for a while know that new recipes come out and that they use drop items as well as gifts and inventory.

    We try our best to get out information to the players and this forum is the place that all players should come to find out information about new features, releases, changes, additions, and enhancements.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  14. Diva

    Diva Member

    Well frankly that just proves my point Wonder Woman. That thread is under a completely different topic: The old muspell drops.

    How long did it take you to find it?

    If it were that important it should have been posted as a developer faq. You have posted plenty of those over the past year AND made note of it on the DB as well. So why wasn't this posted if it were so important? And it is important, we all know that - after the fact.

    I do not understand why it was buried so deeply, directed toward an entirely different subject, and not shared with the community.

    If you think this is any clarification or provides critical information to the general users then you should think twice when making substantive changes that affect users.

    My original post is valid. Thrilled that you consider this a solution to the Muspell drops from over a year ago but in the process you created an entirely new problem.

    This thread is buried so deeply you have to be joking when you tell me, that it was clearly explained.

    NEXT TIME some clarity. How hard is that?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member about "blowing it"

    1. u asked for links....and u got links that directly disputed your claims

    2. Your comment "i like facts", yet u repeatedly offer up unsubstantiated accusations and claims

    3. Cara has already told u that NO changes were made in the areas u speak of.

    4. In one breathe u say that one of the links provided is a "completely diff topic" but in the next breathe u say "it should have been posted as a developer faq", so which is it? But b4 u decide...please re-read #3

    5. Early on u said(second post i believe) " some people were told in advance" but then u state..."The FACT is that the devs gave this advice to one person and one person only." hmmmm...can u say change of story?

    6. You state.."Ultimately it doesn't matter if I got rid of any drops"....Not sure if anyone reading this thread is gonna believe this BS

    7. You go on to talk about the money u is that related to this topic? Obviously u have two completely diff threads mixed attempt to muddy the waters?

    8. "we all know that - after the fact." ummm....exactly who is "all" this point all i see is YOU. Ive discussed this at some length with a few extremely seasoned players and none of them have noticed the changes u say have been made.

    9. "This thread is buried so deeply you have to be joking when you tell me, that it was clearly explained." did u not already say this thread was "unrelated" ? if so....why does it matter how deep it was buried?

    10. Previously you made it pretty clear that there was no distinction between "crap" with upkeep and "crap" with no upkeep....The fact that that u did not recognize the obvious distinction makes me seriously doubt your knowledge of the game.

    11. U clearly stated that the Developers made a change to the battle system over a year ago but they didnt tell anyone how "monumental" the change was and that they heaped skill points on us because they clearly knew it was "monumental. Did u even follow the link I provided u? It clearly covers all of that in the same thread.

    That update to the battle system a year ago was desperately needed...prior to that update personal attack and defense did not carry enough weight essentially devaluing the most important resource in the game (skill points). Since that update other updates have been added that have affected the outcome of battles as well but just on a much smaller scale.....but over time these things do add up....things like how health figured in to battle and much more powerful drops , rewards, blacksmithing and limited items, all of which are documented quite well here in the forums.

    Must I go on? You've offered up absolutely nothing as far as proof , u have contradicted yourself , changed your story, attempted to cloud the issue and dismissed proof that is contrary to your statements. Not sure what your agenda is here....but you are obviously very confused.

    I do however agree with you on one thing, I do think Kano could do a better job at alerting the masses to major game changing updates (if said updates actually Ive posted previously that the majority of players do not participate or even read the forums and basically rely on word of mouth from those that do frequent the forums....I suggested that they post links to game updates in the "news" section of the games in an effort to keep the masses up to date.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  16. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    att and def are heavier now than b4 is what that post states which is how it should have been in the first place

    i have no clue where she is getting her "facts" from but they are so far from the truth its

    Diva, the reason u prolly think u are weaker now is the simple fact that u did not load up on rewards like u said u did bc if this were true then there is no way u would feel that u have lost a step unless of course u have not put a single point in att or def...if that is the case then its ur own fault anyway for not wanting to have ANY strength
  17. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    "unless your attack/def is higher than polish and thrands attack combined".....i dont know if its a lack of coffee or what...but im not understanding what your saying here
  18. means that if you have inferior inventory

    a high attack/defense wont help much.

    unless your attack/defense is higher than yours and thrands combined attack strength(i just went with that since both of you have heavy attack)
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    ahhhhh...ty 4 the reply

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