hollywood zombies

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Genevieve Fay, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Genevieve Fay

    Genevieve Fay Member

    why is the forum for hollywood zombies so dead? is there something wrong? I know people play it but I'm the only one that posted on it 2 months. I'm posting here about it because I get no responses there.
  2. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    What can we help you with?
  3. Tony Johnston

    Tony Johnston Member

    I agree, when I started it looked like the Devs were SUPER active over there which is great, they updated the game and posted every few days since the game started. But seems shortly there after the fb board dev disappeared, then the forum here is quiet and comments from devs few a far between. Some kind of response from comments would be great. I posted a few and got random response.

    One question was based on the "chance" roll being WAY too extreme in the negative. Moral of the story of that post was I am the #1 player in HZ, 500 power, 100+ luck, best equips in game, real money trinkets, and even if I got to area 1 I get a TON of no zombie found. That is insane and should be fixed. I mean if I want to go to an area WAY below my level I should have better chances of getting the good stuff in that area OR at least get some lame zombie EVERY time. (meaning never "NO" zombie) Just seems like logic. I also did a HUGE suggestion post over there and never commented on at all.

    I guess we would like the devs to be more active in the forum and db...how can you expect us to get excited if all we hear is crickets. AND trust me I want the game to continue I know I have put in more cash than anyone I am guessing (even though it is NOT my type of game which is kinda funny) but I do believe in supporting the creators of the games I play.

    Thank you
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Tony - we do have devs who monitor and post on the Forum and the FB DB's. If there are questions that you have not received answers for then please send in a message to support so that we can answer them.

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