Since the newer bosses have achievements for killing bosses at higher about going back and awarding retro. achievements and the corresponding rewards for the older bosses that have already been killed at those levels? Not only will it be a just reward for those who have seen their bosses through some of the more difficult levels but maybe it will also help as an incentive for some players to release to the public some of these older higher leveled bosses they gave up on. just a thought.
polish ur killin me, are u tryin to make me start opening up some of these bosses that i no longer need or that a lot of others no longer need to get them to lvl50...haha
i dont think they gave up on them, its just so hard to fit them in when ur tryin to do the better ones bc u'll miss time and u know how valuable time is in this game
i beg to differ, my brain told me to stop when i no longer needed the boss nor was it benefiting me to waste stam killing
Hmm I've gone and looked through some of the new boss achievements on vc (they don't even have above 10 yet for zs) and I noticed that they actually give out LESS skill points when you take them to 50 over taking them to 10. For example: Kill level 1 trickster fairy 4 sps, level 5 8 sps, level 10 16 sps for a total of 28 sps. Now kill level 1 draughr horde 1 sp, level 5 2 sps, level 10 3 sps, level 20 4 sps, level 35 5 sps, level 50 5 sps for a total of 20 sps. 28 sps at the easier level 10 vs 20 sps total to take to 50? Does that make any sense at all to anyone here because it sure doesn't to me. I think most will agree with me in saying that most of us want more boss achievements to get MORE skill points not less skill points over 50 levels of the boss.
Yeah, I'm rather disappointed with the skills awarded for the 3 new bosses, too. Not really an incentive to get them to Level 50.
Havent really looked to closely at all the numbers myself nor do I know if there is a diff between between the points awarded for the boss equivalents between all the games, most of the newer bosses in VC are lesser bosses so it makes sense that their rewards would be less than that of an existing boss of a higher world. Even if the numbers arent great.....any skill points are better than no skill points. There are plenty of boss killers out there that would be more than happy to kill your dusty ole bosses for the XP and help ya out with them If your worried about them expiring or getting in the way of better bosses....DONT PUT LIMITS ON THEM AND SEND EM MY WAY!
Well, killing Hel 10 times awards: 35 Skill Points Killing the Twin Dragon 50 times awards: 20 Skill Points, 19530 Bonus Xp, 5 FP. I'm pretty sure that it will take some time, till I am done with these Bosses. But then again, I love to hog my bosses to myself.
All bosses but the Rock Giant can have some use with the new Workshop stuff. I agree with the suggestion of taking them all up to level 50, what's the point on having half of them at level 50 and the other half at level 10?